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Jilin Lawyer Lawyer Liao Yuan Liaoyuan Real Estate Dispute Lawyer
  • Users of housing provident fund loans have the right to prepay, but they must apply one year after the normal repayment. Prepayment may increase the cost of creditors, and the borrower shall be responsible for relevant additional expenses. Unless otherwise agreed, the interest of the prepayment part is usually calculated according to the actual loan term. #Property disputes 1429 readings
  • In the dispute over the ownership of the joint property value of husband and wife, the court supports the negotiation method of obtaining the ownership through bidding; Unilateral holding of property rights requires evaluation and pricing, and the non owner gets economic compensation; Both parties do not dispute the ownership, and the proceeds can be equally distributed through auction or sale; The child rearing party usually has the priority to obtain the house, except for bidding. #Property disputes 1196 readings
  • If the contract for the sale of small property houses meets the constitutive requirements of the contract and is not prohibited, it will have legal effect. This kind of house is based on rural collective land, and the owner has the right to use it and some official approval documents. However, due to the unpaid land transfer fees, the property right certificate is issued by the local government. The Civil Code stipulates that contracts must be voluntary and legal. The sale of houses with small property rights is a debt debt relationship. Although it is impossible to complete the transfer, the buyer is informed and buys at a low price mainly for living, not for property rights change. #Property disputes 998 readings
  • At the time of divorce, the divorce procedures shall be handled according to law, and the bank loan shall be paid off before the transfer of mortgaged housing. According to the Civil Code, only property that is not disputed, not demolished and not mortgaged can be transferred. The mortgaged property can only be transferred to one or both parties after paying off the loan. Either way, the premise is that all bank debts must be paid off. #Property disputes 860 readings
  • Factual act refers to an event that can cause civil legal consequences without declaration of intention, such as building or demolishing houses. This kind of behavior does not depend on the subjective will of the actor. The law focuses on the actual facts, rather than the psychological state. Once the relevant factual act occurs, it will have legal effect immediately, such as establishing or terminating the real right relationship. #Property disputes 1335 readings
  • Although parents hold property ownership, children usually have no right to dispose of it without legal procedures. However, with the improvement of legal procedures, children can enjoy the ownership of the house according to law, including holding, use, income and disposal. As the sole legal owner, his right to dispose of the house property is protected by law from illegal interference. #Property disputes 830 readings
  • Users facing housing loan difficulties have two options: first, to apply for deferred repayment, they need to submit a written application to the bank for approval, sign the deferred repayment agreement and confirm the guarantor that may be involved; The second is to sell the house, transfer or sell it with the permission of the bank, and the proceeds will be used to repay the loan. The new buyer can continue the mortgage contract. If judicial auction is selected, the bank will only deduct the principal, interest and overdue fine, and the remaining amount will be returned to the user. #Property disputes 1033 readings
  • In China's real estate dispute litigation, the legal limitation for the protection of civil rights and interests is three years, starting from the time when the obligee knows the information about the damaged rights and interests and the obligor. Under special circumstances, if the damage is not claimed for more than 20 years, the court may refuse protection; However, upon legal application, it may be extended at its discretion. If the law provides otherwise, its statute shall prevail. #Property disputes 1346 readings
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