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Macau lawyer Cotai lawyer Cotai Medical Accident Identification Lawyer
  • In medical disputes, litigation need not be restricted to the "identification of medical accidents". The parties can directly litigate. If there is no objection to the compensation, no identification is required. If there is a dispute, the law allows the medical association to be entrusted with identification to resolve the dispute. #Medical disputes 1030 readings
  • The identification of medical accidents can be carried out by a qualified medical association jointly appointed by the parties to the agreement, and if necessary, the health administrative department can be sought for intervention. After receiving the application and confirming the need for identification, the administrative department will assign the medical association to conduct professional identification to ensure fair and efficient handling of medical disputes. #Medical disputes 821 readings
  • In the treatment of medical malpractice, the parties concerned can jointly authorize the medical association to conduct identification, but if there is any objection, the principle of equality and justice shall be followed, and each party is allowed to apply for technical identification of medical malpractice separately to the local health administrative department where the medical institution is located to meet the identification needs. #Medical disputes 815 readings
  • Objection process of medical accident identification: the patient or family member shall first apply for the first identification at the municipal or county level local medical association. Those who are dissatisfied with the results of the first appraisal can apply for a second appraisal to the corresponding health administrative department within half a month. The provincial or municipal medical associations take over and conduct in-depth investigation and analysis for final evaluation. #Medical disputes 1173 readings
  • According to the laws of the People's Republic of China, the technical appraisal of medical accidents shall be completed within 45 working days after receiving relevant materials and an official report shall be issued. The Medical Association shall be responsible for organizing identification and actively carrying out investigation and evidence collection. #Medical disputes 1265 readings
  • After encountering personal injury, first report to the local police station and obtain the Power of Attorney for Forensic Judgment. Carry the power of attorney and medical data to the forensic judgment center, follow the "first diagnosis responsibility system", accept detailed consultation and take photos for evidence, and may need further hospital inspection. After the identification is completed, a standardized report shall be issued, reviewed and signed by the leader, then filed and notified to take the parts. If you have any objection to the results, you can apply for reevaluation with the consent of the person in charge of the public security organ at or above the county level. #Medical disputes 943 readings
  • There are various ways to bear the expenses of technical appraisal of medical accidents: when the parties jointly entrust, both parties shall negotiate to advance the expenses; When the health administrative department intervenes, the disputed party shall pay in advance; When a medical institution at or above the county level reports serious negligence and needs to be identified, the expenses shall be borne by the medical institution; If entrusted by the judicial department, it shall be paid by the litigant. After the appraisal is completed, the expenses will be determined according to the appraisal results and the procedures of the relevant departments. The Medical Association will charge according to the price regulations and provide receipts. #Medical disputes 1300 readings
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