Lawyer Zhang Chengtian

Lawyer Zhang Chengtian

  • five
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  • six thousand seven hundred and sixty
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  • five
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  • two Within minutes
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  • 150012019****3514 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Hengsheng (Chongqing) Law Firm | Senior Partner
  • Creditor's rights and debts, marriage and family, litigation and arbitration
  • Jiangbei District, Chongqing

Introduction to Lawyer Zhang Chengtian

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Lawyer Zhang Chengtian, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the Law School of Southwest University of Political Science and Law. He is now the executive deputy director and senior partner lawyer of Beijing Hengsheng (Chongqing) Law Firm, the deputy director of the Youth Lawyers Working Committee of Jiangbei District Lawyers Working Committee of Chongqing Lawyers Association, and the practical growth supervisor of the School of International Law of Southwest University of Political Science and Law. Main business areas: entrepreneurs' family affairs, difficult marriage and family dispute resolution, civil and commercial affairs, corporate consultants Business field of marriage and family affairs: He has rich litigation and non litigation experience in divorce, child rearing, property division, debt undertaking, inheritance, damage compensation, property protection, property excavation, special evidence collection, etc. Be good at using unique legal thinking and professional solutions to provide customers with the best solution and strive for the greatest interests. To gain the trust and respect of customers with an honest and trustworthy, highly responsible, professional working attitude and practice philosophy. Dispute resolution section: more than 50 cases of divorce disputes, custody disputes, custody disputes, property disputes after divorce, and disputes over division of property have been handled in the past two years; Non litigation services: in recent two years, it has provided more than 100 clients with non litigation agreements and negotiation guidance before marriage, during marriage, after divorce and divorce. Civil and commercial affairs, wealth management business: He has rich litigation and non litigation practical experience in the field of civil and commercial affairs (corporate governance, corporate compliance, corporate legal risk prevention and control, labor and personnel disputes, various contract disputes). He has provided daily legal advisory services for many machinery manufacturing companies, science and technology companies, survey and design companies, etc. In addition to providing daily legal advisory services for enterprises, it also provides comprehensive services such as equity holding, virtual equity design, due diligence, financial and tax consulting. Design property inheritance schemes such as wills for several customers and complete notarization; Provide a full set of solutions for debt sorting and asset isolation for multiple customers; Design asset holding schemes such as real estate and equity for several clients.

Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
Beijing Hengsheng (Chongqing) Law Firm
Creditor's rights and debts marriage and family Litigation and arbitration
 Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
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Lawyer Zhang Chengtian's Case

  • marriage and family plaintiff
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian's value: On the day of the court's mediation, the two parties reached a supplementary agreement for other contents that could not be stated in the mediation statement to mediate the divorce amicably. The case was not heard because of the second lawsuit, and through communication with the court, nearly 10000 yuan of litigation costs were saved for the parties.
  • marriage and family defendant
    The value of lawyer Zhang Chengtian: successfully helped our client to obtain the direct custody of two children, solved the problems of visiting rights, large education and training fees, extracurricular interest class training fees, medical fees, etc. in addition to the statutory custody fees, and also handled the property disputes left by the divorce for both parties, which was highly recognized by both parties.
  • marriage and family defendant
    The value of lawyer Zhang Chengtian: it took more than one year from accepting the entrustment of the defendant Huang to the court to mediate the divorce in the divorce dispute case between Liang and Huang. In this case, due to the defendant's behavior of transferring hundreds of thousands of cash out of the lawsuit, the first lawsuit originally sued Mr. Liang for requiring our party to leave the house in a clean manner. After acting as an agent, we quickly formulated a reasonable response plan to compensate for the negative impact of the transfer behavior. At the same time, we investigated in many ways whether the plaintiff's name also had hidden and transferred property to find loopholes in the other party; During the process, he also went to the two's unit for several times to obtain relevant historical archive materials on housing construction with funds raised. The case has gone through three court sessions. Finally, our lawyers actively mediated between the two parties, and won a house property, a car and nearly 300000 cash for the parties.
  • marriage and family defendant
    The value of lawyer Zhang Chengtian: after the death of the old man, there were many brothers and sisters, and one of the children wanted to own all the pension. After being represented by a lawyer, the party won the lawsuit with a fair division.

