Lawyer Guo Qian

  • Tianjin Yiqing Law Firm
  • Contract affairs, property disputes, creditor's rights and debts, damages, marriage and family
  • Tianjin Nankai District

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Lawyer Guo Qian, a bachelor of law from Tianjin Nankai University, a member of the All China Lawyers Association, and a special guest of Tianjin TV's First Observation and New Talk Program, has profound theoretical knowledge of law and rich legal practice experience, and has been proficient in economic disputes, property disputes, creditor's rights and debts, contract disputes, construction contracts, marriage and inheritance, criminal defense The company's legal counsel and other aspects have in-depth research. During many years of practice, he has focused on the research of litigation cases, has profound legal theoretical foundation and judicial practice experience, strictly abides by the professional ethics and practice discipline of lawyers, and adheres to the practice philosophy of integrity, prudence, diligence and efficiency. In the process of handling cases, he was able to effectively communicate with the judge in charge, safeguard the best interests of the parties, strictly abide by the business standards, ethics and the spirit of diligence recognized by the lawyer industry, and won the trust and respect of clients. At the same time, its persistent pursuit of legal fairness and justice has deeply moved the case handlers and all parties concerned, defended the dignity of the law, and effectively safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. The case handling concept of "professional because of focus" is highly praised by the parties. If you encounter the above legal problems, please call lawyer Guo Qian immediately for professional legal advice and case strategy planning, so as not to miss your opportunity to safeguard your rights. The legal consultation hotline is 18602290138, and we believe that we will become professional and considerate legal advisers around you.
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