Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Zhejiang Lawyer > Ningbo Lawyer > Ningbo Construction Contract Dispute Lawyer
  •  Ningbo construction contract dispute lawyer - Geng Xiaoyan
    Zhejiang Lvjiang Law Firm 10th Floor, Shangzuo East Building, Xintiandi Business Center, No. 71-8, Shixiang Road, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
    five branch

    Comments from 15 people

    Number of helpers: 826
    #Lawyer label: team player, foreign-related agency experience, handling major cases, foreign language skills, high education, consultant experience, rich professional experience, large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Geng Xiaoyan, graduated from Nanchang University Law School with a Master's degree in procedural law. Since practicing, he has participated in handling many civil and commercial cases, marriage and family affairs cases, especially in traffic accidents, insurance claims, personal injury, marriage and family affairs, contract disputes and other types of cases. He has handled 100 cases annually, and accumulated rich experience in handling cases. As a community lawyer, lawyer Geng provides legal advice, case mediation and other services for community residents, and his work has been unanimously recognized by community leaders and residents!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Ningbo Construction Contract Dispute Lawyer Wu Hao
    Zhejiang Haichang (Wencheng) Law Firm Floor 2, No. 222, Bowen Road, Dazheng Town, Wencheng County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 21
    #Lawyer label: team player, foreign-related agency experience, consultant experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Wu Hao, lawyer Wencheng, graduated from Hangzhou Business School, Zhejiang Technology and Business University, majoring in law. He has successively served as a full-time lawyer in Zhejiang Zhaojia Law Firm, Zhejiang Haichang Law Firm and Zhejiang Haichang (Wencheng) Law Firm. After practicing, he mainly engaged in legal services in civil and commercial affairs, corporate and enterprise fields. He was down-to-earth, responsible, meticulous and rigorous in handling cases. He was committed to the purpose of accepting people's trust and being loyal to people, and made every effort to properly handle every legal matter for the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Ningbo construction contract dispute lawyer Wang Ruihua
    Zhejiang Diesheng Law Firm Room 1003, Sanxin Ginza Building, No. 260, Taipingmen Straight Street
    five branch

    From 54 people

    Number of helpers: 814
    #Lawyer label: experience in foreign agency, handling major cases, experience in consulting units, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: He has been engaged in government legal advisory work for a long time, and now he is good at various civil and criminal litigation businesses, making every effort to realize the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Ningbo Construction Contract Dispute Lawyer Yu Bin
    Zhejiang Oukai Law Firm Floor 4, Block d, Taigu Group, No. 351, Jiangbin West Road, Yiwu, Jinhua, Zhejiang
    five branch

    Comments from 23 people

    Number of helpers: 716
    #Lawyer label: team player, foreign-related agency experience, handling major cases, foreign language skills, high education, consultant experience, rich professional experience, large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: [Specializing in] Creditor's rights and debts, contract disputes, labor disputes, traffic accidents, marriage and family affairs, intellectual property rights, criminal defense [Personal Profile] Full time lawyer of Zhejiang Oukai Law Firm, with profound legal theoretical literacy, rich work experience, 15 years of lawyer career, strong expression and communication skills Judgment ability and logical analysis ability. He has conducted in-depth research on legal affairs such as equity design, equity incentive, capital increase and share expansion. Especially good at creditor's rights and debts, contract disputes, intellectual property rights, criminal cases, marriage and family inheritance cases and corporate and enterprise legal advisory affairs, handled a large number of corporate non litigation affairs and corporate business risk prevention affairs, once acted as an agent for thousands of civil and commercial affairs, economic disputes, intellectual property rights, and criminal cases, with an accumulated litigation object of more than 100 million; I have accumulated a lot of experience in litigation and non litigation work, and achieved good economic and social effects.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Lawyer for construction contract disputes in Ningbo - Kong Ling, copying lawyer
    Beijing Yingke (Wenzhou) Law Firm 22/F, Tongren Hengjiu Building, 525 Shifu Road, Lucheng District, Wenzhou
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 1470
    #Lawyer label: team, foreign-related agency experience, consultant experience, rich professional experience, patent agency experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Kong Lingchao, a lawyer, is now a partner lawyer of Beijing Yingke (Wenzhou) Law Firm and the head of the accounts receivable department of Yingke (Wenzhou). He is good at civil and commercial economic cases, disputes over the purchase and sale of goods payment contracts, economic disputes over foreign contracts, international trade, private lending, intellectual property rights, land disputes, the company's perennial legal counsel, corporate taxes, corporate equity incentives and other cases. Invited by Wenzhou Steel Association, he gave lectures to Wenzhou steel enterprises on how to avoid risks, reduce disputes and recover steel payment. He has many years of practical experience in steel trading disputes and project construction fund disputes, has recovered difficult and complicated payment for goods and projects for many enterprises, and has drafted contract format versions for many steel enterprises and construction engineering companies in Wenzhou. His sincere service attitude is highly praised.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Ningbo Construction Contract Dispute Lawyer Li Xiaojuan
    Zhejiang Liulu Law Firm Room 906, Block C, Ocean International Center, Gongshu District
    five branch