Zhang Chengtian's Collected Works of Lawyers

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 5.4w people
    How to identify cohabitation in judicial practice?
    Latest revision: 2021-08-24

    Recently, many parties involved in cohabitation disputes have not handled marriage registration to consult whether they can sue for "divorce". Here is a unified answer: except that "before the promulgation and implementation of the Marriage Registration Management Regulations of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on February 1, 1994, if both men and women have met the substantive requirements of marriage, they will be treated as de facto marriages". Those who have not gone through marriage registration cannot

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 9.9w people
    Causes of Marriage and Family Affairs: Cohabitation Dispute
    Latest revision: 2021-08-24

    The judicial interpretation of the expression of cohabitation has experienced a change from "illegal cohabitation relationship" to "cohabitation relationship". Several Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on the People's Court's Trial of Cases of Living Together in the Name of Husband and Wife without Marriage Registration, promulgated and implemented by the Supreme People's Court in November 1989, hereinafter referred to as "Cohabitation Cases"

  • Legal Papers · Deep Learning of Law
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 4.7w people
    How to divide "military delivery room" in divorce disputes
    Latest revision: 2021-08-03

    In divorce disputes, how does "military property houses" divide the current urban housing? There are many kinds of commercial houses, military property houses, central property houses, affordable houses, two limited houses, small property houses, public rental houses... Each kind of special housing has its own value and significance. In 1979, the Central Military Commission issued the military housing area standard, and began to have "military production rooms". In the 20 years since 2001,

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 3.7w people
    How to divide the property purchased before marriage in divorce proceedings? (III)
    Latest revision: 2021-07-27

    How to divide the property purchased before marriage in divorce proceedings? (3) The purpose of this article is to start from the legislative spirit of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and the supporting judicial interpretation, combine the judicial practice in the field of marriage and family affairs, the views and opinions of the senior judges of the Supreme Court, the existing judicial opinions, etc., and sort out and summarize according to different situations such as the purchase time, source of purchase money, purchase method, property rights registration, etc“

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 4w people
    How to divide the property purchased before marriage in divorce proceedings? (II)
    Latest revision: 2021-07-27

    How to divide the property purchased before marriage in divorce proceedings? (2) The purpose of this article is to start from the legislative spirit of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and the supporting judicial interpretation, combine the judicial practice in the field of marriage and family affairs, the views and opinions of the senior judges of the Supreme Court, the existing judicial opinions, etc., and sort out and summarize according to different situations such as the purchase time, source of purchase money, purchase method, property rights registration, etc“

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 7.5k people
    How to divide the property purchased before marriage in divorce proceedings? (I)
    Latest revision: 2021-07-27

    How to divide the property purchased before marriage in divorce proceedings? (1) The traditional concept of today's society is "no house, no marriage". More than 90% of divorce cases involve disputes over property division. However, the purchase of real estate is sometimes extremely complicated, including pre marital purchase and post marital purchase; One party, both parties and parents contribute; Full purchase and mortgage purchase; The property ownership certificate has not been handled at the time of divorce

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 3.9w people
    If the other party conceals a serious disease before marriage, the other party may apply to the court to revoke the marriage after marriage
    Latest revision: 2021-06-02

    Before marriage, if the other party conceals a serious disease, after marriage, the other party may request the court to cancel the marriage. Article 1053 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, if one party suffers from a serious disease, it shall truthfully inform the other party before marriage registration; If the party fails to tell the truth, the other party may apply to the people's court for dissolution of the marriage. A person who requests the dissolution of a marriage shall begin from the date when he knows or should know the reasons for the dissolution

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 3.9w people
    About alimony
    Latest revision: 2021-06-01

    Q1: The man's income is very high, and his annual salary is close to 1 million yuan. Can I claim an annual maintenance fee of 200000 yuan? Lawyer Zhang: Emotionally understandable, but legally impossible. According to Article 49 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Marriage and Family Code of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped -1350557286 people
    Manifestations of joint property of husband and wife
    Latest revision: 2021-05-31

    Forms of joint property of husband and wife Article 1062 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the following property acquired by husband and wife during the period of marriage shall be the joint property of husband and wife, and shall be jointly owned by husband and wife: (1) wages, bonuses, labor remuneration; (2) Income from production, operation and investment; (3) Income from intellectual property; (4) Property inherited or donated,

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Chengtian
    Helped 2w people
    2021 Procedures and relevant regulations for divorce by agreement
    Latest revision: 2021-05-30

    2021 Procedures for divorce by agreement and related regulations 1. Article 1076 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China on divorce by agreement, if the couple divorce voluntarily, they shall sign a written divorce agreement and apply for divorce registration in person at the marriage registration authority. The divorce agreement shall clearly state the intention of both parties to divorce voluntarily, the upbringing of children, property and debt handling, etc

