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Shanxi Lawyer Linfen Lawyer Lawyer for medical disputes in Linfen
  • The difference between medical malpractice and medical fault is that the violation of laws and regulations and operating norms leads to patient damage. There are differences in the application of law, identification procedures and compensation amount between the two. When hearing medical disputes, the court should consider the balance between the Civil Code and the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents. #Medical disputes 970 readings
  • Injecting hyaluronic acid into an institution without legal medical qualification that leads to blindness is regarded as illegal medical practice. If the institution has no plastic surgery license and causes serious consequences (such as blindness), the perpetrator will be charged with the crime of illegal medical practice, that is, the legal definition of serious medical violations committed by those without medical qualifications. #Medical disputes 1067 readings
  • Medical institutions and medical staff have the legal obligation to protect patients' privacy and prohibit unauthorized disclosure of medical information. Violations may lead to serious infringement, interfere with the lives of victims and undermine social trust. In view of this, there is an urgent need to strengthen the relevant legal provisions. No matter whether actual losses have been caused, medical personnel will bear the responsibility for breach of contract once they violate it, so as to fully protect the personal rights and interests of patients in the diagnosis and treatment process. #Medical disputes 858 readings
  • There are three ways to protect the rights and interests of patients: First, the doctors and patients can negotiate a settlement, sign an agreement containing compensation content, and choose notarization or lawyer witness and submit it to the health department for filing; 2、 In case of damage, apply to the health administrative department for mediation within one year; 3、 If the patient is dissatisfied with the result of mediation, he or she has the right to appeal to the court directly, and the health department has no right to compulsory treatment. #Medical disputes 896 readings
  • In medical disputes, it is very important to preserve evidence at the first time. The complaint shall be submitted to the medical unit or the superior supervision department to record the incident in detail and seal the equipment. The hospital will protect the original data, and may negotiate solutions with patients after investigation. If there is no satisfactory result, you can apply for medical accident appraisal; If you have any objection to the expert conclusion, you can resort to judicial channels. The whole process focuses on evidence preservation and fair settlement. #Medical disputes 1106 readings
  • In hospital accidents, there are four levels of medical fault liability: full liability, that is, the injury is completely caused by medical fault; Major liability is dominated by medical fault, followed by other factors; Secondary responsibility, other factors dominate, and the fault is relatively minor; Minor liability, the vast majority of damage is caused by non fault factors, and the impact of medical fault is limited. #Medical disputes 1182 readings
  • The cost of autopsy is usually borne by medical institutions, and the appraisal results determine the payer of the transportation and storage costs. The hospital is fully responsible for the death caused by medical accidents; In case of no accident, the hospital only bears the autopsy fee, and other expenses are borne by the family/employer. It is suggested that the autopsy be carried out as soon as possible to reveal the truth, and the medical records can be advanced to the hospital and sealed. Seek compensation through medical or judicial expertise. If negotiation fails, legal proceedings may be instituted. #Medical disputes 1328 readings
  • In medical disputes, it is very important to preserve evidence at the first time. The complaint shall be submitted to the medical unit or the superior supervision department to record the incident in detail and seal the equipment. The hospital will protect the original data, and may negotiate solutions with patients after investigation. If there is no satisfactory result, you can apply for medical accident appraisal; If you have any objection to the expert conclusion, you can resort to judicial channels. The whole process focuses on evidence preservation and fair settlement. #Medical disputes 1121 readings
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