Lawyer He Dengqi

Lawyer He Dengqi

  • five
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  • two thousand three hundred and thirty
    Number of people served
  • ten
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 137012014****2933 Practicing certification
  • Shandong Chengxinren Law Firm | Senior Partner
  • Contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts, criminal defense, marriage and family, traffic accidents
  • Jinan, Shandong

Profile of lawyer He Dengqi

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He Dengqi, lawyer, bachelor of law, partner and deputy director of Shandong Chengxinren Law Firm, director of Transportation Law Research Association of Shandong Law Society, lawyer of Shandong TV Qilu Channel Legal Service Group, member of All China Lawyers Association, and member of Jinan Lawyers Association. Specializing in business: creditor's rights and debts, contract disputes, property disputes, traffic accidents, personal injuries, marriage inheritance, labor disputes, industrial injury compensation and other civil and commercial cases, as well as criminal defense. The lawyer has strong professional ability, serious work and strong sense of responsibility. Be entrusted by others and be loyal to others!

Lawyer He Dengqi
Shandong Chengxinren Law Firm
Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts criminal defense
 Lawyer He Dengqi
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The case of lawyer He Dengqi

  • Property disputes plaintiff
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: The agent believes that although the contract is recognized as a lease contract and is considered invalid, it has actually occupied and used the property involved in the case, and can claim the housing occupancy fee according to law. "If the housing lease contract is invalid and the party concerned requests to pay the housing occupancy fee by reference to the rent standard agreed in the contract, the people's court shall generally support it."
  • Damages Appellee
    Value of lawyer He Dengqi: After being represented by the lawyer, after investigation, it was found that the plant in question was a steel structure plant with a height of about 67 meters. At the time of the Shang × Ping incident, he was engaged in the demolition of the plant and accidentally fell on the top of the plant. The three defendants who contracted or purchased the steel structure plant, Fu ××, Zhao ××, and Li ××, were the employers who employed Shang Xiaoping to work, and as employers, they should be liable for compensation for Shang Xiaoping's death according to law. At the same time, the owner of the factory, Wu ××, claimed to sell the factory to Fu ××, Zhao ×× and Li ××, but the sale itself included demolition. The demolition of the steel structure factory needs to be qualified for construction. Wu ×× entrusted or contracted the demolition of the factory to unqualified individuals, who should also bear joint liability according to law.
  • Labor injury plaintiff
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: the acting lawyer believes that the evidence submitted by the appellant is sufficient to identify Fu Xujun as an industrial injury. According to the evidence submitted by the appellant, it has been proved that Fu X Jun is an employee of XX Bio Food Company. He went to work normally on the day of the incident, and left the factory at 22:30-22:40 p.m. on the same day. He never left the factory during this period. Later, a traffic accident occurred on the road that must be passed home. After the identification of the traffic police department, Fu X Jun was held secondary responsibility for the accident. Fu Xujun suffered a traffic accident that was not his main responsibility on his way to work, which is in line with Item 6 of Article 14 of the Regulations on Industrial Injury Insurance: "If an employee has one of the following circumstances, it shall be recognized as an industrial injury
  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: After investigation, it was found that the house property involved in the case under the name of Zhao ×× was purchased by Zhao ×× and Tan ×× during their marriage relationship. During their marriage, they signed an agreement on marital property, agreeing to register the house property involved in the case under the name of Zhao ××. This agreement is binding only on the two people, and the house property involved in the case should be enforceable according to law.
  • Contract affairs appellant
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: After sorting out, I think that from the stock operation records, bank transfer records, especially the telephone recording of the two people's loss bearing after the end of the partnership, it can be recognized that there is a partnership between the two parties, and an agreement has been reached on the partnership's loss bearing, which can be sued according to evidence such as the recording, bank transfer records and so on. Although the court of first instance lost the lawsuit and considered that the evidence was insufficient, it appealed to the Intermediate People's Court. After the hearing of the Intermediate People's Court, it confirmed that the partnership was established and changed the judgment according to law. At the same time, the lawyer also reminded everyone that the partnership should try to sign a written agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of each party. For recording as evidence, the original carrier must be preserved.
  • marriage and family plaintiff
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: after accepting the entrustment according to law, my lawyer reviewed the will left by his grandparents provided by the client Liu ××, and believed that the will was written on behalf of his grandparents. Since there was no video, the agent should be notified to appear in court to testify and accept the inquiry according to law, and the client Liu ××, as the grandson of the decedent, was involved in a legacy dispute. The will written on behalf of his father and aunt is legal and valid, and he can sue his father and aunt in accordance with the law. After the court makes a judgment, he can directly handle inheritance and transfer with effective legal documents.
  • traffic accident defendant
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: After my lawyer accepted the commission, after reviewing the papers, the other party's vehicle will first compensate for the loss of Su × 2 within the limit of compulsory traffic insurance, and the excess part will be borne according to the proportion of accident liability. Since Su × 2 was seriously injured, he spent more than 100000 yuan in medical expenses, and if it exceeded the limit of compulsory traffic insurance medical expenses, Su × 2 will bear the main responsibility in the accident, so he will bear part of the compensation. However, Su × 2 carried Su × 2 for free, which constituted a well intentioned co ride, and Su × 2, as an adult, did not wear a safety helmet when riding, which was also the main reason for her serious injury. Therefore, it was proposed that Su × 2, although not responsible for the accident, should also bear part of the responsibility for its losses.
  • traffic accident defendant
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: the focus of the dispute in this case: should the non motor vehicle party be liable for the loss of the motor vehicle party? The court finally decided that the defendant, the non motor vehicle party, should not be held liable if one of the motor vehicles filed a claim against the non motor vehicles or pedestrians without legal basis.
  • criminal defense defendant
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: after the defendant Ma Xuhui was detained for a criminal offence, his father entrusted his lawyer to defend him according to law. After accepting the entrustment, the defense lawyer met the defendant Ma Xuhui in a timely manner, and conducted a paper reading according to law. After the paper reading, the defense lawyer proposed that the defendant was self confessed, had little profit, was a first offender, had no criminal record, and voluntarily pleaded guilty and pleaded guilty The court finally adopted the defense opinions of the defender and imposed a lighter punishment according to law.
  • Financial insurance defendant
    The value of lawyer He Dengqi: In this case, the lawyer acted as the guarantor and defended. The guarantor of PICC and the mortgagor did not sign a common guarantee contract, and there was no agreement on mutual recovery. The mortgagor has no right to recover from other guarantors after assuming the guarantee responsibility. The court accepts that the guarantor who finally decides PICC wins the lawsuit.

