Lawyer Zhang Min

Lawyer Zhang Min

  • five
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  • five thousand one hundred and seventy-two
    Number of people served
  • five
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
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  • 111012019****8448 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Fawo Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Company operation, construction project disputes, legal counsel, contract affairs, intellectual property rights
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Introduction to Lawyer Zhang Min

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Lawyer of Beijing Fawo Law Firm. Graduate degree, head of the perennial legal advisory department of the enterprise, good at enterprise commercial litigation/arbitration and negotiation, perennial legal counsel, intellectual property litigation, etc. He has worked in a well-known domestic legal database company and has rich experience in corporate legal services in construction engineering, software technology, catering, finance and other industries.

Lawyer Zhang Min
Beijing Fawo Law Firm
Company operation Construction project disputes Legal Counsel
 Lawyer Zhang Min
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Lawyer Zhang Min's case

  • Contract affairs plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Zhang Min: to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties in accordance with the law and help the parties successfully safeguard their rights.
  • Damages plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Zhang Min: acting for the plaintiff and helping the parties successfully safeguard their rights according to law
  • Construction project disputes plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Zhang Min: representing the plaintiff, helping the parties to successfully safeguard their rights, and recovering the project funds of 1200000 yuan
  • Damages plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Zhang Min: to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties in accordance with the law and help the parties successfully safeguard their rights
Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

