Lawyer Li Xiaoting

Lawyer Li Xiaoting

  • five
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  • one point one 10000 yuan+
    Number of people served
  • eight
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
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  • 150012016****4132 Practicing certification
  • Chongqing Xueyuan (Beibei) Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts, criminal defense, work-related injuries, marriage and family, traffic accidents
  • Beibei District, Chongqing

About Lawyer Li Xiaoting

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Lawyer Li Xiaoting graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from Southwest University. Have a good formal legal education background, profound legal theory literacy, and be familiar with all important national laws and regulations in force. After graduation, he began to work as a lawyer with many years of experience. He is now working in Chongqing Xueyuan (Beibei) Law Firm. Proficient in all kinds of legal affairs of the enterprise (such as mediation and litigation of economic disputes, important business negotiations, drafting and review of contracts and other documents, advice on internal systems, and handling of labor disputes). Lawyer Li Xiaoting's team provides high-quality and efficient legal services for various enterprises, institutions and citizens with professional legal knowledge and dedicated service attitude.

Lawyer Li Xiaoting
Chongqing Xueyuan (Beibei) Law Firm
Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts criminal defense
 Lawyer Li Xiaoting
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  • How to calculate the time of divorce and separation
    Lawyer's analysis: since the last time the two parties lived together, the separation time shall be subject to the court's acceptance of the divorce lawsuit submitted by the plaintiff. If there is temporary reunion during the period, the separation shall be calculated continuously, and the length of previous separation shall not be accumulated to ensure the continuity of the cycle.
  • Under what circumstances will the second divorce be divorced
    Lawyer's analysis: Emotional breakdown is the key in divorce re litigation. Factual evidence, such as bigamy, continuous illegal cohabitation, domestic abuse, persistent bad habits (such as gambling, drug abuse), long-term separation or special circumstances of irretrievable feelings, are the basis for judging divorce. The court tends to mediate, and if mediation fails, the court will be sentenced to leave according to law.
  • How long will separation be regarded as automatic divorce
    Lawyer's analysis: separation cannot automatically dissolve the marriage relationship, but according to relevant laws and regulations, the separation of husband and wife for more than two years due to emotional alienation can be regarded as emotional breakdown. At this time, if the litigation mediation fails, the court shall decide for divorce. However, separation not caused by emotional conflict does not apply to this provision.
  • What should I do if the man doesn't agree to the divorce proposed by the woman
    Lawyer's analysis: If the woman's firm divorce is opposed by the man, the lawsuit can be filed through the court. The key for the court to judge divorce is whether the relationship between husband and wife is broken. Common situations include: repeated marriage, cohabitation, domestic abuse, serious gambling and drug abuse, repeated incorrigibility, long-term separation of two years or more, one party has a legally prohibited disease or physical defects that affect the marriage, and after the first divorce judgment, the separation of one year and the lawsuit is approved.
  • Whether the first instance of divorce dispute will directly decide divorce
    Lawyer's analysis: In divorce proceedings, the court of first instance does not have to judge the divorce, but needs to confirm the emotional breakdown. If the feelings are not broken, no judgment is generally made. Under special circumstances, it can be directly sentenced to leave: domestic violence, infidelity, serious hobbies, no change, separation for two years, one party missing. These acts constitute grounds for divorce.
  • If the child is five months old, can both husband and wife apply for divorce
    Lawyer's analysis: women enjoy special legal protection during lactation, and it is difficult for men to divorce, unless the court deems it necessary. In case of serious emotional breakdown, the woman has the legal right to divorce, which can be achieved through judicial channels. If both parties are willing to negotiate, they can try the marriage registration agency first.
  • What is the difference between mediation divorce and judgment divorce
    Lawyer's analysis: There are procedural and essential differences between mediation divorce and litigation divorce: the former is that the husband and wife go to the registration authority to handle the formalities after negotiation, based on voluntariness; The latter is judged by the court, which is mandatory, and one party initiates a lawsuit. Mediation emphasizes the will of both parties, and litigation is dominated by the court.
  • How long will it take to sue for divorce after two years of separation
    Lawyer's analysis: divorce proceedings follow the process according to law, and the case will be settled within three months (summary procedure) if it is fast, and six months (ordinary procedure) if it is slow. According to the judgment of emotional relationship, the court can extend it for up to six months under special circumstances with the approval of the president. If the court at a higher level needs to approve the trial limit, an application should be submitted to the higher level.
  • What are the divorce methods stipulated by the laws of our country
    Lawyer's analysis: Divorce by agreement: the husband and wife reach an agreement through consultation, which involves the dissolution of the relationship, property distribution, child rearing and debt bearing, and can handle it by themselves. Litigation divorce: if one party disagrees or has differences, it shall be resolved through legal means (litigation), and an application shall be submitted to the court of the defendant's residence or actual residence, involving marriage, property, child rearing and debt settlement.
  • How to sue for divorce without marriage certificate and residence booklet
    Lawyer's analysis: if the marriage certificate is lost, you can take the household registration certificate and personal identity information to the relevant institutions that originally handled the marriage registration or the husband and wife's permanent residence registration to apply for a replacement. If the marriage certificate is not obtained, the legal marriage relationship cannot be proved, and divorce is not considered. When applying for divorce involving litigation, the household registration book is not necessary.
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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
Very quick reply twelve
High quality service eleven
be ready to help others ten
Treat people sincerely eight
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Professional image eight
have a large stock of information six
Worthy of recommendation two
  • ask****381
    Very good service, knowledgeable and experienced
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  • ask****050
    Chongqing Yuzhong District
    A very down-to-earth professional lawyer, she is just and awe inspiring, diligent and sincere, always stands in the perspective of our victims, understands us and supports us. Her professional and patient case analysis and response measures from different perspectives strongly safeguard social fairness and justice. Her professionalism and patience give us a great sense of trust and security. We are satisfied and impeccable.
    Before January
  • ask****550
    Chongqing Shapingba District
    Careful and patient answer, bang bang. A small heart ❤️❤️ Yo
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  • ask****722
    Chongqing Dianjiang County
    Professional answers to questions, good service attitude. It's very helpful to me
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