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Mediation of land ownership disputes

 Mediation of land ownership disputes
There are still many policies and regulations on land acquisition and demolition. In practice, the policies and regulations on land acquisition and demolition have played a very important role. Whether it is in solving land acquisition and demolition disputes or negotiating to determine compensation standards, they are an important reference. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the latest policies and regulations.
2024-02-29 17:03:03 4435 people have been helped

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Mediation of disputes over land ownership
land disputes Mediation is the administrative mediation of land disputes by land management departments. The four principles that must be followed in mediation are: (1) finding out the facts, distinguishing right from wrong, and clarifying responsibilities. (2) Laws, decrees and policies shall be taken as the criterion, and both parties to the dispute shall abide by them. (3) The mediation process should be principled and flexible. (4) Strive for the cooperation and support of relevant departments. The procedure for resolving land disputes is: first, the parties shall negotiate to resolve the dispute, and then apply to the people's government for handling if the negotiation fails. If the parties are not satisfied with the decision of the people's government, they can bring a lawsuit to the people's court. This is the regulation on mediation of land ownership disputes. I hope you can understand it.
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