Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Jiangsu Lawyer > Nanjing Lawyer > Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Yu Wen
    Beijing Dacheng (Nanjing) Law Firm 7-11/F, Block A, Lianchuang Building, No. 18, Jihui Road, Gulou District, Nanjing
    five branch

    Comments from 40 people

    Number of helpers: 670
    #Lawyer label: having handled major cases, high education and rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Yu Wen, a bachelor of law from East China University of Political Science and Law, and a master of law from Nanjing University, holds insurance broker, transaction and merger engineer certificates. After graduation, she worked in a well-known domestic litigation law firm, and participated in handling a number of contract disputes, equity transfer disputes, and insurance contract disputes. She has a solid theoretical foundation and rich experience in handling cases, Focusing on civil and commercial litigation, we have in-depth research on marriage and family matters, insurance, commercial contract disputes, etc., adhere to the case handling concept of being entrusted and loyal to others, and strive to provide efficient legal services for the parties. Tel: 13770570538/18810622326
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Li Shixuan
    Jiangsu Rongding Law Firm 19/F, Zhengtai Center, 159 Taishan Road, Jianye District
    five branch

    Comments from 181 people

    Number of helpers: 386
    #Lawyer label: rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: years of practice experience, dedicated to solving actual disputes for the parties
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Zhang Aisong
    Jiangsu Deshan Law Firm Room 2101, Block A, 21/F, Friendship Plaza, 27 Hanzhong Road, Qinhuai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
    five branch

    Comments from 60 people

    Number of helpers: 35
    #Lawyer label: highly educated, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Zhang Aisong, a practicing lawyer of Jiangsu Deshan Law Firm, is good at civil and commercial cases such as economic contracts, insurance disputes, company operations, work-related injuries, marriage and family, and has served as legal counsel for many companies. His conscientious attitude and patient and responsible communication methods have been well received by clients. Lawyer Zhang Aisong is quick in thinking and proficient in legal expertise; Be familiar with the writing of various official documents and legal texts; Strong ability of expression, communication, judgment and logical analysis; Be good at communicating with people and have good team spirit. Lawyer Zhang Aisong is conscientious, rigorous and meticulous in handling the case, striving for legal interests for the parties, and has won praise from the parties. For the client, any case may be a big case that will affect his life. Lawyer Zhang's service tenet is to be conscientious and not responsible. Due to the busy work, we participated in the court trial and went to the court, detention house and other case handling organs, so we can not reply to your questions at any time. Please understand. If the problem is urgent, it is recommended to call directly, and I hope to give you a satisfactory answer!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Zhao Jiaohu
    Jiangsu Fengdian (Gaochun) Law Firm Jiangsu Fengdian Law Firm, Floor 3, Building 2, Xuanwu Science Park, No. 78, Bancang Street, Xuanwu District, Nanjing Jiangsu Fengdian (Gaochun) Law Firm, No. 27-1, No. 175, Hubin Road, Gaochun District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province
    five branch

    Comments from 177 people

    Number of helpers: 2301
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Zhao Jiaohu, partner lawyer of Jiangsu Fengdian Law Firm, chief lawyer of Jiangsu Fengdian (Gaochun) Law Firm, has been engaged in criminal defense, tort, and labor injury litigation agency since 11 years of practice, and has been awarded as an excellent legal aid lawyer in Qinhuai District and an advanced individual in legal service in Gaochun District. Typical case: criminal aspect: the first pedestrian in Nanjing was suspected of causing a traffic accident. After the party was not prosecuted in the case of Wang's illegal occupation of agricultural land, he was acquitted. Ma's crime of selling fake drugs was changed to the crime of illegal business. The term of imprisonment was changed from 13 and a half years to 6 years. The term of imprisonment was changed from 13 years to 6 and a half years
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Zhang Ting
    Beijing Lantai (Nanjing) Law Firm 22/F, Ogilvy Building, 268 Lushan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu
    zero branch
    Number of helpers: 17
    More> #Lawyer profile: Nanjing Normal University Law and Shanghai Jiaotong University International Economics and Trade, both bachelor's degrees, good at labor disputes, contract disputes, traffic accidents, and criminal defense. Handle cases with heart, keep emotional stability, resolve disputes for the parties, and seek maximum benefits.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Liu Jian
    Jiangsu Shengzhilv Law Firm Floor 3, No. 300, Rehe South Road, Gulou District, Nanjing
    zero branch
    Number of helpers: 1
    #Lawyer label: team player, highly educated, experienced in consulting unit, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Liu Jian, currently the principal lawyer of Jiangsu Shengzhilv Law Firm, is good at contract affairs, labor disputes, traffic accidents and other cases, has very rich experience in legal services, can accurately grasp the needs of the parties, and the cases represented by him have achieved good legal effects, which have been well received by the parties. Lawyer Liu is scrupulous in his duties, diligent and responsible, patient, careful and dedicated in handling every case, and tries his best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of each party. Insist on being entrusted by others! Loyalty! The highest pursuit is to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of customers! It is my service tenet to serve each client with a professional and attentive attitude. Due to busy working hours, we often appear in court, go to and from the detention center and other case handling agencies, and may not always be able to follow the Internet to answer your questions. If the problem is urgent, we suggest you call 15850710120 directly, and hope to give you a satisfactory answer!!!!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Chen Peng
    Jiangsu Tiandi Renhe Law Firm Floor 3, Nanyou Building, No. 66, Xinmofan Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
    five branch

