Lawyer Xiong Xuelian

Lawyer Xiong Xuelian

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  • 111012021****7166 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Fachang Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Construction project disputes, criminal defense, marriage and family
  • Daxing District, Beijing

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Focus on construction engineering and criminal field

Lawyer Xiong Xuelian
Beijing Fachang Law Firm
Construction project disputes criminal defense marriage and family
 Lawyer Xiong Xuelian
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Xiong Xuelian's Case

  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: The big contract stipulates that the creditor's rights are not allowed to be transferred. The judge first thought that he could not support my claim, and discussed the meaning behind the law with the judge. Others in the trial committee held different opinions. The presiding judge accepted my view and won the lawsuit.
  • applicant
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: the applicant is a steel worker on the construction site, who was injured in the work, and part of the expenses were paid through the industrial injury insurance. The rest of the companies took a tough attitude and did not solve the problem, and finally obtained the deserved part through litigation.
  • Contract affairs defendant
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: using the limitation of action skillfully, successfully helped the company recover 500000 losses.
  • Construction project disputes plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: The defendant claimed that the contract was invalid due to the failure to obtain the planning permit for the construction project, and the contract was finally determined to be invalid. In the court hearing, the main statement of the other party was that the project involved was a historical project, and it was put into practice. The failure to obtain the planning permit was the defendant's own reason, and the lawsuit was ultimately won.
  • Construction project disputes defendant
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: after cross examination in court, the plaintiff has insufficient evidence and has to withdraw the lawsuit, otherwise the judgment will not support it, and the plaintiff will timely withdraw the lawsuit after considering
  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: successfully recovered millions of yuan from the execution. The three defendants did not receive any materials from the court. One of the defendants signed all the contracts on behalf of others. The court also denied the act of signing on behalf of others, described the details, and explained their interests to one of the defendants. Finally, the other defendants cooperated successfully to recover the three.
  • Contract affairs defendant
    The value of Xiong Xuelian's lawyer: The plaintiff entrusted 2 defendants to buy houses in Thailand. All the defendant's key evidence WeChat chat records were deleted. The plaintiff took the initiative to ask questions in the trial, and the plaintiff answered truthfully in the trial. On the pamphlet issued by the plaintiff to one of the defendants, key evidence was found. Because it involved Thai, it was translated word for word, and each evidence was examined sentence by sentence, and finally won the victory.
  • plaintiff
    Value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: The plaintiff participated in the investment in Wuhan "San San" Group under the introduction of the defendant, because the group was suspected of illegal fund-raising, and lost all its money. After being processed by Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court, part of the money was returned, and the plaintiff borrowed the defendant's account for investment. After the defendant received the refund, it would not be returned. The plaintiff only had transfer records. At the time of filing the case, the plaintiff also took pains to choose unjust enrichment. The plaintiff's evidence was insufficient. After communicating with the judge, the plaintiff applied for an investigation order and contacted Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court, The judge in charge confirmed the calculation method of the corresponding repayment ratio, confirmed the amount of repayment, and ultimately won the lawsuit.
  • Labor injury plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: before the first instance, the judge himself communicated by telephone and asked me to put the labor arbitration in front of him. He argued on the merits, informed the law and regulations, and then tried on schedule. If the memorandum is not signed by the company and the legal person does not approve the signature, all unpaid labor remuneration will be successfully recovered
  • Construction project disputes plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Xiong Xuelian: The defendant and the plaintiff reached an agreement on real stone paint, but lost contact after half of the project was completed. Therefore, the farmers and workers under the defendant asked for wages many times. The plaintiff successfully recovered after advance payment and recovered the overpaid project funds.
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  • Whether the creditor's rights and debts of construction projects can be transferred
    Lawyer's analysis: the creditor's rights and debts of construction projects can be transferred. According to the law, the contract letting party may conclude a construction project contract with the general contractor, and may also conclude a survey, design and construction contract with the surveyor, designer and constructor respectively. The developer may not divide the construction project that should be completed by one contractor into several parts and contract them out to several contractors. Therefore, the creditor's rights and debts of construction projects can be transferred.
  • What are the legal subcontracting
    Lawyer's analysis: legal subcontracting: the contractor of the contract can entrust part of the work contracted by himself to a third person, but must obtain the consent of the employer. The part of the work subcontracted by the Contractor can only be non main structure tasks, and the subcontractor must have the corresponding qualification level. Subcontracting can only occur once, and it is prohibited to subcontract again.
