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Can the collective land requisition government forcibly demolish

 Can the collective land requisition government forcibly demolish
Illegal demolition, violent demolition and other words have become hot search words, and such news is constantly appearing in the news. When encountering such situations, we must master rights protection skills to safeguard our own rights and interests. And choosing the right way to protect rights is also the key to solving the problem. When encountering forced demolition, first judge what kind of forced demolition you are facing, so as to take corresponding countermeasures. Legal forced demolition is to exercise rights within the legal time limit after receiving relevant documents, while illegal forced demolition requires comprehensive rights protection in combination with investigation and other procedures.
2024-02-28 00:36:09 Helped 2189 people

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Can the collective land requisition government forcibly demolish
The local government shall carry out demolition in accordance with laws and regulations. stay Collective land expropriation Involved in levying farmers collective land Local governments are also not allowed to implement Forced demolition , but should apply Court enforcement local House expropriation The department did carry out the compulsory demolition Demolition In case of man-made losses, it can be required state compensation
Article 83 of the Land Administration Law statute If the construction unit or individual is ordered to dismantle the new buildings and other facilities on the illegally occupied land within a time limit, the construction unit or individual must immediately stop construction and dismantle them by itself; If the construction continues, the organ that made the punishment decision has the right to stop it.
The construction unit or individual has ordered the demolition within a time limit administrative sanction If they refuse to accept the decision, they may bring a suit in a people's court within 15 days from the date of receiving the decision to order demolition within a time limit; If the violator neither brings a suit nor dismantles the building itself within the time limit, the organ that made the decision on punishment shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution according to law, and the cost shall be borne by the violator.
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