Lawyer of Beijing Lanze Law Firm

Lawyer of Beijing Lanze Law Firm

  • five
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  • enthusiasm
    Service attitude
  • twelve
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 31110000M****3948Q Practicing certification
  • Beijing Lanze Law Firm
  • Marriage and family, property disputes, criminal defense
  • Shunyi District, Beijing

Introduction to Beijing Lanze Law Firm

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1、 About the law firm Beijing Lanze Law Firm is a law firm approved by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice. Since its establishment, Lanze Lawyers has always strictly adhered to the practice norms of lawyers, with the goal of establishing a first-class law firm, adhering to the cultural concept of "treating people with courtesy, helping people with wisdom, protecting people with law, and convincing people with reason". Lanze has a high-quality lawyer team, which has solid theoretical foundation with senior lawyers with many years of experience and certain influence in the industry as the core. Solid theoretical knowledge and long-term legal practice experience are the practical guarantee for Lanze Lawyers to provide high-quality legal services to customers. (1) Business scope 1. Corporate legal affairs The establishment of a limited liability company, a joint stock limited company, a partnership enterprise, a sole proprietorship enterprise, and the transformation of the enterprise into a shareholding system, Enterprise property right structure adjustment and asset restructuring, company merger, division, merger and acquisition, foreign investment and financing, credit investigation, enterprise management consultation, and assistance in establishing and improving various management systems of the enterprise. 2. Litigation and arbitration legal affairs Providing legal advice to criminal suspects, representing them in appeals, charges and applications for bail pending trial; Accept the entrustment of the defendant or relatives to act as the defender, participate in the litigation, accept the entrustment of the parties to economic, civil and administrative cases, act as the agent, and participate in the litigation; Accept the entrustment and agency of the parties to participate in domestic and international economic arbitration and labor dispute arbitration, and represent the appeals of various cases. 3. Government Legal Affairs Organize and plan legal publicity and education activities; Examine and verify the legal basis of various administrative acts, and help the government to administer according to law. 4. Legal consultation Provide legal advice and legal opinions to customers; Draft, review and modify contracts, articles of association, memoranda, letters of intent, applications and other legal documents; Providing legal witness, investigation, deposit and participation in negotiation; Acting for clients to solve various civil, administrative and economic disputes through consultation, mediation, arbitration, litigation and other means. 2、 Service tenet Beijing Lanze Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as "the Firm") aims to provide high-quality, efficient, timely and accurate legal services for clients. High quality: a group of senior lawyers from our firm, whose business covers company law, financial law, commercial law, criminal law, etc., provides professional legal advisory services for customers. Efficiency: accept assigned affairs, pay attention to efficiency and justice, and provide practical legal solutions. Timely: ensure smooth information, timely understand your unit's legal service needs, and quickly provide relevant legal services. Accuracy: strictly check the legal services provided, make sure the facts are clear, the legal basis is sufficient, and the scheme is practical.

Lawyer of Beijing Lanze Law Firm
Beijing Lanze Law Firm
marriage and family Property disputes criminal defense
 Lawyer of Beijing Lanze Law Firm
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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
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