Collected Works of Lawyer He Dengqi

Professional law popularization
  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 10w+ people
    Compensation Standards for Traffic Accidents and Personal Injury in Shandong Province in 2024
    Latest revision: 2024-09-05

    Compensation Standards for Traffic Accidents and Personal Injury in Shandong Province in 2024 The specific compensation details and standards are as follows: 1. Compensation items: 1. Medical expenses and other follow-up treatment expenses: determined according to the collection vouchers such as medical expenses and hospitalization expenses issued by medical institutions, combined with medical records, diagnosis certificates and other relevant evidence. 2. Protection

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 10w+ people
    What is the legal interest rate of private lending?
    Latest revision: 2024-05-08

    How much interest is legal for private lending? Interest is often involved in private lending, so how much interest is legal? Because of the update of the law, this specific legal interest should be determined in combination with the time of borrowing. According to the law at that time, the annual interest rate of the borrowing interest before August 20, 2020 should not exceed 24%, and the annual interest rate should exceed

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 10w+ people
    Can the motor vehicle party claim compensation for non motor vehicles or pedestrians?
    Latest revision: 2023-11-16

    In case of a traffic accident between a motor vehicle and a non motor vehicle or a pedestrian, even if the accident liability determines that the non motor vehicle or pedestrian is responsible for the accident, the motor vehicle party has no right to claim compensation from the non motor vehicle or pedestrian party. 1. In terms of the application of law, the respondent's request for compensation from the respondent is unfounded. According to Article 1208 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China:

