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Beijing Lawyer Pinggu District Lawyer Lawyer for tax disputes in Pinggu District
  • If the amount of tax evasion reaches a certain proportion (10% - 30%), it will constitute an offence, corresponding to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or more than three years but less than seven years and a fine. If a unit commits a crime, it will be fined and the person in charge will be punished. Those who have paid overdue taxes and fines will not be investigated unless they have a criminal record. Tax officials who collude with others to commit crimes will be punished more severely. Those with recent criminal records or multiple administrative punishments are not exempted from liability. #Tax disputes 1052 readings
  • To operate the social security fees of Guangdong Local Taxation Bureau, first search and log in to "Guangdong Taxation" on WeChat, enter "WeChat Taxation" and select "Personal Business". Click the "Urban and Rural Residents Insurance" tab, and new users need to bind their identities. After logging into the business hall, find the "Urban and Rural Residents Insurance Clearing" section, check personal information, select the corresponding premium type, and complete the payment operation. #Tax disputes 989 readings
  • According to the law, if the act of evading tax payment uses fraudulent means to make false declaration, fails to file tax returns for a long time (involving a tax amount of 50000 yuan, accounting for more than 10% of the total amount), or has been subject to criminal or administrative punishment again (the amount is the same condition), and the withholding agent conceals more than 50000 yuan of tax, the case will be filed for investigation and criminal responsibility will be investigated. Even after receiving the notice of case filing, it may still face criminal liability. #Tax disputes 1051 readings
  • According to the law, if the act of evading tax payment involves false declaration, intentional failure to report (more than 50000 yuan, accounting for more than 10%), failure to make up and refuse to be punished after receiving the notice of recovery, recidivism after receiving criminal or administrative punishment within five years (more than 50000 yuan, accounting for more than 10%), or fraudulent overpayment and underpayment of tax by withholding agents (more than 50000 yuan), Will be filed for investigation and investigated for criminal responsibility. Even if the payment is made after the event, the liability cannot be exempted. #Tax disputes 1108 readings
  • Standards for prosecution of tax evasion crime: 1. Taxpayers who have evaded paying more than 50000 tax by means of fraud concealment, accounting for more than 10% of taxable income, and still refuse to make up after receiving the notice of recovery will be prosecuted; 2、 There are tax evasion penalties or two serious administrative penalties committed again within five years, regardless of the amount, they also face criminal problems; 3、 Agents who intentionally underpay more than 50000 yuan will also be punished. For criminal cases that have been filed, corrective measures such as paying taxes in arrears cannot exempt criminal responsibility. #Tax disputes 885 readings
  • For reports of violations of tax laws, complaints should first be made to the local tax authority reporting center, and attention should be paid to distinguishing the jurisdiction of the State Administration of Taxation and local tax bureaus. The report center is responsible for combating all kinds of violations, including tax evasion, tax arrears fraud, etc. The report can be submitted by letter, face to face, telephone and other forms, and the real name report can be rewarded. Anonymous reporting is also protected by law, but detailed information, such as the details of the reported person and evidence of violations, is required to facilitate the investigation. We will protect the privacy of whistle blowers. #Tax disputes 1023 readings
  • In order to maintain the tax order, it is recommended to report tax violations, such as tax evasion, tax fraud by false means, and illegal invoices, to the reporting center of the local tax administration. There are various ways of reporting. You can choose letters, oral, telephone or online. Real name reporting can enjoy rewards. Whether anonymous or not, we will protect the informant's information security. Please provide detailed informant information and evidence to assist the investigation. #Tax disputes 1153 readings
  • When encountering tax violations and laws, they should timely complain to the local tax authorities, and distinguish the jurisdiction of the national tax bureau and local tax bureaus. Complaints are limited to tax evasion, tax arrears, tax fraud and illegal acts. You can choose letters, interviews and other ways to make real name or anonymous complaints, and real name people have the opportunity to get bonus. Providing detailed information is helpful to the investigation. Whether real or anonymous, the privacy and security of the informant will be strictly protected. #Tax disputes 979 readings
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