  • What are the prohibitions of subcontracting
    Lawyer's analysis: First, the contractor shall not subcontract all the construction projects it contracted to a third person or divide all the construction projects it contracted into parts and then separately subcontract them to a third person in the name of subcontracting. Second, it is prohibited for the contractor to subcontract the project to units without corresponding qualifications. Third, subcontractors are prohibited from subcontracting their contracted projects. The construction of the main structure of the construction project must be completed by the contractor itself.
  • What are the legal responsibilities of the contractor for subcontracting the project to others
    Lawyer's analysis: illegal subcontracting has actually separated from the status of the party in the process of contract performance, and it will no longer perform any contractual obligations. In our country, the act is prohibited by law. The illegal subcontracting project shall be disposed in the following ways: 1. The illegal subcontracting unit shall be ordered to make corrections, the illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine shall be imposed. It may be ordered to suspend business for rectification and reduce the qualification level. 2. If the circumstances are serious, the qualification certificate shall be revoked. 3. If the contractor causes losses due to the subcontracting project not meeting the specified quality standards, it shall bear joint and several liability with the subcontracting unit.
  • How to deal with disputes between subcontractors and subcontractors
    Lawyer's analysis: after the construction contract signed between the subcontractor and the subcontractor is deemed invalid according to law, the subcontractor and the subcontractor will inevitably have certain economic losses. For economic losses, the amount of compensation that should be borne by both parties (i.e. the subcontractor and the subcontractor) should be determined according to their fault degree and responsibility. The scope of loss caused by the invalid contract generally includes the cost of delay in work, shutdown cost, storage cost, idle cost of mechanical facilities, rental cost, temporary facility construction cost and other costs directly related to the project and independently incurred.
  • Is the project subcontracting individual legal
    Lawyer's analysis: illegal. It is prohibited to subcontract the contracted project, which is illegal. Subcontracting to individuals or other companies is also illegal. It is forbidden for the contractor to subcontract all the construction projects it has contracted to others, and it is forbidden for the contractor to divide all the construction projects it has contracted into parts and then subcontract them separately to others in the name of subcontracting. If a contractor subcontracts the contracted project, it shall be ordered to correct, its illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine shall be imposed. It may also be ordered to suspend business for rectification and lower its qualification level.
  • Can building foundation treatment project be subcontracted
    Lawyer's analysis: The foundation treatment works of the construction project can be subcontracted, but the construction of the main structure cannot be carried out. The law stipulates that the construction of the main structure of the construction project must be completed by the general contractor itself. The general contractor of construction projects may contract out part of the contracted projects to subcontractors with corresponding qualifications.
  • Whether the fire engineering can be contracted in parallel
    Lawyer's analysis: parallel contracting is not allowed for fire protection projects. The law advocates general contracting for construction projects, and it is prohibited to contract construction projects in parts. The contracting unit of a construction project may contract out the survey, design, construction and equipment procurement of the construction project to a single EPC contractor, or may contract out one or more items of the survey, design, construction and equipment procurement of the construction project to a single EPC contractor; However, it is not allowed to divide a construction project that should be completed by one contractor into several parts and contract them out to several contractors.
  • Can construction projects be contracted out to individuals
    Lawyer's analysis: No. An individual cannot undertake the business of subcontracting construction projects. It is illegal for the construction unit to subcontract the project to individuals. The Administrative Measures for the Determination, Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Activities such as Construction Subcontracting and Subcontracting (Trial) defines the subcontracting and subcontracting of illegal projects and the corresponding punishment. If the project is contracted to a construction unit without corresponding qualification level, a fine of more than 500000 yuan and less than 1 million yuan will be imposed.
  • What are the situations of subcontracting and illegal subcontracting in construction projects
    Lawyer's analysis: subcontracting and illegal subcontracting in construction projects are as follows: 1. The general contractor of construction projects contracts part of the projects to subcontractors without corresponding qualifications; 2. The subcontracting of the general contractor of construction projects is not recognized by the construction unit, and there is no subcontracting agreed in the general contract; 3. The subcontractor subcontracts the contracted project again.
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  • ask880***571
    Zhejiang Zhoushan
    Your answer is very good, thank you,,
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    Shandong Weihai
    Thank you, a good lawyer. How efficient he is
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    Liaoning Anshan
    Strong professional ability, sense of responsibility and rich experience.
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