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 1.1k people
    What compensation can be claimed in case of traffic accidents?
    Latest revision: 2023-09-14

    What compensation can be claimed in case of traffic accidents? If you are accidentally hit by a car and have a traffic accident, what kind of compensation can you ask for? For the scope of compensation, there are two aspects: property loss and personal injury compensation. First, in case of property loss caused by an accident, compensation for property loss can be claimed

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 8.5k people
    Should the owner take responsibility for the accident caused by lending the car to others?
    Latest revision: 2023-09-14

    Should the owner take responsibility for the accident caused by lending the car to others? It is normal for friends to borrow things from each other, but sometimes, things lent out tend to be out of our control, such as lending a car to a friend, and then the friend has an accident while driving the car, which we can't predict. So in this time, does the owner of the car have to bear the responsibility? Traffic

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 6.5k people
    In case of traffic accidents involving non motor vehicles, pedestrians and motor vehicles, the proportion of accident liability shall be borne
    Latest revision: 2023-09-14

    In case of traffic accidents involving non motor vehicles, pedestrians and motor vehicles, what is the proportion of accident liability? In case of a traffic accident, after the alarm, the traffic police department will generally issue a certificate of accident responsibility, but the certificate of accident responsibility issued by the traffic police department generally only divides: primary responsibility, secondary responsibility or full responsibility, and does not divide the specific proportion, so what should be the specific proportion of accident responsibility? main

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 1.9w people
    What should I do if I find out that my partner has a serious disease after marriage-- Annul marriage
    Latest revision: 2023-08-30

    What should I do if I find out that my partner has a serious disease after marriage-- Cancellation of marriage is a major event. Moreover, marriage should be honest and frank with each other. But if one party deliberately conceals the truth, the other party is found to be suffering from serious disease after marriage, and the other party may not agree to divorce at this time, what should we do? Before the implementation of the Civil Code

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 1.2w people
    Do illegitimate children have the right to inherit the estate?
    Latest revision: 2023-08-30

    Do illegitimate children have the right to inherit the estate? Illegitimate children, legally speaking, should be called "illegitimate children", that is, children born when both men and women do not have legal marriage relations. However, since the relationship between children and parents is a natural blood relationship, whether men and women get married or not does not affect the legal relationship between children born out of wedlock and their parents. Therefore, legally speaking, children born out of wedlock

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 5.2k people
    Do unborn fetuses have inheritance rights? Can we inherit?
    Latest revision: 2023-08-30

    Do unborn fetuses have inheritance rights? Can we inherit? In this inheritance, children, as the first legal heir, have the legal right of inheritance. As we all know, so many fetuses as children have not yet been born. If their parents die, does the fetus have the right of inheritance? Can they inherit as the heir? Generally speaking, natural persons, as civil subjects

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer He Dengqi
    Helped 10w+ people
    When parents die, can children inherit the inheritance of grandparents? (Subrogation)
    Latest revision: 2023-08-29

    When parents die, can children inherit the inheritance of grandparents? (Subrogation) In life, it is often encountered that some people died before their parents for some reason, so whether their children can inherit the estate of their grandparents or grandparents in the future, this problem can be inherited according to law, which is the law of subrogation. generation

