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Lawyer fees

Lawyer fees refer to the service fees collected by lawyers from legal clients. The charging standard is based on the type and region of the case, by piece, by the proportion of the target amount, and by time. The way and amount of attorney fees charged by lawyers are determined through consultation between lawyers and clients within a certain range. Lawyers cannot privately charge other fees from clients. Lawyer fees should follow the principles of openness, fairness, voluntariness, compensation, honesty and credibility. The legal chart fee standard column will share the latest legal fee standard in 2024 for you in detail. To understand the standard of attorney fees, please go to the legal chart.

Reminder: Pay attention to the inconsistency of attorney fees in different regions
Disclaimer: Data are from the Internet or government websites, for reference only! If it is wrong, you can give us feedback.

Classification of attorney fees

  • civil case

    Civil cases are generally determined through consultation with lawyers based on the case and subject matter, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the charging standards. Acting as an agent in civil litigation cases that do not involve property, ranging from 800 to 10000 yuan, the charging standard varies from province to province, and the specific charges are subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>
  • criminal case

    Introduction to charges for criminal cases

    Criminal cases are generally determined through consultation with lawyers based on the case and subject matter, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the charging standards. The charge for criminal cases is divided into the investigation stage and the review and prosecution stage. The charge standard varies from province to province. The specific charge is subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>

  • Economic case

    Brief Introduction to Economic Case Charges

    Economic cases are generally determined through consultation with lawyers based on the case and subject matter, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the charging standards. The details shall be subject to the actual situation. The charging proportion of different dispute subject amounts is different. If the subject amount exceeds 10000 yuan, the charging proportion of 10000 to 100000 yuan is 5% to 6% The charging standard varies from province to province. The specific charging is subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>

  • administrative case

    Introduction to charges for administrative cases

    Administrative cases are generally determined through consultation with lawyers based on the case and subject matter, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the charging standards. Generally, if the property relationship is not involved or the amount of the subject matter in dispute does not exceed 100000 yuan, the basic agency fee for each piece is 1000 to 8000 yuan; If the amount of the subject matter in dispute exceeds 100000 yuan, the charge ratio of 100000 yuan to 500000 yuan is 4% to 6%. The specific charge is subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>

  • Complaint cases

    Brief Introduction to Charges for Appeal Cases

    Complaint cases are generally determined through consultation with lawyers based on the case and subject matter, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the charging standards. The amount of complaints in all kinds of litigation cases varies from 5000 to 5000 yuan per case. Those involving property relations should also be charged according to the charging standards in civil cases involving property relations. The charging standards vary from province to province, and the specific charges are subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>

  • Other cases

    Introduction to charges for other cases

    Other cases are generally determined through consultation with lawyers based on the case and subject matter, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the charging standards. According to the local economic situation, the regulations of the Judicial Bureau on charges, the charging standards of the law firm, the complexity of the case, the risks faced by lawyers, and the professional level of lawyers, the charging standards vary from province to province. The specific charges are subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>

  • Non litigation business

    Introduction to non litigation business charges

    The standard of non litigation fees is generally determined based on the case and subject matter through consultation with lawyers, and the selection of different law firms and lawyers will affect the standard of fees. Statement, enlightenment and other general legal documents range from 300 to 10000 yuan per piece; Litigation legal documents such as complaint, appeal, defense and application for arbitration are 300 to 3000 yuan per piece; Wills, gifts and other civil legal documents involving property relations are 300 to 5000 yuan each; The lawyer's letter is 500 to 3000 yuan each; The standard of each province is different. The standard of other documents is subject to the actual situation Detailed description>>

According to the charging standards of lawyers in various regions, the charging items of lawyers are mainly divided into criminal case charges, civil case charges and administrative case charges. The specific items of fees include consulting fees, agency fees, document writing, lawyer witness, evidence investigation, information inquiry, travel expenses, etc. The specific charging standards of these fees are shown in the charging standards of lawyers in some regions.


 Lawyer of Jiangsu Hanjue Law Firm

Lawyer of Jiangsu Hanjue Law Firm Recent reply:

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2024-09-21 20:59:36


 Lawyer of Jiangsu Wangpai Law Firm

Lawyer of Jiangsu Wangpai Law Firm Recent reply:

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2024-09-21 20:59:36
  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Tianjin
  • Chongqing
  • Guangdong
  • Jiangsu
  • Zhejiang
  • Shandong
  • Henan
  • Hebei
  • Sichuan
  • Liaoning
  • Anhui
  • Hubei
  • Shaanxi
  • Hunan
  • Guizhou
  • Fujian
  • Heilongjiang
  • Yunnan
  • Shanxi
  • Jiangxi
  • Guangxi
  • Gansu
  • Inner Mongolia
  • Jilin
  • Xinjiang
  • Ningxia
  • Hainan
  • Qinghai
  • Tibet
  • Hong Kong
  • Macao
  • Taiwan
  • civil
  • criminal
Involving property relations
  • Involving property relations
  • No property relationship involved
Start calculation
Note: The factors that affect lawyers' fees include regions, lawyers' qualifications, types of cases, difficulty, etc. The standards for lawyers' fees are for reference only. Please consult relevant lawyers for specific fees.

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