Lawyer Zhang Lide

Lawyer Zhang Lide

  • five
    User rating
  • one thousand one hundred and eighty-three
    Number of people served
  • twenty-two
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 111012002****9834 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Hongjia Law Firm | Senior Partner
  • Contract affairs, company operation, labor disputes
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Profile of Lawyer Zhang Lide

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Lawyer Zhang Lide Senior partner, labor and human resources professional lawyer, legal adviser for enterprise operation and corporate governance, senior lecturer for enterprise employment relations, member of the Labor and Social Security Legal Professional Committee of Beijing Lawyers Association. Since 2004, he has been specialized in the practice and research of labor law and human resources (supplemented by business fields such as company operation legal support and contract affairs processing). Enterprise clients involved in many industries, such as, undertook more than 1000 labor dispute cases, and served as perennial legal counsel for more than 10 large and medium-sized enterprises, such as the Medical Security Bureau of a district in Beijing, Hanwang Technology Group (and its subsidiaries), Boao Biological Group (and its subsidiaries), and Dafeng Poultry Group (and its subsidiaries), Have rich practical experience in handling various labor disputes and employment management practices; Presided over hundreds of labor law trainings and enterprise HR internal trainings; He has been interviewed by the Labor Afternoon News and other news media for many times, and has compiled the Human Resources Legal Guidelines of the Thirteen Tones of Human Resources. With faith, I will do my best for you!

Lawyer Zhang Lide
Beijing Hongjia Law Firm
Contract affairs Company operation Labor disputes
 Lawyer Zhang Lide
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Case of Lawyer Zhang Lide

  • Labor injury plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Zhang Lide: acting as the plaintiff and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law
  • Company operation defendant
    Value of Lawyer Zhang Lide: Reject all claims of the plaintiff
  • Labor injury Appellee
    Lawyer Zhang Lide's value: reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment.

Collected Works of Lawyer Zhang Lide

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 10w+ people
    Issues related to the duration of medical insurance
    Latest revision: 2023-08-01

    According to the Social Security Law and local medical insurance regulations, when reaching the retirement age, those who have paid medical insurance accumulatively for over the legal period (such as Beijing, male medical insurance has paid 25 years and female medical insurance has paid 20 years) can enjoy the post retirement medical insurance benefits if they do not pay medical insurance premiums after retirement. Among them, the cumulative payment period of medical insurance is the sum of the actual payment period and the deemed payment period. Take Beijing as an example: Beijing

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 1.4w people
    If an employee is held in administrative detention, can the enterprise terminate the labor contract?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-19

    Administrative detention refers to an administrative punishment imposed by a statutory administrative organ (specifically the public security organ) on a person who violates the Administrative Punishment Law, the Public Security Administration Punishment Law and other laws and regulations in a short period of time (1 to 15 days) according to law A series of laws and regulations, such as the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, clearly stipulate which violations can be subject to administrative detention. Employee's violation

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 1.1w people
    Can you agree with the employee on the termination conditions in the labor contract?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-19

    As for whether the termination conditions can be agreed upon in the labor contract, Article 13 of the Regulations on the Implementation of the Labor Contract Law has made it clear that the employer and the employee shall not agree on other conditions for the termination of the labor contract beyond the termination of the labor contract specified in Article 44 of the Labor Contract Law. However, whether the conditions for termination can be agreed in the labor contract, some people suggest that laws and regulations do not explicitly prohibit this

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 6.2w people
    Understanding and application of payment for notice
    Latest revision: 2021-01-19

    Since the implementation of the Labor Contract Law, the system of payment in lieu of notice should not be misunderstood or misled. However, in practice, there are many misunderstandings about payment in lieu of notice. For example, as long as the enterprise does not notify the employee 30 days in advance to terminate the labor contract, it should pay one month's salary in lieu of notice; Or the enterprise can terminate the labor contract as long as it pays the employee one month's salary notice

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 1.5w people
    It is not advisable to avoid non fixed term contracts!
    Latest revision: 2021-01-18

    Since the date of promulgation of the Labor Contract Law, many enterprises and HR friends regard open-ended contracts as a "scourge", but Article 14 of the Labor Contract Law has clearly stipulated the legal conditions for signing open-ended contracts. Therefore, how to take so-called reasonable measures to avoid signing open-ended contracts, Has actually become the leader of many enterprises

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 7.5k people
    If an employee violates the family planning policy, can the enterprise terminate the labor contract?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-18

    The Population and Family Planning Law clearly stipulates that the state advocates that a couple have two children. If it meets the conditions prescribed by laws and regulations, it may request to arrange for another child to be born. At the same time, those who give birth to children in violation of family planning laws and regulations shall pay social alimony according to law, and those who are employees of the enterprise may also be given disciplinary punishment by the enterprise. First of all, it needs to be clear that the two child policy does not

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 9.3k people
    If the enterprise is merged or divided, is the compensation claimed by the employees established?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-18

    [Case] A toy company's sales volume gradually shrank because its toy products could not meet the market demand. After the field survey of a group company, it is believed that the toy company: first, its sales network formed in more than ten years can not be ignored; Second, although the current toy products of the company cannot meet the market demand, it is undeniable that the value of the company's toy R&D team and sales team is still relatively strong;

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 4.6w people
    If the employee is terminated from the labor contract due to serious violation of rules and regulations, should he still bear the liquidated damages during the service period?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-08

    [Case] In September 2013, an IT company recruited Mr. Shen as an engineer in the technical department. Before the company sent Mr. Shen to the United States for training, the two parties signed a Training Agreement in May 2014. It was agreed that Mr. Shen should serve in the company for three years after the training was completed, and the calculation began from the date of completion of the training. If Mr. Shen leaves before the expiration of his service period

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 5.8w people
    How to identify major damage?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-08

    [Case 1] Mr. Dong joined an exhibition company on July 11, 2008 as an art director and left on December 31, 2008. Dong's monthly salary is 4500 yuan, which is paid in cash. On July 11, 2008, Mr. Dong signed a Labor Employment Contract with an exhibition company, and agreed that the validity period of the contract was July 11, 2008

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Zhang Lide
    Helped 5.7w people
    How should enterprises deal with part-time employees?
    Latest revision: 2021-01-08

    Part time work is generally understood as that employees engage in a second occupation while working in their own jobs, including establishing labor relations with a third party enterprise at the same time, doing casual work after working hours (such as working as a salesperson or delivery staff at a fast-food restaurant after work) or based on their own ability Cooperate with a third party under objective conditions (such as writing a novel to a novel website, or working with friends with cars on Didi

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Zhang Lide's Lawyer Service Record

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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
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High quality service six
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Professional image three
Worthy of recommendation three
be ready to help others three
have a large stock of information two
Experienced two
Treat people sincerely two
  • ask****783
    Lawyer Zhang is very good, professional and clear! Problem solved!
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    OK, can grasp the key of the problem
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    Very patient
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