    From 326 people

    Number of helpers: 868
    #Lawyer label: there are teams, chief lawyers, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Chen Peng is a full-time lawyer and deputy director of the Civil and Commercial Legal Affairs Department of Jiangsu Tiandi Renhe Law Firm. His main practice areas are civil and commercial affairs and criminal cases. Since practicing as a lawyer, he has hosted a series of complex and difficult cases, and undertaken a large number of civil and commercial litigation cases such as contract disputes, creditor's rights and debts, marriage inheritance, traffic accidents, work-related injuries, construction projects, equity disputes, etc. Focusing on the research of civil and commercial law and criminal law, he has profound legal theoretical foundation and rich experience in litigation practice. Be able to analyze the core of the problem and propose the optimal solution and litigation strategy for the parties. Lawyer Chen handles cases seriously, rigorously and meticulously, and strives for legal interests for the parties, which is well received by the parties. For the client, a small case may be a big one in his life. It is his service tenet to serve each client with a professional and dedicated attitude. Busy work at ordinary times. If you need legal advice, you can call 18551837580 directly, hoping to solve your problems!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Chen Bingbing
    Beijing Yingke (Nanjing) Law Firm Floor 11, Building 5A, International R&D Headquarters Park, New Town Science Park, No. 68, Olympic Street, Nanjing
    five branch

    From 130 people

    Number of helpers: 2735
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, political position, consultant experience, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: Lawyer Chen Bingbing graduated from National Defense University and has 8 years of military experience. During his service in the army, he successively served as the administrator of the headquarters, secretary of the Political Department and military lawyer. Won the third class merit once, three awards and one outstanding Communist Party member. After being demobilized in 2018, he went to Beijing Yingke (Nanjing) Law Firm as a full-time lawyer in charge. Lawyer Chen Bingbing has excellent learning ability, constantly pursues better self, and dares to innovate; Have an honest and credible character and a team spirit; Good at analysis and thinking, capable and decisive, and good communication and interpersonal coordination skills. Solid legal foundation, rich practical experience, familiar with civil and commercial law, company law, contract law, labor law and other businesses, strive for the maximum legitimate rights and interests of each party, and feel fairness and justice in every case.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Chen Jianping
    Jiangsu Zhongshan Mingjing Law Firm Jiangsu Zhongshan Mingjing Law Firm, Floor 14, Building 4A, International R&D Headquarters Park, No. 68, Olympic Street, Jianye District, Nanjing
    five branch

    Comments from 99 people

    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Chen Jianping, senior partner of Jiangsu Zhongshan Mingjing Law Firm. In 2006, he began to work as a lawyer, focusing on labor and industrial injury cases nationwide, and handling cases in teams. For clients in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui, lawyers can provide on-site services; For clients who cannot afford legal fees in the early stage of economic difficulties, they can advance funds to handle the case first, and then collect legal fees after the case is closed. In short, everything should be based on the principle of maximizing the interests of customers and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer Tao Congxi
    Jiangsu Wuwang Law Firm Room 528, Area B, Star Cube Plaza, No. 1, Liuchao Road, Nanjing
    five branch

    Comments from 12 people

    Number of helpers: 1828
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Tao Congxi, currently a practicing lawyer of Jiangsu Wuwang Law Firm, is good at labor cases, creditor's rights and debts
    Consulting lawyer
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Jiangsu Lawyer Nanjing Lawyer Nanjing Labor Dispute Lawyer
  • The termination of labor contract through negotiation of pregnant female employees shall take effect under specific conditions, and their labor rights shall be specially protected by law. If the employer fails to fully inform the rights and interests or has improper behaviors, the negotiation may be ruled invalid. Only when both parties negotiate voluntarily, equally and impartially, and women workers clearly understand the consequences, can the negotiation have legal effect. #Labor disputes 1156 readings
  • When applying for labor arbitration, it is necessary to submit the industrial and commercial registration information of the respondent to confirm the legal subject qualification. At the same time, provide labor contracts, payroll documents, attendance records and other documents to prove the occurrence of labor disputes, as well as work related mail, communication records and other supplementary evidence. #Labor disputes 1040 readings
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  • Before submitting the labor arbitration, the following materials should be prepared: complete the labor arbitration application, including claims and factual basis; Provide identity documents; Collect evidences proving labor relations such as labor contracts and payslips; Obtain registration information such as the business license of the complained party; And prepare overtime records, notice of termination and other additional evidence. #Labor disputes 817 readings
  • When handling labor arbitration cases, the long trial period may be caused by the following reasons: First, the case is complex, and more time needs to be invested to collect and verify evidence; Second, the arbitration institution's management omission or poor process led to the extension of the trial period; Third, natural disasters, wars and other force majeure events affect the normal hearing. #Labor disputes 1290 readings
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  • The time limit for labor dispute mediation is 15 working days. If both parties fail to reach an agreement within this period, they can apply for arbitration. The time limit for mediation may be shortened or extended, but the extension shall not exceed 15 working days. This provision is intended to efficiently resolve disputes and protect the rights and interests of workers and employers. #Labor disputes 832 readings
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