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Can administrative detention apply for non detention

 Can administrative detention apply for non detention
The harmonious development of society is inseparable from the protection of law, and individuals or collectives who violate the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law need to accept corresponding criminal penalties according to law. According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, criminal punishment includes the principal punishment and supplementary punishment. The principal punishments are: public surveillance, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment and death penalty. Additional punishments include: fine, deprivation of political rights and confiscation of property; There is also the expulsion of foreigners who commit crimes. The punishment that the perpetrator should accept is determined by his own criminal circumstances.
2024-02-23 08:57:28 3848 people helped

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Can I visit administrative detention
Hello, about Administrative detention Can I visit the administrative detention.

Administrative detention refers to a kind of legal administrative organ (specifically the public security organ) that restricts personal freedom of those who violate administrative laws and regulations in a short period of time according to law administrative sanction Administrative detention is the most severe administrative punishment, which is usually applicable to serious violations of public security management but does not constitute a crime warning The fine is not enough for punishment. Therefore, the law has strict provisions on its establishment and implementation conditions and procedures. The power of adjudication of administrative detention belongs to the public security organs at or above the county level; The term is generally within 10 days, and not more than 15 days for the heavier ones; After the announcement of the administrative detention decision, apply for reconsideration and administration litigation During this period, the punished person and his relatives found insurance witness Or pay as required bond May apply to the administrative subject to suspend the execution of administrative detention.

Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security 》Article 10 (3) stipulates that administrative detention is a kind of Public security management punishment Category, which defines the nature of administrative detention, namely, a kind of public security management punishment. Article 16 of the law stipulates: "If there are two or more acts violating the administration of public security, they shall be decided separately and executed together. If administrative detention is executed together, the maximum duration shall not exceed 20 days."

Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on Detention Facilities 》Article 48 Detention centers shall guarantee the right of detainees to communicate and meet during detention. The detainee shall abide by the regulations on the management of correspondence and meetings in the detention center.

Article 52 of the Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on Detention Facilities shall be valid when meeting with detainees ID Pieces. Entrusted by the detainee lawyer When meeting the detainee, he/she shall also hold a lawyer's practice certificate, a certificate and a power of attorney issued by a law firm, or an official letter of legal aid. The police of the detention center shall check the relevant certificates and vouchers of the persons interviewed, fill in the registration form for meeting the detainees, and make arrangements in a timely manner.

Interviews with detainees shall be held at the time and area specified by the detention center, and the management regulations on meeting in the detention center shall be observed. The number of meetings with detainees generally does not exceed two, the number of people interviewed each time does not exceed three, and the meeting time does not exceed 30 minutes. If special circumstances require meeting on non meeting days or increase the number, number and time of meetings, approval shall be obtained from the leader of the detention center.

The lawyer entrusted by the detainee shall meet the detainee without limitation on the number of times and time, but shall do so during normal working hours.

For those who violate the regulations on meeting management, the detention center may give a warning or order them to stop the meeting.

After the meeting, the detention center shall conduct a physical examination of the detainee and return him to the detention room.

Upon the application of the detainee or his relatives and friends, the conditional detention center can arrange the detainee to have a remote video interview.

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