The letter of responsibility for traffic accident identification can be produced for a long time

Week* Yunnan Dali liabilities for traffic accident
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Legal analysis:

Conclusion: Identification of traffic accidents Generally, the responsibility statement can be prepared within ten days.

Generally, the letter of responsibility for traffic accident identification can be prepared within ten days. Lead the way according to Regulations on Traffic Accident Handling Procedures , the traffic management department of the public security organ shall make the Confirmation of Road Traffic Accident If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, it shall be made within 5 days from the date when the inspection and appraisal results are determined Certificate of Traffic Accident

Legal basis:

Roads traffic accident Article 62 of Regulations on Handling Procedures

The traffic control department of the public security organ shall, within ten days from the date of the on-site investigation, prepare a road traffic accident identification certificate. Hit and run The case is under investigation Traffic accident The vehicle and the driver shall prepare the road traffic accident identification within ten days. If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a road traffic accident identification letter shall be prepared within five days from the date when the inspection report and appraisal opinions are determined.

The traffic management department of the local public security organ where conditions permit may try to publish the confirmation of road traffic accidents on the Internet, but shall keep confidential the state secrets, business secrets or personal privacy involved.

lawyer Tips:

Civil Code 》Article 188
Requesting the people's court to protect civil rights Limitation period Three years. If the law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.
The limitation period of action shall be counted from the date when the obligee knows or should know that his rights have been damaged and the obligor. If the law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail. However, if it has been more than 20 years since the date of damage to rights, the people's court shall not protect them. Under special circumstances, the people's court may decide to extend them on the application of the obligee. The statement of responsibility for traffic accident identification can be well prepared for a long time. If you have legal doubts, please consult online for free immediately. We will solve your legal doubts.

Relevant supplement 1:

make Letter of Responsibility Determination for Traffic Accidents It usually takes a long time

Conclusion: It generally takes no more than ten days to prepare the certificate of liability for traffic accidents.

It usually takes no more than ten days to prepare the certificate of liability for traffic accidents. According to the regulations, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a road traffic accident identification letter within ten days from the date of on-site investigation. If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a road traffic accident identification letter shall be prepared within five days from the date when the inspection report and appraisal opinions are determined.

Relevant supplement 2:

How soon can the letter of responsibility for traffic accident identification be prepared

Conclusion: The letter of responsibility for traffic accident identification can be prepared within ten days.

Generally, the letter of responsibility for traffic accident identification can be prepared within ten days. According to the provisions of the procedures for handling road traffic accidents, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a road traffic accident identification letter within ten days from the date of on-site investigation. If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a traffic accident identification letter shall be prepared within 5 days from the date when the inspection and appraisal results are determined.

2023-12-31 15:34:00 Reply
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