Lawyer Zhou Ying

Lawyer Zhou Ying

  • five
    User rating
  • six hundred and twelve
    Number of people served
  • five
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
    Average response
  • 111012019****1842 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Dianshi Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Traffic accident, damages, contract affairs
  • Huairou District, Beijing

Profile of Lawyer Zhou Ying

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Lawyer Zhou Ying is a full-time lawyer of Beijing Dianshi Law Firm. Graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor's degree in law, engaged in the industry for many years, and familiar with the handling process of some civil, commercial and criminal cases. He is enthusiastic to the parties, rigorous, responsible and sincere in his work, especially good at handling criminal defense, marriage and family, contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts.

Lawyer Zhou Ying
Beijing Dianshi Law Firm
traffic accident Damages Contract affairs
 Lawyer Zhou Ying
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Case of lawyer Zhou Ying

Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

Recommended by lawyer Zhou Ying

Vivid image
  • Whether the wife can be the legal guardian of the husband
    Lawyer's analysis: spouse is the legal guardian. For adults without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, the following persons with capacity for guardianship shall act as guardians in order: (1) spouse; (2) Parents and children; (3) Other close relatives; (4) Any other individual or organization willing to act as guardian shall, however, obtain the consent of the residents' committee, the villagers' committee or the civil affairs department in the place where the guardian resides.
View all image and text recommendations

Zhou Ying's Lawyer Service Record

Answer patiently

User comments received by lawyer Zhou Ying

Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service 99+
Very quick reply 99+
Worthy of recommendation 99+
Experienced 99+
Treat people sincerely 99+
have a large stock of information 99+
be ready to help others 99+
Professional image 99+
  • ask****759
    The reply was very timely and considerate.
    Before January
  • ask****847
    Beijing Xicheng District
    Didn't ask anything
    Before January
  • ask****956
    Beijing Tongzhou District
    Timely and quick, clear reply!
    Before January
  • ask****700
    Beijing Mentougou District
    Lawyer Zhou solved my confusion simply and clearly, and hit the essence of the problem directly
    Before January
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 Lawyer Zhou Ying
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