Lawyer Li Shuang

  • Chongqing Kuntu Law Firm
  • Marriage and family, creditor's rights and debts, contractual affairs
  • Jiangbei District, Chongqing

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Lawyer Li Shuang, graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, is now a practicing lawyer of Chongqing Kuntu Law Firm. He is good at civil and commercial legal affairs, and has been committed to marriage, family, contract, economic litigation and non litigation business for a long time. He has successively served as the perennial legal adviser of many companies, providing legal advice, contract review, project negotiation and other legal services for the consulting units. At the same time, he has handled many litigation cases in marriage and family cases, disputes over sales contracts, loan disputes, financial loan contract disputes, etc. In many legal fields, Lawyer Li Shuang has rich experience in divorce proceedings and is proficient in handling all kinds of divorce cases, especially in dealing with property division disputes such as company equity and real estate, and child rearing disputes. He has rich experience in the investigation and division of divorce property, the transfer and concealment of one party, the handling of transferred property, disputes over child custody and maintenance fees, evidence collection and compensation for extramarital affairs and domestic violence, inheritance, etc. He has successfully handled hundreds of divorce cases over the years, most of which have won.
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