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Is it escape to surrender after hit and run

 Is it escape to surrender after hit and run
Traffic accident refers to the situation in which the vehicle actor is responsible for the traffic accidents such as collision, rolling, scraping, overturning, falling, explosion, fire and other casualties, property losses, etc. during the driving process. The traffic management department of the public security organ shall determine the responsibility of the parties according to the role of their acts in the occurrence of road traffic accidents and the seriousness of their faults. However, if the social harmfulness caused by traffic accidents reaches a certain degree and meets the conviction conditions of the traffic accident crime in the Criminal Law, the relevant responsible person shall be investigated for criminal legal responsibility according to law.
2024-02-19 05:41:05 4448 people have been helped

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Is turning oneself in to a hit and run a run

1. Vehicle in traffic accident If a person escapes after the accident, the traffic management department of the public security organ may impose a fine of more than 200 yuan but less than 2021 yuan if the crime has not been constituted administrative sanction The traffic control department of the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driver's license.

2. Occurs to Major traffic accidents If the case constitutes a crime and does not escape, the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driver's license in addition to pursuing criminal responsibility according to law. According to《 criminal law 》Article 133 and relevant judicial interpretations stipulate that escaping after an accident is a legally aggravated circumstance, and the death of the injured due to untimely rescue can be sentenced to more than 7 years fixed-term imprisonment

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