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Recommended by lawyer Zhang Chengtian

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  • How to Divorce after Tearing the Marriage Certificate
    Lawyer's analysis: If the marriage certificate is torn up, you can go to apply for a new marriage certificate before going through the divorce procedures, or directly file a lawsuit for divorce. If only one party's marriage certificate is torn, the divorce procedure can be handled with the marriage certificate of the other party. If the other party does not cooperate with him to reissue the marriage certificate, he can go to the marriage registration office to issue a marriage status certificate, and then go through the divorce procedures.
  • How long will the divorce economic dispute lawsuit take
    Lawyer's analysis: The divorce economic dispute lawsuit will take three to six months. The people's court of divorce economic dispute case shall apply the ordinary procedure to try the case, and the time from filing the case to prosecution to judgment is generally six months. In case of special circumstances, the time can be extended for three months with the approval of the people's court at a higher level. If summary procedure is applicable, it usually takes three months from case filing to prosecution to trial conclusion.
  • How to Follow the Procedure of Litigation Divorce
    Lawyer's analysis: the divorce proceedings are as follows: 1. The stage of divorce proceedings in the court. The prosecution of a divorce case refers to a request made by one party to the people's court to dissolve the marriage relationship with the other party according to law. When a divorce case is brought, the complainant shall submit a petition and a copy to the people's court. The people's court decided to accept the case, and the divorce proceedings began immediately. 2. The trial stage of the court's divorce proceedings. Trial refers to the sum of all the investigation work done by the people's court after receiving the lawsuit, starting the litigation procedure and making the judgment.
  • Can the divorce agreement be applied for enforcement
    Lawyer's analysis: Generally speaking, after getting the divorce certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau, the couple can execute the divorce agreement according to the contents of the agreement. The divorce agreement shall state the intention of both parties to divorce voluntarily and the consensus on matters such as child rearing, property and debt disposal. The divorce agreement is not an effective legal document and does not meet the acceptance conditions of the enforcement case. If one party fails to perform its obligations in accordance with the agreement, it may bring a lawsuit to the court, and after winning the lawsuit, it may apply to the court for enforcement.
  • How long will the divorce take
    Lawyer's analysis: How long a divorce can be handled depends on the way of divorce. 1. If it is a divorce by agreement, it usually takes about 30 days to get it done. If the couple divorce voluntarily, they shall apply for divorce registration at the marriage registration office. Within 30 days after the marriage registration authority receives the divorce registration application, if either party is unwilling to divorce, it may withdraw the divorce registration application from the marriage registration authority. Within 30 days after the expiration of the time limit specified in the preceding paragraph, both parties shall personally apply to the marriage registration authority for a divorce certificate; If no application is made, the application for divorce registration shall be deemed withdrawn.
  • What do I need to bring to the court to sue for divorce
    Lawyer's analysis: the following materials are required to bring to the court for divorce: 1. marriage certification materials (marriage certificate or marriage registration authority certification); 2. Proof materials of basic marital status. Proof materials such as marriage introduced or arranged to buy or sell; 3. Evidentiary materials on the changes of the couple's feelings after marriage and the reasons for divorce; 4. Materials proving that it is appropriate for one party to raise children; 4. Materials proving the existence of common property during the marriage relationship.
  • Can't divorce when married to a soldier and have children
    Lawyer's analysis: Those who marry active servicemen and have children can divorce, but they can divorce only with the consent of the servicemen. If the military side has a serious fault, it is not necessary to obtain the consent of the military. The major fault of the soldier refers to bigamy or cohabitation with others, domestic violence or maltreatment or abandonment of family members, and other major faults such as gambling, drug abuse and other bad habits.
  • Sue for divorce. The first time is not away. Can I leave the second time
    Lawyer's analysis: The first time of suing for divorce, there is no judgment on divorce. The second time of suing, if it can be determined that the relationship between the two parties has really broken, it will be judged as divorce. However, if one party insists on not divorcing, and the court cannot determine that the relationship between the two parties has indeed broken, the divorce may not be granted in the second divorce case. The second divorce lawsuit shall be filed six months after the first judgment takes effect.
  • How to divorce if one of the two parties disagrees
    Lawyer's analysis: if one party disagrees with the divorce, the other party can sue for divorce. If one of the husband and wife requests divorce, the relevant organization may mediate or directly file a divorce lawsuit with the people's court. When hearing divorce cases, the people's courts shall conduct mediation; Divorce shall be granted if the relationship has really broken down and mediation has failed.
  • Whether the marriage certificate should be withdrawn after divorce by agreement
