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  •  Qichun County Administrative Lawyer Wang Hao
    Lawyer Wang Hao recommend
    Hubei Zhidu Law Firm Floor 2, Unit 2, Building 17, Phase III, Jingdi Xuefu, Caohe Town, Qichun County
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 451
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Wang Hao, a native of Qichun County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, and a member of the National Bar Association, was originally engaged in Hubei Yongming Law Firm. In 2020, he founded Hubei Zhidu Law Firm. He has been engaged in legal work for many years, has solid legal theoretical foundation, rich practical case handling experience, and is especially good at contract disputes, company law, creditor's rights and debts, and criminal defense, Marriage and family and other legal cases, and has achieved good trial results, always adhering to the work philosophy of "being entrusted and loyal to others".
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Lawyer Huang Gang Lawyer of Qichun County Administrative lawyer of Qichun County
  • According to the provisions of Article 37 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, if the circumstances of the crime of misappropriation of funds are very minor and there is no need to investigate criminal responsibility, it is possible to get lenient treatment from criminal punishment. However, as far as the specific case is concerned, the court will deal with it in a non criminal way according to various factors, such as severely condemning the defendant, requiring the defendant to submit a written guarantee of repentance and apology, compensating for the damage caused to the victim, etc., or referring the case to the relevant competent department for administrative punishment or administrative sanction according to laws and regulations based on objective reality. #Administrative 1384 readings
  • According to Article 107 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, if the penalized person disagrees with the administrative detention decision, he can apply for suspension of execution. If the public security organ believes that there is no social hidden danger, and there is appropriate guarantee or deposit, the implementation can be suspended. While obtaining a guarantor pending trial is a measure in the criminal field, which is used to prevent suspects from evading investigation and trial, and is not applicable to administrative detention. #Administrative 880 readings
  • According to Article 37 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, if a minor crime is committed without penalty, the court may exempt it from criminal trial, and its files are free of "stains". However, the court has the right to impose non criminal measures such as admonishment, order repentance, or hand over to the administrative department for administrative punishment. Even if the sentence is not passed, the party may still face other legal consequences. #Administrative 837 readings
  • According to Article 70 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, anyone suspected of setting up a gambling environment for profit or participating in excessive gambling will be subject to administrative detention. Administrative detention is an administrative punishment for those who violate the provisions of public security. It is different from criminal detention, which is used as a coercive measure in criminal trials. Serious gambling may face 10 to 15 days of administrative detention and a fine of 500 to 3000 yuan. Only non-profit small family and friends game is not illegal, and there is no need to worry about detention. #Administrative 1438 readings
  • According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, beating will face administrative detention for 5 to 15 days and a fine of 200 to 1000 yuan. If the circumstances are minor, the punishment will be lighter, and if the circumstances are serious, the punishment will be heavier. If the illegal act is not found by the police within 6 months, it will be exempted from punishment. The maximum detention period for fighting is 15 days, which is applicable to serious cases. The behavior not found within 6 months will not be punished. #Administrative 1393 readings
  • According to the provisions of Article 37 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, if the circumstances of the crime of misappropriation of funds are very minor and there is no need to investigate criminal responsibility, it is possible to get lenient treatment from criminal punishment. However, as far as the specific case is concerned, the court will deal with it in a non criminal way according to various factors, such as severely condemning the defendant, requiring the defendant to submit a written guarantee of repentance and apology, compensating for the damage caused to the victim, etc., or referring the case to the relevant competent department for administrative punishment or administrative sanction according to laws and regulations based on objective reality. #Administrative 946 readings
  • Criminal detention is a kind of compulsory measure imposed by public security organs and national security organs on suspected criminals according to law, rather than criminal punishment or administrative punishment. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishments, administrative punishments are applicable to violations of administrative laws and regulations, with the purpose of educating and warning. When an illegal act reaches the level specified in the Criminal Law, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. As a criminal compulsory measure stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law, criminal detention is used to ensure the smooth progress of case investigation and trial, which is not equal to the final punishment of criminal acts. #Administrative 1431 readings
  • According to Article 21 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, minors aged 16 to 18 who break the law for the first time shall not be subject to administrative detention. Therefore, a 17-year-old girl should be exempt from administrative detention if she violates public security regulations for the first time. If it is not a first offence or involves criminal law, the punishment shall be determined according to the specific circumstances and legal provisions. #Administrative 1438 readings
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