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Second hand Housing Purchase and Sale Procedures 2024

 Second hand Housing Purchase and Sale Procedures 2024
With the development of the economy, house purchase has been put on the agenda of most families. Many families may buy some school district houses or second-hand houses with convenient transportation for their children to go to school. In the transaction of second-hand houses, the common house purchase disputes are: transfer disputes, payment disputes, housing quality disputes and disputes over unfulfilled commitments. Because the second-hand housing trade fair is more complex and changeable, the majority of buyers should carefully investigate, make decisions and sign a purchase contract with complete terms during the purchase process, so that they can live and work happily.
2024-03-05 16:21:08 2195 people helped

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Procedures of second-hand house purchase and sale

1、 Look for houses and check houses.

2、 House and property right review before purchase and sale.

3、 File search. Both parties hold property ownership certificate The original should be checked by the Housing Authority to determine the ownership of the property and whether it has been mortgage I suggest you House purchase People should never underestimate this step. Finding out the property rights is a major event related to the ownership of the house.

4、 Determination of house property right and redelivery Deposit

5、 Sign a formal contract.

6、 Handling by the Buyer Mortgage loan If it is not a one-time payment, the buyer also needs to go to the bank to make a mortgage loan. Go to the bank Loan application Both the buyer and the seller should be present ID Original marriage certificate , account book, income certificate, bank statement business contract Etc.

7、 Transfer.

8、 House delivery.

The handover of houses generally involves the handover of property, water, electricity, cable TV, gas, etc. If there are furniture and appliances inside the house, it is also necessary to verify whether the seller is to be replaced or moved. The handover of water, electricity, etc. shall be handled by the management office, water affairs bureau, cable television station, power supply bureau and other departments respectively. Both parties shall prepare copies of property ownership cards, identity cards, etc.

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