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When will the natural gas subsidy be given in 2024

 When will the natural gas subsidy be given in 2024
Traditional family dispute cases generally refer to cases involving internal family members, such as divorce, support, upbringing, support, inheritance, division of family property, etc. Now they have covered invalid marriage, annulment of marriage, liability for damage after divorce, personal freedom, marital property agreement, denial of legitimate children, confirmation of biological father, cohabitation property analysis and visitation rights, guardianship rights With the prominence and deepening of social transformation, the new types of cases derived from family disputes are diversified, such as debt repayment of the decedent, legacy maintenance agreement, foreign-related marriage and old related marriage.
2024-02-28 12:50:32 2882 people helped

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When will the natural gas subsidy be paid

After the end of the heating season, the gas will be uniformly distributed according to the gas consumption. From November 15, 2018 to March 15, 2019, the gas cost will be subsidized according to the use of natural gas after the end of the heating period, and will be subsidized after March 15, 2019.

Legal basis:《 contract law 》Article 184 Contract for Water, Gas and Heat Supply

Contracts for the supply of water, gas and heat shall refer to the relevant provisions of power supply contracts.

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