Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Jiangsu Lawyer > Nanjing Lawyer > Nanjing Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer
  •  Nanjing industrial injury compensation lawyer Chen Jianping
    Jiangsu Zhongshan Mingjing Law Firm Jiangsu Zhongshan Mingjing Law Firm, Floor 14, Building 4A, International R&D Headquarters Park, No. 68, Olympic Street, Jianye District, Nanjing
    five branch

    From 78 people

    Number of helpers: 9999+
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Chen Jianping, senior partner of Jiangsu Zhongshan Mingjing Law Firm. In 2006, he began to work as a lawyer, focusing on labor and industrial injury cases nationwide, and handling cases in teams. For clients in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui, lawyers can provide on-site services; For clients who cannot afford legal fees in the early stage of economic difficulties, they can advance funds to handle the case first, and then collect legal fees after the case is closed. In short, everything should be based on the principle of maximizing the interests of customers and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests!
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Nanjing Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer Chen Peng
    Jiangsu Tiandi Renhe Law Firm Floor 3, Nanyou Building, No. 66, Xinmofan Road, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
    five branch

    Comments from 131 people

    Number of helpers: 706
    #Lawyer label: there are teams, chief lawyers, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Chen Peng is a full-time lawyer and deputy director of the Civil and Commercial Legal Affairs Department of Jiangsu Tiandi Renhe Law Firm. His main practice areas are civil and commercial affairs and criminal cases. Since practicing as a lawyer, he has hosted a series of complex and difficult cases, and undertaken a large number of civil and commercial litigation cases such as contract disputes, creditor's rights and debts, marriage inheritance, traffic accidents, work-related injuries, construction projects, equity disputes, etc. Focusing on the research of civil and commercial law and criminal law, he has profound legal theoretical foundation and rich experience in litigation practice. Be able to analyze the core of the problem and propose the optimal solution and litigation strategy for the parties. Lawyer Chen handles cases seriously, rigorously and meticulously, and strives for legal interests for the parties, which is well received by the parties. For the client, a small case may be a big one in his life. It is his service tenet to serve each client with a professional and dedicated attitude. Busy work at ordinary times. If you need legal advice, you can call 18551837580 directly, hoping to solve your problems!
    Consulting lawyer
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Jiangsu Lawyer Nanjing Lawyer Nanjing Industrial Injury Compensation Lawyer
  • If an employee is injured in an industrial accident, he or she may seek compensation in accordance with the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance; In case of infringement by a third party, the victim has the right to double claim. The law allows the victim to choose compensation between the industrial injury insurance foundation and the traffic accident party, but prohibits repeated cumulative compensation to maintain justice. The two forms of compensation complement each other, and the victim has the right to choose the application. #Industrial injury compensation 874 readings
  • If an employee of a private investor or enterprise owner is injured by accident during construction, the employer can apply for industrial injury appraisal according to law. If the employer fails to perform its obligations within the time limit, the immediate family members of the victims can directly apply to the labor and social security department. Industrial injury, namely work injury or occupational injury, refers to sudden physical injury caused by external factors during work. #Industrial injury compensation 1435 readings
  • The injured employee, relatives and trade union can apply to the local labor protection administrative department for industrial injury identification within one year after the identification of the accident or occupational disease. If the unit fails to report within the time limit, the unit will be responsible for the relevant expenses during the work-related injury period. The application shall be submitted within one year from the date when the accident or occupational disease is confirmed. #Industrial injury compensation 832 readings
  • The responsibility for the cost of industrial injury appraisal is clear: the appraisal cost due to work reasons shall be borne by the employer (employer); If it is not caused by working factors, the organization or institution to which the appraised person belongs shall be responsible, and advance payment shall be made if the appraisal is proposed by itself; The identification of serious disability shall be borne by the corresponding unit. If an individual has no associated unit, the expenses shall be borne by himself. #Industrial injury compensation 991 readings
  • According to the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance, injuries caused by workers driving electric vehicles on the way to and from work, if caused by their own wrong operation, do not belong to the category of industrial injury. However, if the accident is a traffic accident caused by the main responsibility of the worker himself, it may be deemed as an industrial injury. The industrial injury insurance is applicable to injuries caused by traffic accidents or other public transport accidents that are not my main responsibility. #Industrial injury compensation 1320 readings
  • Traffic accidents, personal injuries, accidental disappearances and other accidents suffered by employees during official travel, as well as premature death or death due to invalid rescue caused by diseases caused by these accidents, are regarded as work-related injuries, whether on the way to and from business trips or during work in other places. In this case, the company will deal with it according to the regulations on industrial injury. #Industrial injury compensation 988 readings
  • The identification of work-related injuries should meet three key conditions: first, workers are on their way to and from work normally; Second, encountering traffic accidents or public transport accidents; Third, the accident must not be caused by the main fault of employees. These three factors jointly determine whether it constitutes an industrial injury, and the specific judgment shall be based on the actual situation. #Industrial injury compensation 1106 readings
  • Employees who are injured on the way to escort their colleagues from work may be considered as work-related injuries, provided that the route is reasonable, the time is within the working days, and the accident is not the main responsibility of employees. If the trip is a necessary part of daily work, employees can apply for work-related injury identification for traffic accidents caused by work. #Industrial injury compensation 1193 readings
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