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 The lawyer of Qianyang County said

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  • The specific investigation methods are: 1. The public security organ can find out where the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet through the IP address of the operator, and then determine which computer or mobile terminal the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet, so as to detect. 2. Whoever, for the purpose of making profits, provides conditions for gambling, or participates in gambling with a relatively large sum of money, shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan.
    #Case handling process View: 2147465533
  • Fixed deposits can be withdrawn even if they are not due after death. 1. If the account of the deceased has not been cancelled, you can withdraw money from the bank with the ID card of the deceased and the ID card of the person taking the money on behalf. 2. If the account of the deceased person has been cancelled, when the deposit is due, withdrawal will be made on the due date, and no ID card is required.
    #Family disputes View: 2147465481
newest NEW marriage and family criminal defense traffic accident Damages



Whether it is necessary to entrust a lawyer to defend
#Latest Shaanxi Baoji



Hello! Are you on bail or in custody? Entrusting lawyers to intervene in criminal cases as soon as possible will definitely do more good than harm to the later progress of the case
#Latest Shaanxi Baoji



Detailed communication on specific conditions, call later
#Latest Shaanxi Baoji



Hello! According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, if a person counterattacks under the circumstances of self-defense and does not exceed the necessary limit, then he will not normally bear criminal responsibility. Self defense refers to the action taken to stop the illegal infringement in order to protect the national and public interests or the personal and property rights of oneself or others from the ongoing illegal infringement. If the defense behavior obviously exceeds the necessary limit and causes significant damage, it may constitute excessive defense and need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility. The second level of minor injury usually refers to the minor injury of limbs or face caused by the injury, or the need for hospitalization, but not to the extent of serious injury. If the beaten person causes minor injury of the other party to the second degree when fighting back, and is considered to be over defensive, he may face certain criminal liability, including but not limited to fine or short-term imprisonment. The specific responsibility and punishment will depend on the specific circumstances of the case, including the injuries of both parties, the cause of the incident, the specific process of the fight, etc. Therefore, in case of such a situation, the police should call the police immediately to investigate and deal with it, and provide detailed evidence and statements in legal proceedings. At the same time, it is suggested to seek the help of lawyers in order to better understand their rights and responsibilities and be properly represented and defended in legal proceedings.
#Latest Shaanxi Baoji



Hello, what property do you have
#Marriage and family Shaanxi Baoji



Hello, I'm glad to serve you. Please specify your situation
#Marriage and family Shaanxi Baoji



What's your specific situation? Is it convenient for communication
#Marriage and family Shaanxi Baoji



Hello, what's the specific situation
#Marriage and family Shaanxi Baoji



Whether it is necessary to entrust a lawyer to defend
#Criminal defence Shaanxi Baoji



Hello! Are you on bail or in custody? Entrusting lawyers to intervene in criminal cases as soon as possible will definitely do more good than harm to the later progress of the case
#Criminal defence Shaanxi Baoji



Hello! According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, if a person counterattacks under the circumstances of self-defense and does not exceed the necessary limit, then he will not normally bear criminal responsibility. Self defense refers to the action taken to stop the illegal infringement in order to protect the national and public interests or the personal and property rights of oneself or others from the ongoing illegal infringement. If the defense behavior obviously exceeds the necessary limit and causes significant damage, it may constitute excessive defense and need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility. The second level of minor injury usually refers to the minor injury of limbs or face caused by the injury, or the need for hospitalization, but not to the extent of serious injury. If the beaten person causes minor injury of the other party to the second degree when fighting back, and is considered to be over defensive, he may face certain criminal liability, including but not limited to fine or short-term imprisonment. The specific responsibility and punishment will depend on the specific circumstances of the case, including the injuries of both parties, the cause of the incident, the specific process of the fight, etc. Therefore, in case of such a situation, the police should call the police immediately to investigate and deal with it, and provide detailed evidence and statements in legal proceedings. At the same time, it is suggested to seek the help of lawyers in order to better understand their rights and responsibilities and be properly represented and defended in legal proceedings.
#Criminal defence Shaanxi Baoji



Hello, I just told you that you can entrust a defense lawyer. If you don't have money to entrust, you can apply for legal aid
#Criminal defence Shaanxi Baoji



Treat first, and explain when a traffic accident occurred on the same day when you were admitted to the hospital for private prosecution.
#Traffic accident Shaanxi Baoji



What's your specific situation? Is it convenient for communication
#Traffic accident Shaanxi Baoji



