How to appeal in administrative litigation court

Week* Jiangxi Ganzhou administrative proceedings
one Lawyers replied

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Region: Jiangxi Ganzhou

Legal analysis:

Conclusion: It can be submitted to the original people's court or the superior people's court declaration To proceed appeal

A written appeal may be submitted to the original people's court or a superior people's court for appeal. Grievance refers to a kind of appeal that a party proposes to the original trial people's court or a superior people's court for re handling a legally effective judgment, ruling or mediation if it believes that there is some error litigation Request.

Legal basis:

The People's Republic of China Administrative Procedure Law 》Article 80

The People's Court Private hearing Judgements will be announced publicly in all cases.

If a judgment is pronounced in court, it shall be sent within ten days judgment If a judgment is pronounced regularly, a written judgment shall be issued immediately after the judgment is pronounced.

When a judgment is pronounced, the parties must be informed of their right to appeal Time limit for appeal And the people's court of appeal.

lawyer Tips:

administrative review law 》Article 2

This Law shall apply to citizens, legal persons or other organizations who consider that a specific administrative act infringes upon their legitimate rights and interests and file an application for administrative reconsideration with an administrative organ, which accepts the application for administrative reconsideration and makes a decision on administrative reconsideration.

Article 9

If a citizen, legal person or other organization considers that a specific administrative act infringes upon his or her legitimate rights and interests, he or she may apply for administrative reconsideration within 60 days from the date when he or she becomes aware of the specific administrative act; However, the application period prescribed by law exceeds 60 days.

If the statutory application deadline is delayed due to force majeure or other justified reasons, the application deadline shall continue to count from the date when the obstacle is removed. How the plaintiff appeals in administrative litigation court ". Your headache is exactly what we are good at solving. If you can't find a suitable lawyer to help you with the above problems, please click the page consultation button, Nomogram Professional lawyers can help you solve problems.

Relevant supplement 1:

How to Exercise the Plaintiff's Litigation Right in Administrative Litigation

Conclusion: The plaintiff's right of action in administrative litigation can be realized by Jurisdiction The people's court of.

The plaintiff's right of action in administrative litigation can be exercised by filing an administrative lawsuit to the people's court with jurisdiction. According to the relevant provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law, citizens, legal persons or other organizations have the right to bring a lawsuit to the people's court in accordance with this Law if they believe that the administrative acts of administrative organs and their staff infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests.

Relevant supplement 2:

How to appeal in administrative litigation court

Conclusion: The appeal can be submitted to the original people's court or the superior people's court.

A written appeal may be submitted to the original people's court or a superior people's court for appeal. Grievance refers to a kind of litigation request that a party considers that there is definite error in a legally effective judgment, ruling or mediation and submits it to the original people's court or a superior people's court for reconsideration.

2023-12-31 15:27:00 Reply
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