Lawyer Xiong Ke

Lawyer Xiong Ke

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  • two thousand eight hundred and twenty-three
    Number of people served
  • six
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 142012018****8861 Practicing certification
  • Beijing BOC (Wuhan) Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, construction project disputes, foreign-related expertise, criminal defense, company operation, labor disputes
  • Wuhan, Hubei

About Xiong Ke

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Xiong Ke has been engaged in legal work for nearly 10 years. He is a lawyer of Beijing BOC (Wuhan) Law Firm. He studied intellectual property law in China University of Political Science and Law. He is good at the company's comprehensive business, criminal and civil cross fields, and human resources integration. He is now a lawyer mediator of the Lawyer Mediation Center of Hubei Lawyers Association, providing perennial legal advisory services to several well-known enterprises, and is an off campus tutor of Wuhan East Lake University. He has published practical articles and received interviews on various media.

Lawyer Xiong Ke
Beijing BOC (Wuhan) Law Firm
Contract affairs Construction project disputes Foreign expertise
 Lawyer Xiong Ke
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Xiong Ke's Collected Works of Lawyers

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 4.4k people
    Is jurisdiction difficult to determine? Lawyers intervene to quickly close the case
    Latest revision: 2021-08-11

    Ms. Huang and Mr. Wu divorced in 2018, and both parties signed a divorce agreement. At that time, the child was still young and was raised by the man in the agreement. Now that the child is old enough to go to school, Ms. Huang is qualified to provide a chance for the legitimate child to go to school in a high-quality primary school, but the school needs the court to decide that the custody right is Ms. Huang before it can enroll the child. Both parties have no right to change custody

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 7.9k people
    How to deal with labor dispute litigation? There is a big difference between lawyers and non lawyers!
    Latest revision: 2021-07-30

    As the defendant of labor dispute, the company is in a very passive position. The lawsuit will affect the reputation of the company. The defendant company in this case found Xiong Ke. On April 10, 2020, the plaintiff applied to the labor and personnel dispute arbitration committee for arbitration due to labor remuneration dispute, but was not satisfied with the arbitration result, and sued the company to the court. The case has experienced a labor

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 1.7w people
    What if Party A doesn't pay the loan? The lawyer intervenes to recover all payment for Party B
    Latest revision: 2021-07-27

    Party A's father is always in arrears with the payment for goods, and Party B begged him to pay without any way, seeking the help of Xiong Ke's lawyer. Affected by the epidemic, the business itself was sluggish, and Party A was also in arrears with the payment for goods. The other party refused to pay the payment for goods from May 2020 to February 2021, which made President Li very worried. After meeting with General Manager Li, Xiong Ke learned the basic information and was comforted by lawyer Xiong Ke

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 1.6w people
    Consumer rights protection: should we pay three or ten back?
    Latest revision: 2021-07-26

    Relevant laws: Article 55 of the Consumer Rights and Interests Law: If a business operator commits fraud in providing goods or services, it shall increase the compensation for the losses it has suffered as required by the consumer, and the amount of increased compensation shall be three times the price of the consumer's purchase of goods or the cost of receiving services; If the amount of additional compensation is less than 500 yuan, it is 500 yuan. If the law provides otherwise, such provisions shall prevail

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 8.8k people
    When buying and selling houses, the other party will not transfer the money? The lawyer intervened to recover the double deposit
    Latest revision: 2021-07-23

    Mr. Zhu, the client, found Xiong Ke with a copy of the "Wuhan Stock Housing Sales Contract" and some WeChat chat records. It turned out that Mr. Zhu purchased a second-hand house through an intermediary. The contract agreed to pay a deposit of 100000 yuan first, and after he got the property certificate under Mr. Zhu's name on the day of transfer, Mr. Zhu paid the other party all the purchase price. Now Mr. Zhu has paid the deposit, but the other party doesn't pay the room

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 4k people
    The custody dispute? Harmony is the most important thing after making every effort
    Latest revision: 2021-07-22

    Ms. Wang, the client, found the lawyer with a bunch of intimate photos of her husband and women outside marriage and screenshots of his debt collection message. It can be seen that she was disappointed in this marriage. Her only hope is to obtain custody of her son. By communicating with the party concerned, we can appeal to the court for him and sentence our party and the man to divorce; The legitimate child shall be raised by our party, and the man shall pay for the support

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 7.7k people
    500, 000 dozen? The lawyer successfully recovered the principal and interest for the client!
    Latest revision: 2021-07-21

    Last year, Chongqing * * Company, the party concerned, sought out a lawyer. Through early communication, it was learned that our party and the other party, Yichang * * Company, had signed a Cooperative Operation Agreement. The party involved in the forward housing project invested 500000 yuan as an investment fund to jointly operate a certain type of cargo ship with the other party. Both parties agreed that 50% of the management right and income right of the ship would be transferred to us within the contract operation time

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 4.4w people
    Review of Cases in 2020 - Practice of Change of Children's Custody Right after Divorce
    Latest revision: 2021-01-31

    As we all know, during the marriage, both parents have the right to support their children. Once the marriage relationship breaks down, the issue of child support can only be mentioned in the court when the marriage relationship between the two parties is dissolved. Then, how to deal with the custody of children after divorce (whether litigation or agreement)? According to the current laws of our country, the custody of children can be

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 4.6w people
    Review of cases in 2020 - how to safeguard the rights of workers after the cancellation of the company
    Latest revision: 2021-01-31

