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How much should be compensated for Grade 9 disability

 How much should be compensated for Grade 9 disability
The right of the person is one of the most important rights of everyone, including the right to health, the right to freedom, etc. These rights are protected by law, and no one can infringe upon the personal rights of others. Infringement is an illegal act that causes losses to others, while personal infringement is a kind of infringement that causes certain harm to others. China has relevant legal provisions on personal infringement. For the perpetrator who causes personal infringement, the victim should be compensated according to the actual situation, and legal means should be used to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in a timely manner.
2024-02-28 17:07:17 3219 people helped

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How much can I pay for Grade 9 disability
Injury on-the-Job permanent disability The amount of Level 9 compensation is:

1、 One off disability benefit 8 months by social security The compensation base paid by the institution is 2551 yuan × 8 months 20408 yuan.

2、 Labor contract Termination upon expiration, or proposed by the employee himself Termination of labor contract The employer shall pay a one-time disability employment subsidy of 8 months × 2551 yuan 20408 yuan Injury on-the-Job Medical subsidy for 2 months × 2551 yuan 5102 yuan. One time disability subsidy 20408 yuan One time disability employment subsidy 20408 yuan One time occupational injury medical subsidy 5102 yuan 45918 yuan. Of which, 2551 was in 2004 Shanghai City average wages The actual calculation shall be based on the city average wage of that year.

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