Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm

Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm

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  • five point five 10000 yuan+
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  • eleven
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  • two Within minutes
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  • 311100000****567XN Practicing certification
  • Beijing Changyun Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, criminal defense, company operation, creditor's rights and debts, property disputes, marriage and family, traffic accidents, land acquisition and demolition
  • Dongcheng District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyers of Beijing Changyun Law Firm

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Beijing Changyun Law Firm was founded in 2013, located in Dongcheng District, Beijing, adjacent to the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The lawyers in the firm have good professional ethics and can represent many types of cases, In particular, we focus on the field of natural resources law (land space planning, land comprehensive improvement and ecological restoration, land resources management, geological and mineral management, marine resources management, forest and grass resources management), administrative law (government information disclosure, administrative confirmation, administrative adjudication, administrative agreement, administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation, administrative compensation) Practical research, legal consultation and dispute resolution of private legal advisers (wealth inheritance management, marriage and family disputes, debt disputes, housing sales disputes, inheritance disputes, contract disputes). He is good at solving legal problems such as land acquisition and demolition, marital property, creditor's rights and debts, real estate sales, inheritance, etc., and has accumulated a lot of experience in handling cases. He has created an exclusive set of case handling ideas and concepts, which have won the trust and high recognition of the entrusted people. We handle cases in the mode of a lawyer group, and team members cooperate with each other and unite in good faith. Our purpose is to provide every client with the most professional legal support, and provide every client with high-quality legal services with good attitude.

Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
Beijing Changyun Law Firm
Contract affairs criminal defense Company operation
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Collected Works of Beijing Changyun Law Firm

Professional law popularization
  • Legal Papers · Deep Learning of Law
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 2.9w people
    What are the differences between land acquisition or land acquisition
    Latest revision: 2024-03-13

    Article 10, paragraph 3, of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China: "The state may expropriate or requisition land and compensate for it in accordance with the law for the sake of public interests." Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China: "The state may expropriate or requisition land and compensate for it in accordance with the law for the sake of public interests." From the above laws and regulations, I

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 7.7k people
    If you want to implement collection, these pre procedures must have
    Latest revision: 2024-03-13

    Whether collective land or state-owned land is expropriated, whether land is expropriated by the expropriator or land occupied by enterprises, it is necessary to go through the pre formalities. Therefore, it is illegal for anyone to expropriate land only with empty words or a single expropriation announcement. But in rural areas, many farmers are not familiar with the relevant legal provisions, which may be caused by

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 1.1w people
    What are the differences between the developer's land acquisition and the expropriation party's land acquisition?
    Latest revision: 2024-03-05

    With the continuous improvement of the current social and economic level, more and more expropriation and demolition appear in people's vision. Some enterprises, in order to expand their factories and expand their business, use high costs to buy land from ordinary people. The other is the expropriation of land for the public interest. Generally speaking, the expropriation refers to the expropriation of land by the expropriation party, which is an administrative act

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 7.5k people
    What ways can the acquiree choose to safeguard their rights if the acquirer fails to perform the land acquisition agreement?
    Latest revision: 2024-03-05

    In recent years, with the rapid development of the city, the scale of land acquisition and demolition has become larger and larger. Because the compensation for land acquisition and demolition will directly affect the life of the expropriated people in the next years, the contradiction between the two sides has become increasingly prominent. For this reason, the State has issued the Regulations on the Acquisition and Compensation of Houses on State owned Land to regulate the procedures of land acquisition and demolition. Although the Article on Housing Requisition and Compensation on State owned Land

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 1.4w people
    What is the temporary building? Is there any compensation in the expropriation?
    Latest revision: 2024-02-27

    In the actual expropriation process, in addition to the houses built of reinforced concrete, the temporary iron houses and color steel sheds located above the expropriation scope will also be expropriated. However, in the process of expropriation, very few local collectors confuse temporary buildings such as color steel sheds and iron sheet houses with illegal buildings, and believe that temporary buildings are one of the types of illegal buildings

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 1.1w people
    What problems should be paid attention to when choosing to relocate in place in expropriation
    Latest revision: 2024-02-27

    In the expropriation of houses on state-owned land, the expropriation party provides compensation to the expropriated person in two ways: monetary compensation and property right exchange. Each of the two compensation methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the expropriated person can choose according to his or her specific situation. However, no matter which one is chosen, the levying party cannot intervene. Needless to say, monetary compensation is money. and

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 3.8k people
    Is it legal to calculate the shared area in the compensation area for resettlement in expropriation
    Latest revision: 2024-01-25

    In the process of house expropriation, the expropriated people often face various problems, but all of them are related to expropriation compensation. In the negotiation of expropriation, if the expropriated person chooses to replace the property right, he or she will often neglect other key issues because he or she pays too much attention to the housing area of the expropriated resettlement housing. Most of the houses expropriated now are low rise old residential areas, while the resettlement houses expropriated

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 9k people
    What is the illegal building and what are its identification procedures
    Latest revision: 2024-01-25

    In the process of expropriation, the expropriated person often encounters the situation that the house he has lived in for many years is told to be an illegal building. This not only does not get the corresponding collection compensation, but also is labeled as illegal, which is really unbearable. So, are those "illegal buildings" in the collection illegal? In this case, how should the expropriated people protect their own cooperation

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 4.1k people
    Can the countryside still get new homestead through household division?
    Latest revision: 2024-01-23

    At present, the policy of one house for one family is implemented in rural areas. With the change of rural family population, the living area of many rural families has been unable to meet the living needs. Moreover, both young people and old people now tend to live separately in order to avoid conflicts due to the conflict between their living habits and their daily routines. This involves a separate account and application

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer of Beijing Changyun Law Firm
    Helped 3.4k people
    How should the compensation be distributed when the land is expropriated in the process of subcontracting?
    Latest revision: 2024-01-23

    Nowadays, it is hard to see young people in the countryside, and only the empty nest elderly and left behind children are left. Most young adults choose to work in cities to earn money, rather than working in rural areas. Because the elderly are relatively old and lack physical strength to do farm work, while the young and middle-aged go out to work, many farmers subcontract and sublet their land to others for farming to get a share

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    Answering the questions was OK. It would be better if I answered them by phone!
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