Recommended by Lawyer Zhang Min

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  • How effective is the withdrawal
    Lawyer's analysis: withdrawal from the partnership will lead to legal liability obligations. The withdrawal partner's share of partnership assets shall be settled according to the agreement or regulations. The withdrawing partner shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the partnership before withdrawing. Limited partners shall be liable only to the extent that they recover their property on the withdrawal date due to different circumstances.
  • How can the company deal with some things when the legal person commits a crime
    Lawyer's analysis: after the legal person is involved in illegal and criminal activities, the enterprise should actively cooperate with relevant government agencies to carry out investigation, always adhering to the principles of transparency and honesty. The potential impact of criminal acts on their own business conditions and goodwill needs to be carefully assessed, and effective measures should be taken to appease employees and maintain the daily operation of the enterprise. If the criminal act has brought heavy economic losses to the enterprise, it should be pursued according to legal procedures. In addition, in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, it is necessary for enterprises to comprehensively review, optimize and improve their internal management rules and regulations as soon as possible, and strengthen supervision.
  • Do you need to repay debts after applying for bankruptcy? Now
    Lawyer's analysis: After the applicant files a bankruptcy application, he or she is usually still responsible for the debts he or she owes, but the specific way and scope of repayment will vary according to the situation. In this process, the court will check and even distribute all assets of the debtor. If the liquidated bankruptcy property can fully cover all payables such as principal and interest, the debt will be repaid in full. However, if the debtor's property cannot fully cover all the debts, it shall be paid in priority according to the relevant laws and regulations. The remaining unpaid debt may be exempted if certain conditions are met.
  • Should a bankrupt legal person go to jail
    Lawyer's analysis: When faced with bankruptcy, the legal person of the company may not be subject to legal sanctions. In the whole bankruptcy proceedings, if the legal person has not committed any act in violation of the relevant laws and regulations, such as not deliberately hiding or transferring the company's assets, or not conducting false financial records and deliberately destroying accounting vouchers and other acts detrimental to the interests of creditors, then generally, they are not required to bear criminal responsibility. However, if the above-mentioned illegal acts occur, and these acts have brought serious losses and impacts to creditors, then the legal person may violate the criminal law, and must bear the corresponding criminal responsibility.
  • How long to get the money after declaration of bankruptcy claims
    Lawyer's analysis: After the declaration of the debts of bankrupt enterprises, the specific time point for obtaining funds may vary from case to case. The actual situation is affected by many complex factors, such as the company's property disposal progress, its debt structure and the overall process of court review. Generally speaking, the overall procedure required to terminate the bankruptcy proceedings may last for a long time, ranging from several months to one year or even two years. If the bankrupt enterprise has sufficient assets and the property liquidation is progressing smoothly, then the distribution of funds may be completed more quickly; However, if the opposite is true, a longer waiting period may be required.
  • What are the situations that the equity transfer agreement is invalid
    Lawyer's analysis: In general, there are clear legal provisions to regulate the effectiveness of the equity transfer agreement, which does not include but is not limited to the following situations: First, the equity transfer agreement belongs to the true intention of both parties to the transfer, and its signing process follows the legal and agreed procedures, without any fraud Threats and other acts of reaching an agreement in an improper manner; Secondly, the transferor and the transferee should have complete civil capacity and be able to bear corresponding civil legal liabilities independently; Finally, the contents of the agreement shall not violate the spirit of the relevant mandatory provisions in laws and regulations.
  • What are the legal provisions for withdrawal
    Lawyer's analysis: according to the different types of withdrawal, we can divide it into two categories: voluntary withdrawal and legal withdrawal. Voluntary withdrawal means that partners choose to withdraw from the partnership according to their own wishes; Legal withdrawal refers to the mandatory withdrawal of partners from the partnership when there are specific circumstances specified by the law. In any form of withdrawal, all property of the partnership must be fully and thoroughly settled. If the withdrawal has brought economic losses to the partnership, the withdrawing partner is obliged to bear the corresponding liability for compensation.
  • What should creditors do if the deadline for declaration of bankruptcy claims has passed
    Lawyer's analysis: if creditors miss the declaration period of bankruptcy claims, they can still submit a supplementary application for declaration before the final distribution of the bankruptcy property. However, the distribution activities that have been implemented during this period and involved in the original plan can be supplemented, but no new distribution will be adopted. Therefore, in order to ensure the protection of their own rights and interests, creditors should clarify the relevant situation to the insolvency administration as soon as possible and submit supplementary declaration materials. However, if the declaration obligation is not fulfilled in time, it may lead to greater difficulties and risks in the claim process.
  • Can I get the bankruptcy salary of the group company
    Lawyer's analysis: In the face of the bankruptcy dilemma of group enterprises, employees' salaries are usually still expected to be paid. When an enterprise goes into bankruptcy proceedings, the bankruptcy sorting process will first ensure the repayment of bankruptcy costs and common interest debts, including employee salaries. The bankruptcy management agency will carry out detailed liquidation and disposal of all assets of the company in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of all employee partners are fully protected. However, the actual amount that can be obtained is often determined by the current situation of enterprise assets and the degree of liabilities.
  • Does the money go to the court after the lawsuit
    Lawyer's analysis: Generally speaking, the way of payment of funds after the end of the lawsuit is determined according to the detailed judicial decisions and the contents of the contract signed by both parties. If the judgment document expressly states that the funds should be transferred to the court's account, or the parties reach a corresponding agreement in the process of litigation, the funds will be remitted to the court's account. The court will properly manage and reasonably distribute these funds in accordance with the legal procedures. However, if there is no such provision or agreement, the funds may also flow directly between the parties.
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Zhang Min's Lawyer Service Record

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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service forty-four
Worthy of recommendation twenty-eight
Treat people sincerely twenty-seven
be ready to help others twenty-seven
Very quick reply twenty-seven
have a large stock of information twenty-six
Professional image twenty-six
Experienced twenty-five
  • ask****177
    High quality service, professional image and sincere treatment
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  • ask14674070
    The lawyer was very patient, answered my questions clearly and in detail, and replied promptly. Thank you very much for your service.
    Before January
  • ask14668955
    Beijing Daxing District
    The lawyer is very professional and can use very simple language to explain the problem to me, which solves the big problem that puzzles me! Thank you, lawyer.
    Before January
  • ask****665
    Beijing Yanqing District
    The reply speed is very fast, which helps me solve problems
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