Lawyer consultation > Find a lawyer > Liaoning Lawyer > Lawyer Liaoyang > Lawyer of Liaoyang Construction Project Dispute
  •  Liaoyang Construction Project Dispute Lawyer Dong Jingyu
    Liaoning Hongzhi Law Firm Nanjiao Street, Liaoyang City (east of Liaoyang Intermediate People's Court)
    five branch

    Comments from 67 people

    Number of helpers: 129
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience, and large enterprise service experience
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Lawyer Dong Jingyu, who has been in practice for more than ten years, has a deep legal thinking, can correctly study and judge the legal facts in the case with a precise legal perspective, accurately grasp the legal relations in the case, and is good at combing the case details from the micro to establish connections to find the breakthrough points of the case. Over the past ten years, he has created several opportunities for the parties to win the hopeless cases. The profound legal foundation comes from the deep belief in law and unremitting research - after graduating from the Law Department of Central South University, he still continues to study law. The source of flowing water infiltrates the wisdom of the legal person, and the brushwork is like a sword to dispel the world's troubles. Business fields: criminal defense, civil and commercial disputes, enterprise bankruptcy, company litigation, real estate, corporate legal counsel, etc.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Liaoyang Construction Project Dispute Lawyer Yang Chunli
    Liaoning Hongzhi Law Firm 48 Bayi Street, Baita District, Liaoyang, Liaoning
    five branch

    Comments from 18 people

    Number of helpers: 361
    #Lawyer label: team player, experienced in handling major cases, highly educated, experienced in consulting units, rich professional experience
    More> #Lawyer profile: He joined the work in 1996 and successively worked in the human resources management department of large and medium-sized enterprises. He has many years of practical experience in economic disputes, including labor contracts, and commercial activities. In 2021, he became a practicing lawyer, specializing in civil and commercial litigation.
    Consulting lawyer
  •  Liaoyang Construction Project Dispute Lawyer Liu Piao
    Liaoning Haizhina Law Firm Floor 4, No. 38, Qingnian Street, Baita District, Liaoyang, Liaoning
    five branch
    Number of helpers: 1310
    More> #Lawyer Profile: Use legal knowledge to maximize the legal rights of the client. Lawyer Liu Piao has achieved efficient litigation results due to his high-quality business level and high-speed action force, which has been highly praised both inside and outside the industry. Lawyer Liu Piao has handled a large number of criminal and civil cases since he worked for many years. Most of the parties he has contacted with have become close friends with him for many years, and have benefited a lot.
    Consulting lawyer
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Liaoning Lawyer Lawyer Liaoyang Lawyer of Liaoyang Construction Project Dispute
  • Construction contract disputes can be resolved through a variety of ways: reconciliation depends on voluntary communication between both parties to seek a harmonious consensus; Mediation promotes compromise based on facts and logic through the assistance of a third party; Arbitration means that both parties agree to submit the dispute to a third party for arbitration; Litigation means that the aggrieved party requests the court to try according to law, protect rights and interests, and realize a fair ruling. #Construction project disputes 867 readings
  • The repair of equipment and facilities is to repair the defects that are not up to the standard but can be repaired to the standard, so as to ensure that there is no negative impact on the use and appearance. Reinforcement is aimed at the defects of threat bearing capacity to ensure security. If the repair and reinforcement are invalid, rework is required; If rework is not possible and the repair is invalid, load reduction or use restriction strategies may be adopted. Generally, the situation that does not affect the basic function, can be remedied by the subsequent process, or is recognized by the statutory inspection agency is not handled. If all measures fail to meet the quality requirements, they will be discarded. #Construction project disputes 926 readings
  • We have the right to postpone the construction period for the following reasons: the owner fails to provide complete design drawings and necessary commencement conditions on schedule; The Owner's payment is delayed or insufficient, affecting the operation; The Employer's Representative failed to provide the specified instructions and approval documents as scheduled. Any of the above circumstances will prompt us to adjust the construction plan according to the contract. #Construction project disputes 1296 readings
  • When the project settlement exceeds the contract price, it will be analyzed according to the actual construction. First, settlement shall be made according to the pricing rules specified in the contract; Secondly, the design changes lead to changes in the quantities of works, with reference to the standards published by the local construction department; Finally, if the Nu Skin Agreement conflicts with the bid winning contract, the record of the bid winning contract shall prevail to ensure fair settlement. #Construction project disputes 930 readings
  • After receiving the notification of award, the bid winner shall sign a written contract with the bid affairs client within the legal period (30 days), and shall not violate the terms of the bidding documents and bidding documents. It is very important to sign the contract after winning the bid. Overdue time may lead to contract invalidation and disputes. The winning bidder shall perform the project according to the contract, and it is forbidden to transfer the winning project without authorization, otherwise it will constitute a breach of contract, which may affect the project quality and the original intention of bidding. The transfer of the winning project is regarded as a violation of the contract subject, with great risk. #Construction project disputes 967 readings
  • The warranty period of construction projects in China follows the legal standards: the reasonable period of foundation and main structure works is specified in the design documents; Five years for roof waterproofing, toilet equipment waterproofing and external wall leakage prevention; The maintenance cycle of heating and cooling system is two heating or cooling periods; The electrical circuit and other projects are guaranteed for two years. The duration of other projects shall be determined by the Employer and the Contractor through consultation. The warranty period starts from the date of completion acceptance. #Construction project disputes 1328 readings
  • After the termination of the construction contract, even if the project has been completed, the Contractor has the right to require the Employer to conduct acceptance according to the construction drawings, acceptance specifications and standards. According to the law, the construction project can be completed only when the following conditions are met: the design of production facilities is completed, the trial operation of process equipment is qualified, the production demand is met, the facilities are constructed and operated on schedule, the production is ready, and the environmental protection, safety, and fire protection facilities are completed and put into use simultaneously with the main project. The construction and acceptance of industrial projects shall comply with relevant national and industrial regulations. #Construction project disputes 1467 readings
  • The limitation of action for project funds is three years, otherwise agreed in the contract; The amortization shall be subject to the expected deadline of the last payment. Article 188 of the Civil Code stipulates the basic prescription of three years, unless otherwise stipulated by law. The limitation of action starts from the date when the right is damaged, and it is difficult to obtain court protection after more than 20 years. Special circumstances may apply to the court to extend the time limit at its discretion. Timely attention should be paid to the limitation of action to protect rights and interests. #Construction project disputes 1056 readings
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