    From 43 people

    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team player, foreign-related agency experience, handling major cases, consultant experience, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Li Xiaojuan, a professional marriage lawyer, director of the Marriage and Family Affairs Department, and senior marriage and family counselor. Good at: divorce, foreign-related divorce, divorce property division, private wealth management and inheritance. Lawyer Li Xiaojuan focuses on marriage and family affairs, and is good at divorce negotiation and litigation of difficult divorce issues. In the field of private wealth, comprehensive use of property agreements, wills, insurance, trusts and other tools to provide legal planning for the protection and inheritance of private wealth for high net worth customers.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Ningbo Construction Contract Dispute Lawyer - Lin Danqiu
    Zhejiang Changyi Law Firm 9/F, Pharmaceutical Building, No. 12, Hongqi Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang
    five branch

    Comments from 27 people

    Number of helpers: 143
    #Lawyer label: team player, foreign agent experience, foreign language skills, consultant experience, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lin Danqiu, a bachelor of law, a full-time lawyer of Zhejiang Changyi Law Firm, and a member of Huzhou Lawyers Association. During his practice, he has accumulated rich litigation experience and case handling skills. In 2014, he practiced law and was good at dealing with marriage and family affairs, criminal defense, financial loans, various contracts and other creditor's rights and debt disputes. Currently, he is the perennial legal adviser of many enterprises. He was awarded the "Best Debaters" in the first debate between women prosecutors and women lawyers in Huzhou in 2015, the "Top Ten Debaters" in the second debate between prosecutors and lawyers in 2017, and the "Excellent Debaters" in the 2018 debate between prosecutors and lawyers in Huzhou.
    Consulting lawyer
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Zhejiang Lawyer Ningbo Lawyer Ningbo Construction Contract Dispute Lawyer
  • Construction contract disputes can be resolved through a variety of ways: reconciliation depends on voluntary communication between both parties to seek a harmonious consensus; Mediation promotes compromise based on facts and logic through the assistance of a third party; Arbitration means that both parties agree to submit the dispute to a third party for arbitration; Litigation means that the aggrieved party requests the court to try according to law, protect rights and interests, and realize fair adjudication. #Construction project disputes 867 readings
  • We have the right to postpone the construction period for the following reasons: the owner fails to provide complete design drawings and necessary commencement conditions on schedule; The Owner's payment is delayed or insufficient, affecting the operation; The Employer's Representative failed to provide the specified instructions and approval documents as scheduled. Any of the above circumstances will prompt us to adjust the construction plan according to the contract. #Construction project disputes 1296 readings
  • When the project settlement exceeds the contract price, it will be analyzed according to the actual construction. First, settlement shall be made according to the pricing rules specified in the contract; Secondly, the design changes lead to changes in the quantities of works, with reference to the standards published by the local construction department; Finally, if the Nu Skin Agreement conflicts with the bid winning contract, the record of the bid winning contract shall prevail to ensure fair settlement. #Construction project disputes 930 readings
  • After the termination of the construction contract, even if the project has been completed, the Contractor has the right to require the Employer to conduct acceptance according to the construction drawings, acceptance specifications and standards. According to the law, the construction project can be completed only when the following conditions are met: the design of production facilities is completed, the trial operation of process equipment is qualified, the production demand is met, the facilities are constructed and operated on schedule, the production is ready, and the environmental protection, safety, and fire protection facilities are completed and put into use simultaneously with the main project. The construction and acceptance of industrial projects shall comply with relevant national and industrial regulations. #Construction project disputes 1467 readings
  • Even if the project affiliation contract is invalid, if the project has passed the completion acceptance, the owner shall pay as agreed. However, if the repair is still unqualified, the contractor cannot claim the discount settlement. Even if the contract is invalid, compensation can be negotiated as long as the project is qualified. If the project is unqualified, the owner can require the contractor to bear the repair cost; The Owner shall be responsible for any loss caused by quality problems. The delay of the construction period may be caused by the delay of material distribution, which may lead to delay or compensation. When the construction period is delayed due to material supply problems, the construction period is usually allowed to be extended. #Construction project disputes 1362 readings
  • The laws and regulations of the construction industry clearly stipulate that only enterprise entities with corporate capacity and corresponding construction industry qualifications have the right to sign large and complex construction documents. An individual has no such qualification. Signing a construction project contract agreement with others in the name of an individual is deemed invalid in law, because it is beyond the scope of business and qualification requirements of an individual. #Construction project disputes 1436 readings
  • Generally, the qualification level contract in accordance with the law is valid. However, if an individual or enterprise signs a contract for construction in the name of high qualification, but does not actually have the corresponding qualification, it will violate the law and be considered illegal. According to the laws and regulations, those without construction qualification who borrow others' high qualifications to sign contracts will be deemed invalid. #Construction project disputes 1117 readings
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