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I would like to inquire about the maximum number of partners

 I would like to inquire about the maximum number of partners
The partnership is a kind of association, but it does not have the legal person status. Its civil subject is still the members of the association. Therefore, the joint venture parties shall bear unlimited or joint liability for the debts of the consortium. According to the regulations, if an enterprise or an enterprise or institution is jointly operated and does not meet the requirements of a legal person, the parties to the joint venture shall bear civil liability with the property they own or manage in accordance with the proportion of their capital contribution or the agreement. If they are jointly and severally liable in accordance with the provisions of law or the agreement, they shall be jointly and severally liable.
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I would like to inquire about the maximum number of partners
(1) More than two partner If the partner is a natural person, he shall have full civil capacity; Article 61 provides that, Limited Partnership It shall be established by more than two but less than fifty partners; Except as otherwise provided by law. A limited partnership shall have at least one general partner.
Legal basis
partnership act 》Article 14 Establishment Partnership , shall meet the following conditions:
(1) There are more than two partners. If the partner is a natural person, he shall have full civil capacity;
(2) Written partnership agreement
(3) Capital contribution subscribed or actually paid by partners;
(4) It has the name and production and business premises of the partnership;
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