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Which departments do you want to pay

 Which departments do you want to pay
For every worker, it is a happy thing to get paid by virtue of their own labor achievements. When an employee goes to the company for an interview, one of the core concerns is the company's salary level and employee benefits. The current welfare treatment means that in order to retain and motivate employees, the welfare is non cash remuneration, while the allowance is fixed in cash. The timely payment of wages and the guarantee of welfare are the most effective ways to improve the enthusiasm of employees.
2024-03-05 09:29:22 Helped 1922 people

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Which departments do you want to pay
want wages You can find the labor administrative department. The labor administrative department shall order the payment of labor remuneration within a time limit; If it fails to pay within the time limit, it shall order the Employer to pay more than 50% but not more than 100% of the amount payable to the worker damages Legal basis
The People's Republic of China Labor Contract Law 》Article 85
In any of the following circumstances, the labor administrative department shall order the employer to pay labor remuneration within a time limit overtime pay Or economic compensation; Labor remuneration is lower than the local Minimum wage The balance shall be paid; If it fails to pay within the time limit, the Employer shall be ordered to pay additional compensation to the worker at a rate of not less than 50% but not more than 100% of the amount payable:
(1) Not according to Labor contract To pay labourers labor remuneration in full and on time as stipulated by the State;
(2) Paying labourers wages below the local minimum wage standard;
(3) Arrangement overtime Failing to pay overtime pay;
(4) Release or Termination of Labor Contract , not in accordance with this statute Paying economic compensation to workers.
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