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Heilongjiang Lawyer Qitaihe Lawyer Qitaihe damage compensation lawyer
  • According to the criminal law of our country, if the crime of defamation is established, the defendant may face criminal punishment. If the circumstances of the crime of defamation are bad, the criminal shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights. If the victim complains but has difficulty in providing evidence, the court may ask the public security organ for assistance. If defamation seriously threatens social order and national interests, even if the victim does not complain, the court can start the trial procedure on its own. #Damages 1298 readings
  • According to Article 246 of the Criminal Code, the crime of defamation refers to insulting or slandering others by violence or other means. If the circumstances are flagrant, the person shall be sentenced to a fixed-term penalty of not more than three years. If the victim does not sue and does not harm the social order and national interests, the case shall not be handled. It is difficult for victims of online slander to obtain evidence, so the court can ask the public security for assistance. There is no crime of defamation. If defamation is actually defamation and the circumstances are serious, it will constitute a crime of defamation. #Damages 904 readings
  • The crime of libel is a serious crime recognized in our criminal law. According to Article 25 of the Criminal Procedure Law, libel cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the court in the place where the crime is committed, and the court in the place where the defendant resides may also have jurisdiction if it is more appropriate. The charge of libel shall be submitted to the court of the place where the crime is committed or where the defendant resides. In particular cases involving minors or cases with significant impact, the superior court may designate jurisdiction. #Damages 1036 readings
  • In the Chinese legal system, the crime of indecency is an act crime, that is, it does not need to produce actual damage results to constitute the crime. According to Article 237 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, acts of forced indecency or insult to others constitute crimes, without specific damage consequences. Therefore, once such acts are committed, whether or not they cause damage, they constitute indecency. #Damages 963 readings
  • According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the minimum punishment for libel may include detention (from one month to six months) or public surveillance (from three months to two years). If the circumstances are minor and the victim does not sue or the court determines that no punishment is necessary, the sentence can be exempted. In short, the crime of libel can be as light as imprisonment, and can be exempted from punishment under special circumstances. #Damages 1368 readings
  • The crime of libel refers to fabricating facts to slander others, and the circumstances are serious. According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law, the conditions for establishment include spreading false information and serious circumstances. Serious circumstances include repeated libel, serious consequences and bad means. If the conditions are met, the victim can accuse or endanger the social order and national interests, which can be judged as the crime of libel. #Damages 1407 readings
  • According to the provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the guardian of a minor under 18 years of age who intentionally injures others and causes damage shall bear tort liability. Compensation includes reasonable expenses such as medical expenses and lost time expenses, as well as disability or death compensation. If a minor has personal property, he/she shall make compensation with his/her property first, and the guardian shall make up the deficiency. #Damages 878 readings
  • The crime of libel is a criminal offence. According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, it involves publicly insulting or fabricating facts to slander others, and if the circumstances are serious, it can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and other penalties. Such cases should be handled through criminal proceedings, and the court may request the public security organ to assist in solving the evidence problem. #Damages 1092 readings
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