This is a job adjustment. It depends on whether your job adjustment is reasonable. If it is reasonable, it should be followed. If it is unreasonable, it can be rejected.
#Damages Shaanxi Baoji



Hello, you can reserve the evidence for mediation first. If negotiation fails, an alarm can be sent.
#Damages Shaanxi Baoji



What's your specific situation? Is it convenient for communication
#Damages Shaanxi Baoji
marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • There are two ways of divorce: registered divorce and litigation divorce. To register for divorce, you need to go to the residence to submit an application, and go through the divorce procedures together after a cooling off period. A petition shall be submitted to the court for divorce, and the court will make a judgment or ruling after hearing it. When the relationship between husband and wife is broken and the mediation is invalid, the court will judge divorce; Otherwise, the divorce may not be allowed or the lawsuit may be rejected.
    2024-06-30 15:57:00 Number of helpers: 1350
  • The testamentary witness shall meet the following conditions: a natural person with full civil capacity and a person with no or limited civil capacity cannot act as a witness; Be able to understand the content of the will and relevant legal terms; They shall not be testamentary heirs or legatees, nor shall they have close contact with creditors and debtors or relatives and friends.
    2024-06-30 15:51:00 Number of helpers: 1312
  • Divorce by agreement is a legal procedure whereby both parties voluntarily dissolve their marriage through the marriage registration authority. Both parties need to apply for divorce registration at the marriage registration authority in the place where their household registration is located. After verification and confirmation of voluntary divorce and handling of child rearing, property division and other matters, the divorce is approved and a divorce certificate is issued. If the divorce requirements are not met, the marriage registration authority will not accept the case and give reasons.
    2024-06-30 15:39:00 Number of helpers: 1974
  • A person who buys a house in Beijing can be considered as a first-time home buyer only after one year of divorce. In this process, his/her personal name must not have any property registration and no outstanding loan record to be eligible. For those who purchase houses within one year after divorce, they will generally implement the loan policy and other matters according to the relevant provisions and standards of the second house purchase.
    2024-06-30 15:36:00 Number of helpers: 1524
  • The local court shall decide whether to pay a fine according to the circumstances of the case during the execution of the suspension of sentence for theft. A fine is one of the criminal penalties. The court will comprehensively consider the circumstances of the crime and the financial situation of the suspect. If the fine is conducive to the reform of criminals or the prevention of reoffending, the court may impose a fine according to law. Therefore, in the process of probation for theft, fines may need to be paid at the same time.
    2024-07-01 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1142
  • Compulsory measures can be lifted in the following cases: the case is concluded and there is no need to continue custody; The period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial expires; The case is withdrawn or decided not to prosecute; The party complies with the regulations and has no new crime. If these conditions are met, the suspect or defendant is expected to recover his freedom and wait for the legal decision.
    2024-07-01 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1550
  • Detainees suspected of criminal offences may have their daily necessities and clothing mailed to the detention center by relatives or lawyers. Mailing articles shall be strictly checked to ensure that there are no contraband. Mailing procedures and regulations may vary from region to region. It is recommended to consult the local detention center or lawyer in advance to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and protect the legitimate rights and interests of detainees.
    2024-07-01 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1763
  • According to Article 386 of the Criminal Law, the punishment for the crime of accepting bribes is based on the circumstances of the crime and the amount of money. Those who accept bribes with a large amount of money (usually between 200000 and 3000000 yuan) will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than three years and less than 10 years, and will be fined or confiscated of property. Taking bribes of 1 million yuan is a huge amount, but the judge will consider the circumstances of voluntary surrender, meritorious service and so on, and finally determine the penalty.
    2024-07-01 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1518
  • 1. The dissolution of the company needs to inform the employees in writing in advance to terminate the labor contract. Didn't tell me to pay an extra month's salary as compensation. 2. After dissolution, economic compensation shall be paid according to the service life of the employee. One month compensation shall be paid for one year or more than six months, and half a month compensation shall be paid for less than half a year. 3. If an employee voluntarily proposes to resign, no compensation is required if he/she gives 30 days' written notice in advance. However, the employer still needs to pay economic compensation if the employee terminates the contract due to illegal behavior.
    2024-06-30 15:57:00 Number of helpers: 1854
  • If an employee causes damage to others in the process of performing labor services, the employer usually has to bear the corresponding liability for compensation. However, after assuming the tort liability, the employer has the right to claim compensation from the intentional or grossly negligent employee. In addition, if the employee is injured due to the act of a third party, he/she has the right to require the third party to bear the tort liability.
