Does the wife's dowry belong to the joint property of husband and wife

Week* Guangdong Meizhou Family disputes
one Lawyers replied

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Region: Guangdong Meizhou

Legal analysis:

Conclusion: The dowry of the woman generally does not belong to Conjugal property

The dowry of the wife generally does not belong to the joint property of the husband and wife. Because dowry usually comes from Marriage registration Unless otherwise agreed, it shall not be recognized as the joint property of husband and wife. However, if the dowry is generated after marriage registration, it can be recognized as the joint property of husband and wife unless otherwise agreed.

Legal basis:

The People's Republic of China Civil Code 》Article 1062

The following property acquired by husband and wife during the period of their marriage is husband and wife's common property , jointly owned by the husband and wife:

(I) wages Bonus and labor remuneration;

(2) Income from production, operation and investment;

(III) intellectual property right Income;

(IV) inherit Or donated property, except as provided for in Item 3 of Article 1063 of this Law;

(5) Other properties that should be jointly owned.

Husband and wife have equal rights to dispose of their common property.

Article 1063

The following property is the personal property of the husband and wife:

(1) Party's prenuptial property

(2) One party suffers Personal injury Compensation or compensation obtained;

(III) will perhaps Gift contract Property that is determined to belong to one party only;

(4) Daily necessities for one party;

(5) Other properties that should belong to one party.

lawyer Tips:

Article 161 of the Civil Code

The civil subject can agent A person commits a civil juristic act.

A civil juristic act that should be performed by the person himself in accordance with the law, the agreement of the parties or the nature of the civil juristic act may not be represented. Does the dowry belong to the common property of the husband and wife. Similar problems can be solved by clicking the page consultation button to consult a large number of online lawyers. Your headache is exactly what we are good at. Professionals are ready to help you safeguard your rights correctly.

Relevant supplement 1:

Do financial products belong to the common property of husband and wife

Conclusion: The financial products purchased after marriage belong to the common property of husband and wife; The income from financial products purchased before marriage and after marriage belongs to the common property of the husband and wife.

The financial products purchased after marriage belong to the joint property of husband and wife; The income from financial products purchased before marriage and after marriage belongs to the common property of the husband and wife. According to the provisions of relevant laws in China, couples have equal rights to deal with common property.

Relevant supplement 2:

Does dowry belong to the common property of husband and wife

Conclusion: If the dowry is given before marriage, it is privately owned by the wife. If it is given after registration, it is jointly owned by the husband and wife.

If the dowry is given before marriage, it shall be privately owned by the wife; if it is given after registration, it shall be jointly owned by the husband and wife.

The following properties are joint property after marriage:

(1) Wages, bonuses and labor remuneration;

(2) Income from production, operation and investment;

(3) Income from intellectual property;

(4) Inherited or donated property, with the exception of the third item of Article 1063 of this Law;

(5) Other properties that should be jointly owned.

2023-12-31 15:31:00 Reply
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