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How to apply for overseas trademark registration

 How to apply for overseas trademark registration
A trademark is an important property of a company or enterprise, an important mark that distinguishes it from other goods, and one of the most important ways for users to identify it. However, the acquisition of a trademark must go through prescribed procedures, so that other companies cannot infringe the registered trademark of the company. Trademarks are protected by law, and the registrant has the exclusive right to use them. There are differences between "registered trademark" and "unregistered trademark" in China. A registered trademark is a trademark that is protected by law after it is registered with the relevant government departments, while an unregistered trademark is not protected by the trademark law.
2024-02-25 04:19:03 4390 people helped

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Overseas trademark registration
Hello, overseas Trademark registration The required materials for the project are: 1. Application documents to be submitted

(1) The application for international registration in Chinese filled in and stamped with the official seal;

(2) The application form for international registration in foreign language filled in and stamped with official seal or signature;

(3) A copy of the domestic Trademark Registration Certificate, or a copy of the Acceptance Notice;

(4) If the basic registration or application trademark If any subsequent business such as change, transfer or renewal has been conducted in China, a copy of the approval certificate shall be submitted;

(5) Two trademark drawings. In case of color trademark, two color trademark drawings shall be attached;

(6) Entrusted trademark agent If handled by the organization, it shall also be submitted Power of Attorney for Trademark Agency ;。

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