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The consequences of bank card laundering

 The consequences of bank card laundering
Criminal crime is a comprehensive reflection of various social contradictions and negative social factors, and the scope and intensity of this reflection is closely related to the depth and breadth of a country's social reform. If the law expressly stipulates that it is a criminal act, it shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the law; If the law does not expressly stipulate that it is a criminal act, it shall not be convicted or sentenced. There are many types of modern crimes. In the criminal law, different criminal situations and types are classified accordingly. The types of criminal crimes are very complex.
2024-02-22 11:28:11 Helped 964 people

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The consequences of bank card laundering
Money laundering can last for more than five years and less than ten years fixed-term imprisonment According to the People's Republic of China criminal law 》Article 191, crime of money laundering Knowing that drug crime , organized crime of triad nature, terrorist activity crime, smuggling crime corruption The proceeds of bribery crime, crime of disrupting financial management order, and financial fraud crime and the proceeds generated therefrom.
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