Lawyer Yang Fan

Lawyer Yang Fan

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  • four thousand five hundred and seventy-six
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  • seven
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  • two Within minutes
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  • 111012017****3322 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Yingke Law Firm | Partner
  • Contract affairs, property disputes, creditor's rights and debts, criminal defense, land acquisition and demolition, marriage and family
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Yang Fan

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Lawyer Yang Fan, a master of law from Heilongjiang University, has a solid legal foundation, is warm and sincere, modest and courteous, takes cases seriously and responsibly, has strong coordination and communication skills, excellent logical thinking ability and organizational ability, and has accumulated a large number of cases over the years, enabling lawyer Yang Fan to quickly judge and analyze the case pulse, provide accurate cut in plans, and combine excellent trial skills, Provide high-quality legal services for hundreds of parties.

Lawyer Yang Fan
Beijing Yingke Law Firm
Contract affairs Property disputes Creditor's rights and debts
 Lawyer Yang Fan
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Collected Works of Lawyer Yang Fan

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    Lawyer Yang Fan
    Helped 5.3w people
    Handling process and precautions of rural land contract management certificate
    Latest revision: 2020-09-02

    1. What is the rural land contract management certificate? The certificate of rural land contractual management is the legal evidence that the state confirms the contractor's right to land contractual management according to law after the rural land contract takes effect. The rural land contractual management certificate is limited to the use of contractors 2. What kind of land can obtain the rural land contractual management certificate? Contracted farmland, garden plot, barren mountain

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  • Can I inherit my inheritance without fulfilling my duty of support?
    Lawyer's analysis: children who do not fulfill their maintenance obligations also enjoy the legal inheritance right to their parents' inheritance. However, if they are children who have the ability to support but do not fulfill their obligations to support, they should be given less or no share in the distribution of the estate. Therefore, it is possible to lose the inheritance if you do not support your parents. Adult children with financial affordability, regardless of gender, married and unmarried, should try their best to fulfill this obligation according to law when their parents need support until their parents die.
  • What are the consequences of not supporting the elderly?
    Lawyer's analysis: First of all, heirs who have the ability and conditions to support, if they do not fulfill their obligations to support, should be given no or less share of the estate when distributing it. Secondly, the will should reserve the necessary share of the estate for the heirs who lack the ability to work and have no source of income. Therefore, laws that fail to fulfill their maintenance obligations due to lack of labor capacity and no source of income should not impose difficulties on people.
  • What are the consequences of not supporting the elderly?
    Lawyer's analysis: First of all, heirs who have the ability and conditions to support, if they do not fulfill their obligations to support, should be given no or less share of the estate when distributing it. Secondly, the will should reserve the necessary share of the estate for the heirs who lack the ability to work and have no source of income. Therefore, laws that fail to fulfill their maintenance obligations due to lack of labor capacity and no source of income should not impose difficulties on people.
  • Does giving up the right to inherit real estate still have the obligation to support parents?
    Lawyer's analysis: First, adult children have the obligation to support, support and protect their parents. Secondly, the successor shall pay off the taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law to the extent of the actual value of the estate obtained. This restriction does not apply to the part exceeding the actual value of the estate that the heir voluntarily repays. Therefore, giving up the right of inheritance only creates the responsibility of not paying off the debts of the deceased.
  • Are widowed children and daughter-in-law obliged to support their parents in law?
    Lawyer's analysis: Adult children have the obligation to support, support and protect their parents. Adult children who fail to perform their obligations of support, parents who lack the ability to work or who are in difficulty in life, have the right to demand that adult children pay alimony. Children's obligation to support their parents shall not terminate with the change of their parents' marital relationship. Grandchildren and grandchildren who can afford it shall have the obligation to support their grandparents whose children have died or whose children are unable to support them.
  • Are widowed wives obliged to support their parents in law?
    Lawyer's analysis: Widowed daughter-in-law has no legal obligation to support her in law, and only children have the obligation to support their parents. In the marriage survival stage, daughter-in-law only has the responsibility to assist the spouse to perform the maintenance obligation, instead of assuming the maintenance obligation to the mother-in-law, so the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is more constrained by morality and customs.
  • Under what circumstances can the adoptive relationship be terminated?
    Lawyer's analysis: 1. The adopter and the person placing out the child for adoption can terminate the adoptive relationship by agreement. If the adopted child is over eight years old, his or her consent should be obtained. 2. If the adopter fails to perform his/her duty of upbringing and commits maltreatment, abandonment or other acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the minor adopted child, the person placing out the child for adoption has the right to demand the termination of the adoptive relationship between the adoptive parents and the adopted child.
  • What conditions should the adoptee meet when adopting a child
    Lawyer's analysis: When adopting a child, the adoptee should meet the following relevant conditions: 1. If a person without spouse adopts a child of the opposite sex, the age difference between the child and the child shall be more than 40 years old; 2. Having the ability to support, educate and protect the adoptee; 3. Not suffering from any disease that is medically considered unsuitable for adoption; 4. The adopter has no children or only one child; 5. Other conditions.
  • What is the family relationship in the Marriage Law
    Lawyer's analysis: The Marriage Law has expired, and the family relationship in the Civil Code is: 1. Conjugal relationship; 2. The relationship between parents and children. Including natural parents and natural children, adoptive parents and adopted children, step parents and step children; 3. Grandchild relationship; 4. Sibling relationship; 5. Other relationships.
  • Whether the daughter sent out has the right to inherit
    Lawyer's analysis: The daughter sent out for adoption usually has no legal inheritance right. According to the relevant laws and regulations, the natural children and their parents have the legal inheritance rights to each other. However, if the children are adopted by others, the rights and obligations between the adoptive parents and the adopted children shall be subject to the provisions on the relationship between parents and children, and the relationship between the natural parents and children shall be terminated from the date of establishment of the adoptive relationship.
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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service twenty-three
have a large stock of information fifteen
Very quick reply fourteen
Experienced thirteen
Worthy of recommendation thirteen
Treat people sincerely thirteen
Professional image eleven
be ready to help others ten
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    Beijing Fengtai District
    Explanations were very detailed! click into place!
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