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Apply to the Public Security Bureau for state compensation

 Apply to the Public Security Bureau for state compensation
State compensation, also known as state tort compensation, is an activity in which the state assumes compensation responsibility for the damage caused by the infringement of public rights. The main way of national compensation is to pay compensation. If the property can be returned or restored, the property shall be returned or restored. If a state organ or its staff member, when exercising their functions and powers, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations as stipulated in the State Compensation Law, and causes damage, the victim has the right to obtain state compensation in accordance with this Law.
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Apply to the public security for state compensation
Article 8 Application of compensation claimant state compensation The following materials shall be submitted:

(1) The application for compensation shall state the basic information of the victim, the claim for compensation, the factual basis and reasons, and the date of application, and shall be signed, sealed or fingerprinted by the claimant for compensation;

(2) Claimant's ID If the claimant for compensation is not the victim himself, the evidence of the relationship with the victim shall be provided; Compensation claimant entrusts others agent Claims for compensation shall be submitted Power of Attorney , and the identity certificates of the agent and principal; The agent is lawyer A copy of the lawyer's practice license and the letter of introduction of the law firm shall be submitted at the same time;

(3) Those involved in applying to the public security for state compensation criminal custody administrative sanction Administrative coercive measures Or legal documents or other materials such as notice, decision, release certificate of relevant handling;

(4) Certification Tortious conduct Legal documents or other materials that cause damage and its extent.

If the claimant for compensation is unable to submit the legal documents or materials listed in sub paragraphs (3) and (4) of the preceding paragraph, it may explain the situation, and the legal department of the public security organ receiving the application shall record the relevant situation.

If it is really difficult for the claimant to make a written request, he may file an oral application with the legal department of the public security organ. The legal department of the public security organ shall prepare the Record of Oral Application for State Compensation, which shall be signed, sealed or fingerprinted by the claimant after confirmation.

Article 9 If the legal department of the public security organ receives a written application for compensation, it shall register it. If the claimant submits a written application for compensation in person, the legal department of the public security organ shall issue a Certificate of Acceptance of State Compensation Application, indicate the date, and affix the seal of the public security organ or the special seal for state compensation.

If other departments of the public security organ receive a written application for compensation, they shall register it and transmit it to the legal department of the public security organ within 24 hours. If the claimant submits an application for compensation in person or orally, he shall inform the claimant on the spot to submit or submit it to the legal department of the public security organ.

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