Lawyer Wang Qizhi

  • Chongqing Yingxing Law Firm
  • Construction project disputes
  • Yubei District, Chongqing

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Wang Qizhi, male, Han nationality, was born in Qijiang District, Chongqing in 1974. In 1994, he entered Southwest University of Political Science and Law and successively obtained a bachelor's degree in law and a master's degree in civil and commercial law. After graduating from college, he successively worked in Chongqing Weipu Information Co., Ltd., Chongqing Huaxuan Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd., Chongqing Zhongyuan Credit Guarantee Co., Ltd., Chongqing Shangyi Law Firm, Chongqing Yingxing Law Firm and other units. He once served as the office director, the manager of the administrative department, the head of the legal department, and the full-time lawyer, Now Chongqing Yingxing Law Firm is the lead lawyer. In the past 20 years of legal work, we have kept pace with the times and accumulated a lot of practical legal experience. Our legal expertise and ability have been continuously and steadily improved. We are especially good at litigation and handling of creditor's rights and debts, corporate perennial legal counsel, real estate disputes, corporate equity, labor disputes, civil lending, credit card overdraft and contract disputes.
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