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  • Is it necessary to cancel the bail pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: As a widely used coercive means in criminal proceedings, bail can be terminated or revoked according to certain conditions. In this case, once the case is thoroughly investigated, or the crime of the criminal suspect or defendant is no longer necessary to continue to take such criminal coercive measures, the judicial organ has the right to decide whether to lift the bail pending trial measures. The lifting of bail pending trial means that the relevant restrictions on the parties have been ended.
  • How long to wait for trial after telephone sales guarantee
    Lawyer's analysis: if telemarketing involves fraud, its trial duration will be mainly affected by the complexity of the case, the status of evidence collection, judicial procedures and other factors. Under normal circumstances, the time limit for trial of summary procedure is three months; For the trial of ordinary procedure, the time limit is six months. However, on this basis, if there are special circumstances, the trial period can be appropriately extended. During the period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial, this period shall not be counted.
  • How long will he be held after obtaining a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: during the period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial, if the criminal suspect or defendant does not violate the relevant provisions of obtaining a guarantor pending trial during the trial process, there is usually no need for actual detention. However, once the final judgment is made by the court, it will be used to judge whether it is necessary to execute the penalty or take other coercive measures. If convicted, the execution procedure of the sentence will be officially started. As for the specific time limit for execution, it shall be determined according to the term of imprisonment determined in the judgment.
  • Obtaining bail and waiting for trial for several times
    Lawyer's analysis: The current law has not explicitly stipulated the number of applications for obtaining a guarantor pending trial. However, if the relevant preconditions for obtaining a guarantor pending trial can be met, the suspected offender or the defendant has the right to file an application, which will be judged by the court or the investigating agency according to the actual situation of the case and whether to approve it. Although the multiple applications themselves do not constitute an illegal act, whether they can be approved depends on the specific case involved in each application and relevant laws and regulations.
  • Do I have to give advance notice to get a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: According to Article 117 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, when the criminal suspect is not suitable for prosecution, he should be released and notified of the arrest of the procuratorate. Obtaining a guarantor pending trial means that the criminal suspect voluntarily guarantees not to evade the investigation and is allowed not to be imprisoned. Whether to notify before subpoena shall refer to legal provisions and practice. The specific operation is affected by regional differences and the case. It is recommended to consult legal professionals.
  • How long does it take to get a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: four basic requirements must be met for obtaining a guarantor pending trial. The law does not specify the application time, which shall be determined according to the special circumstances of the case. When to obtain the guarantee after the case is filed, it needs to be combined with the case and judicial judgment. Theoretically, suspects or defendants can apply at any time, but the actual operation may encounter difficulties due to the impact of case progress, investigation, etc.
  • What are the conditions for retired teachers to obtain a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: according to Article 67 of the Criminal Procedure Law, retired teachers who are involved in crimes and meet the conditions can obtain a guarantor pending trial: they may be sentenced to control, detention or independent supplementary punishment and harmless to society; May be sentenced to more than fixed-term imprisonment but not harmful to society; Suffering from serious illness, unable to take care of themselves, or during pregnancy and lactation, and harmless to society; The case has not been concluded upon the expiration of the period of custody.
  • What are the conditions for a co criminal to obtain a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: The application for bail pending trial of the accomplice shall comply with Article 67 of the Criminal Procedure Law. Conditions include: may be sentenced to control, detention or independent additional punishment; Fixed-term imprisonment without endangering society; Women who are seriously ill, unable to take care of themselves, pregnant or nursing; The case is not closed at the end of the detention period. Those who meet the requirements can obtain a guarantor pending trial.
  • What are the regulations to be followed after obtaining a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: according to Article 71 of the Criminal Law of China, a person who has obtained a guarantor pending trial must abide by the following rules: do not leave his/her place of residence, notify him/her within 24 hours of information change, appear in court on time, do not affect witnesses, and do not destroy evidence. Courts, procuratorates, and public security organs may require compliance with other regulations, such as prohibiting access to specific places. Violation of regulations will result in forfeiture of the deposit, re payment or arrest. If necessary, detain first.
  • Can a person who voluntarily surrenders apply for bail pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: guarantor pending trial is applicable to cases of control, detention, supplementary punishment, or cases that may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment but do not have social harm. Those who voluntarily surrender may meet the conditions of "no social danger" and have the right to apply for a guarantor pending trial, but the approval shall be determined by the judicial organ on a case by case basis.
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Experienced three
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    The lawyer was very patient, answered my questions clearly and in detail, and replied promptly. Thank you very much for your service.
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    Experienced, helpful, quick and sincere.
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  • Emp****ing
    The explanation was very clear, the service attitude was good, the customer was sincerely served, and the customer was well received
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