    The main body of labor disputes is workers on one side and enterprises (employers) on the other. If the employer cancels the registration with the industrial and commercial administration department (market supervision and administration department), how should the workers claim their rights? According to relevant laws and regulations, the laborer has a dispute with the employer that has not handled the business license, whose business license is revoked, or continues to operate after the business term expires

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Xiong Ke
    Helped 9.1w people
    How to deal with the labor relationship between the enterprise and its employees who are suspected of criminal offences?
    Latest revision: October 31, 2020

    I am often consulted by corporate clients. Employees haven't come to work for a few days. They contacted their emergency contacts and learned that they were taken away by the public security organs; Another situation is that the employee may be involved in internal violations of laws and regulations. The enterprise must investigate and collect evidence, and report to the public security organ after collecting some evidence. In all of the above cases, many enterprise bosses or

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  • What are the obligations of the broker
    Lawyer's analysis: The obligations of the broker are as follows: 1. Report the opportunity to conclude the contract to the client. 2. Provide media services for concluding contracts. 3. Report the matters related to the conclusion of the contract truthfully. In addition, if the intermediary intentionally conceals important facts related to the conclusion of the contract or provides false information, thereby harming the interests of the client, it may not request payment of remuneration or shall be liable for compensation.
  • Is it illegal not to write liquidated damages in the contract?
    Lawyer's analysis: It is not illegal not to write liquidated damages in the contract. If the parties have not agreed on the liquidated damages, they may reach a supplementary agreement through consultation or determine them in accordance with other terms and trading practices; If it cannot still be determined, the aggrieved party may, depending on the circumstances, request the other party to assume liability for breach of contract such as repair, rework, replacement, return of goods, reduction of price or remuneration.
  • What are the precautions for the contract of forest land
    Lawyer's analysis: Precautions: 1. We must comply with the mandatory provisions of laws and regulations on the circulation, development and utilization of forest land. 2. The forest land uniformly managed by rural collective economic organizations is contracted by means of bidding, auction, open consultation, etc. according to law. 3. If the forest land uniformly managed by rural collective economic organizations is contracted by means of bidding, auction, open consultation, etc. according to law, the forest resource assets shall be evaluated by an evaluation institution with corresponding qualifications.
  • What are the effective conditions of the customized contract
    Lawyer's analysis: the conditions for the effectiveness of a contract to be made are: 1. The parties to the contract have the ability to conclude a contract. The actor's ability to conclude a contract includes the ability to conclude a contract of both citizens and legal persons. 2. The declaration of intention is true. In the customized contract, both parties reach an agreement on the specific contents of the contract through consultation. 3. Do not violate the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations, or damage the national and social public interests.
  • Can there be additional conditions for the assignment of creditor's rights
    Lawyer's analysis: There may be additional conditions for the assignment of creditor's rights. However, if the additional conditions involve the relevant rights and obligations of the debtor, the debtor shall truthfully inform the debtor within a reasonable period of time and negotiate with the debtor about the additional conditions, otherwise the additional conditions will not have legal effect on the debtor. The assignment of creditor's rights refers to the act of the involved contractual creditor transferring all or part of his creditor's rights to a third party.
  • What requirements can a conditional contract meet before it is established
    Lawyer's analysis: the requirements that a conditional contract meets must be objective and uncertain facts that have not yet occurred; It must be a fact chosen by the parties at will; The conditions are agreed by the parties, not statutory; The conditions shall not contradict the main contents of the contract. A conditional contract is a contract in which the parties stipulate certain conditions in particular, and the occurrence or extinction of the validity of the contract is determined by the achievement of the conditions.
  • Can I get the contract after the down payment
    Lawyer's analysis: the contract can be obtained after the down payment. The purchase contract is usually obtained within 30 days after the purchase. After the buyer signs the purchase contract with the developer, the developer should take the contract to the Housing Authority for filing, but because the developer often accumulates a certain number of contracts on hand before going to the Housing Authority for centralized filing, but the maximum time should not exceed 30 days.
  • How to regulate standard terms
    Lawyer's analysis: It is regulated by the following: if a contract is concluded with standard terms, the party providing the standard terms shall follow the principle of fairness to determine the rights and obligations between the parties, and take reasonable ways to remind the other party to pay attention to the terms that have a significant interest in the other party, such as exemption or mitigation of its responsibilities, and explain the terms according to the requirements of the other party.
  • What aspects should be paid attention to when signing the contract
    Lawyer's analysis: When signing the contract, the following three aspects should be paid attention to: 1. Check and backup the identity certificate of the legal representative, power of attorney and other materials related to identity certificate. 2. The main terms of the contract should be read carefully to ensure that there is no ambiguous boundary. 3. The contract must be clearly stamped, and after the contract comes into effect, each party should hold one copy as far as possible.
  • Is the gift contract a legal act of both parties
    Lawyer's analysis: the gift contract is a legal act of both parties. Donation refers to the act that the donor gives his property to the donee free of charge and the donee expresses his acceptance. Generally, it is completed by signing a gift contract or oral agreement, and it can be established only when the parties agree on their intention. When the gift has been delivered and there is no legal cause for revocation, the donor is generally not allowed to renege.
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High quality service ninety-seven
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Very quick reply ninety-five
Worthy of recommendation ninety-four
be ready to help others ninety
Professional image eighty-seven
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