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What are the exceptions to China's regulations that the sale does not break the lease

 What are the exceptions to China's regulations that the sale does not break the lease
When we go to another city to work, most people will choose to rent houses as a solution to their living problems. In addition, we can often see advertisements for house leasing, in which there is fraud information. If there is no house, we can also rent it to defraud rent. This must be noted. In addition, if the lease term exceeds six months, both parties must sign a written contract. After signing the house lease contract, both parties shall go to the real estate management department where the house is located for filing registration and obtain the House Lease Certificate.
2024-03-02 01:52:20 1423 people helped

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What are the exceptions to China's regulations that the sale does not break the lease

The sale does not break the lease The exceptions to are as follows:

1. The lessor and the lessee Lease contract The agreement in the Chinese version excludes the principle that the sale does not break the lease. The civil field respects the autonomy of the will and the agreement takes precedence.

two mortgage When the mortgage is established first, the transferee is not bound by the lease contract after the mortgage is realized, that is, the rule of "no breach of lease for sale" is not applicable to the first mortgage and then lease. Therefore, when signing the lease contract, be careful to check whether the leased property has been mortgage

3. The lease contract relationship established on the immovable property seized by the people's court is not applicable to the rule that the sale does not break the lease.

[Legal Basis]《 Civil Code 》Article 725 If the ownership of the lease item changes during the period of its possession by the lessee in accordance with the lease contract, the lease is not affected Effect of contract

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