    Lawyer's analysis: After divorce, the marriage certificate is usually withdrawn. If it is not withdrawn, the marriage certificate will be stamped with the cancellation seal according to law. If both parties divorce by agreement and have obtained a divorce certificate, the Civil Affairs Bureau will withdraw the marriage certificate and the original marriage certificate will be invalid. If both parties divorce in litigation, the people's court will issue a divorce judgment or mediation statement, and may withdraw the marriage certificate, or may not withdraw the marriage certificate, but the court will seal the marriage certificate with the cancelled seal. The marriage certificate with the cancellation seal can no longer be used.
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  • 2024 What to do if one spouse refuses to divorce
    According to the law of our country, if one of the men and women asks for divorce and the other party does not agree, the relevant department can mediate or directly file a divorce lawsuit with the people's court. Before hearing a divorce case in court, the judge should organize mediation, which is a necessary procedure, so the couple may be divorced through mediation at this time. If mediation fails and the litigation divorce standard is met, then the couple will be judged to dissolve the marriage relationship.
  • What materials need to be prepared to sue for divorce
    In addition to providing general certificates and evidence, divorce disputes must also provide the following necessary evidence according to the content of the claims: 1. Two copies of the indictment. 2. Copy of marriage certificate. 3. Copy of ID card. 4. Proof of marital relationship (marriage certificate, household register or unit, certificate of neighborhood committee and village committee). 5. Facts or evidence of marital feelings and reasons for divorce. If the defendant's whereabouts are unknown, proof of the time and circumstances of his whereabouts shall be provided.
  • Is the divorce agreement unfair and effective?
    If only the two parties have signed the divorce agreement without going through the divorce procedures, it does not produce the legal effect of divorce, and the divorce agreement is also invalid; Even if the divorce agreement is notarized, the divorce agreement will not be effective. Therefore, to some extent, it is unnecessary to notarize the divorce agreement.
  • How to calculate the alimony for divorce in 2024?
    First, if there is a fixed income, the childcare fees can generally be paid at the rate of 20-30% of the total monthly income. If the childcare fees are paid for two or more children, the rate can be appropriately increased, but generally not more than 50% of the total monthly income. Second, if there is no fixed income, the amount of childcare fees can be determined according to the total income of the year or the average income of the same industry, with reference to the above proportion. Third, under special circumstances, the above proportion can be appropriately increased or reduced.
  • Can I ask for an increase after paying off the alimony in a lump sum
    The amount of alimony can be increased after the alimony is paid off in a lump sum. According to China's Marriage Law, the agreement or judgment on children's living expenses and education expenses does not prevent children from making reasonable demands to either parent in excess of the original amount of the agreement or judgment when necessary. In fact, the Supreme Court also has relevant provisions in this regard. Generally, when it meets the requirements, it can request an increase in alimony.
  • What are the precautions for 2024 testamentary notarization?
    1. The testator shall apply to the notary office in the place where the testamentary act takes place or where the testamentary act is domiciled for notarization of the will. 2. A will is a testator's declaration of intention to dispose of his own property and post death affairs. It can only be handled by himself, not by others. 3. The testator shall have capacity, and the person without capacity or limited capacity shall not handle it. 4. A will must be the testator's expression of true will. A will made under duress or deception is invalid.
  • Can illegitimate children inherit property
    Illegitimate children are children born out of wedlock. It is certain that children born out of wedlock enjoy the right of inheritance. The reason why the law of our country stipulates that children born out of wedlock enjoy equal inheritance rights as children born in wedlock is that children born out of wedlock, like children born in wedlock, are directly related to their parents by blood.
  • Can betrothal gifts be used as common property of husband and wife
    1. If the betrothal gifts are received or purchased by one party personally, the property donated by one party during the duration of the marital relationship shall be the joint property of the husband and wife according to the provisions of the Marriage Law of China. 2. The betrothal gifts are possessed by one family. Since the betrothal gifts are not transferred into the property community of both men and women, but are occupied by one family, they are not the joint property of husband and wife.
  • Under what circumstances can the bride price be returned?
    In the following cases, the man can ask the woman for the bride price: 1. The man and the woman have not gone through the marriage registration procedures with the local civil affairs department. 2. When both parties go through the marriage registration procedures but do not live together, the betrothal gifts can be returned. 3. Giving money before marriage and causing difficulties for the payer.

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Very quick reply fifty-five
Experienced fifty-one
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Professional image forty-eight
be ready to help others forty-five
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