    2024-06-30 15:54:00 Number of helpers: 1306
  • We will inform your labor union immediately, but please forgive us for any problems that cannot be solved. The enterprise shall not dismiss employees at will and pay compensation for violations. If the employee's lack of employment qualification or fraud during the probation period leads to the invalidation of the labor contract, it is recommended to dismiss immediately without paying compensation or economic compensation.
    2024-06-30 15:33:00 Number of helpers: 1129
  • The laws and regulations did not specify how to terminate the labor contract after the suspension period. However, as long as the labor and management sides have normal communication and reach an agreement on this, it can be implemented smoothly. If any of the following circumstances occurs to the employee, the employer has the right to terminate the labor contract according to the actual situation: during the probation period, it is proved that the position demand cannot be met; Seriously violate the rules and regulations of the employer; Serious dereliction of duty and perverting the law for selfish ends have brought great economic losses to the employing unit.
    2024-06-30 15:27:00 Number of helpers: 1110
  • If the traffic accident causes three deaths and one serious injury, according to Article 133 of the Criminal Law, the defendant shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years. The specific term of imprisonment depends on the circumstances, such as escape, drunkenness and other bad acts will aggravate the punishment, voluntary surrender, active compensation and other light treatment. The court will comprehensively assess the social harm and determine the sentencing result.
    2024-07-01 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1411
  • The traffic accident crime in Xiangcheng District does not belong to intentional crime. The crime refers to the driver's negligence or overconfidence which leads to a traffic accident and damages the life, health or property of others. According to the law of our country, traffic accident crime is defined as negligent crime, not intentional. Therefore, in Xiangcheng District, traffic accident crime is also considered as a negligent crime.
    2024-07-01 18:39:00 Number of helpers: 1420
  • Whether a traffic accident can be suspended depends on the circumstances of the crime and the attitude of repentance. If no serious consequences are caused, the defendant is deeply remorseful and makes up for his fault, and the conditions for suspension of sentence are met, the court may consider suspension of sentence. The possibility of probation can be improved by not escaping after the crime and actively seeking forgiveness through compensation. The court will make a comprehensive assessment and make a discretionary judgment.
    2024-07-01 18:39:00 Number of helpers: 1062
  • The crime of causing traffic accidents constituted a criminal act of "having other particularly bad circumstances" because it hit several people in succession. According to the Criminal Law of China, those who violate traffic laws and regulations and cause serious injury, death or heavy property losses shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention of not more than three years. However, the serious consequences of multiple casualties may result in a sentence of fixed-term imprisonment ranging from three to seven years.
    2024-07-01 18:36:00 Number of helpers: 1671
  • Creditors who have applied for property preservation shall, if they have no priority to be repaid, share the preserved property with other creditors in proportion to their debts when the respondent has no other enforceable property. The creditor's application for property preservation shall meet the following requirements: the property involved in the dispute is the object of preservation, and the lawsuit request includes property payment; The future referee may be difficult to execute due to subjective and objective factors; The preservation shall be carried out after the civil case is filed and before the judgment; A written application is required; The court has the right to demand security.
    2024-06-30 16:15:00 Number of helpers: 1122
  • The assignment of creditor's rights, namely "assignment of creditor's rights", means that the creditor transfers part or all of its creditor's rights to the third party by signing an agreement with the third party. After the creditor and the assignee reach a consensus and sign an agreement, the creditor's rights will be transferred to the assignee. Although the debtor is not a direct participant, its approval does not affect the validity of the agreement. Whether to notify the debtor only affects the legal binding force and does not determine the effectiveness of the transfer.
    2024-06-30 16:15:00 Number of helpers: 1983
  • In order to deal with the arrears of construction enterprises, the following measures are recommended: 1. Reduce the risk of debt: improve the contract terms, ensure the legal effect, require the construction unit to provide guarantee, and comply with the contract and regulations to perform rights and obligations. 2. Timely use legal means to clear up the arrears: exercise the priority right of payment to recover, file a subrogation lawsuit to recover the funds, and enforce the due creditor's rights to recover the funds.
    2024-06-30 16:03:00 Number of helpers: 1195
  • As an independent legal person, the subsidiary shall bear civil liability alone, and the parent company shall not bear joint liability. However, if the parent company does not contribute or voluntarily provides joint liability guarantee for the debts of the subsidiary company, it shall bear corresponding liabilities according to law. The enterprise shall have the right to set up branches and shall submit an application to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and obtain a business license.
    2024-06-30 15:57:00 Number of helpers: 1597
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