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How long will the private lending judgment be executed

 How long will the private lending judgment be executed
Private lending is a kind of private financial activity with a long history and widespread in the world. Most of them represent contracts in the form of "IOUs", which is generally acceptable. However, because the IOU is too simple, it is difficult to handle disputes on this basis. Therefore, it is better for both lenders and borrowers to sign a formal loan contract to determine the rights and obligations of the parties in detail, so as to avoid future troubles. Of course, if there is no written receipt of loan or contract between the parties, but both parties acknowledge the loan, it can be confirmed that the loan relationship exists between both parties.
2024-02-21 17:48:08 2590 people helped

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How long will the private lending judgment be executed
After the judgment takes effect, judgment When the prescribed time limit for performance expires, the obligor may apply if it fails to perform the judgment Enforcement
1、 private lending In the case, the borrower Court judgment Or if the lender fails to perform its obligations within the time limit specified in the mediation statement, it may apply Court enforcement
2. After the court accepted the enforcement, the borrower still fails to repay the loan after being urged. The court can list the borrower as Dishonest executor name list.
3. In addition, the borrower fails to report property within the time limit specified in the law enforcement notice, or resists or obstructs enforcement; Or refuse to implement the settlement agreement, will also be included in the list of dishonest persons to be executed.
4. According to the provisions of relevant laws in China, there is no regulation on how long to enter into compulsory execution after the people's court makes a judgment on private lending cases. As long as the judgment is not executed and the obligee applies for compulsory execution, the court can take compulsory execution measures.
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