Lawyer Yang Fangjuan

Lawyer Yang Fangjuan

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  • five
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  • 111012019****4281 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Guanling Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts, land acquisition and demolition
  • Xicheng district

Profile of Lawyer Yang Fangjuan

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Yang Fangjuan, a lawyer, is a member of the All China Lawyers Association and the Beijing Lawyers Association, and currently works in Beijing Guanling Law Firm. Since entering the legal profession, Lawyer Yang Fangjuan has been deeply involved in the field of civil litigation and administrative litigation. She has rich experience in housing expropriation on state-owned land, rural housing expropriation and compensation, collective land expropriation, national compensation, industrial injury administrative litigation, and contract disputes. She works conscientiously and steadfastly, can quickly grasp the key to the case, and provide the parties with the best solution. Because of Yang Fangjuan's professional legal services, solid legal skills and conscientious and responsible working attitude, she has rich professional knowledge and work experience, is familiar with all kinds of official documents and legal provisions, has patience and meticulous working attitude, faces difficult and complicated cases, combines civil and administrative work experience, finds a breakthrough, and dares to fight in court, It has received unanimous praise from the parties.

Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
Beijing Guanling Law Firm
Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts Land acquisition and demolition
 Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
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100% personal case handling and case comparison

Lawyer Yang Fangjuan's case

  • traffic accident appellant
    The value of lawyer Yang Fangjuan: acting as the appellant, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties in accordance with the law, and obtaining court support for the appeal
  • traffic accident plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Yang Fangjuan: safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law
  • Creditor's rights and debts plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Yang Fangjuan: safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law
  • Creditor's rights and debts plaintiff
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan's value: legally protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and help them recover the loan principal of 140000 yuan
  • marriage and family plaintiff
    The value of lawyer Yang Fangjuan: safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law
  • marriage and family Appellee
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan's value: reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment.
  • Labor injury defendant
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan's value: after the salesman of the company completed his performance and received the performance pay, the company was refunded by the customer during his service, so the company asked the employee to return the performance pay. The employee did not agree to the return, so the employer filed a labor arbitration request for return. After the labor arbitration rejected the employer's arbitration request, the company refused to accept the request and filed a lawsuit, which was eventually rejected by the court, In addition, we also claim back the salary that has been withheld from the employer.

Yang Fangjuan's Collected Works of Lawyers

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 3.7k people
    Private lending that you don't know
    Latest revision: 2021-07-31

    It was written that nowadays, the economy is so developed that it is normal to borrow money between relatives and friends, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. However, China is also an acquaintance society. It is hard to refuse to borrow money between friends, and I am embarrassed to ask the other party to issue an IOU for fear of hurting people's feelings. But after borrowing money, for various reasons, it is inevitable to solve it through litigation, What should we pay attention to when prosecuting

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 8k people
    On the Practical Issues of the Lawsuit for Peasant Workers' Wage Claim
    Latest revision: 2021-07-31

    1、 It is a commonplace that migrant workers ask for wages in the front. Although the state has issued various policies explicitly prohibiting the payment of migrant workers' wages in arrears, it still treats the symptoms rather than the root causes. It is still a normal situation to pay migrant workers' wages in arrears. Today, I would like to say some personal opinions from the perspective of litigation. 2、 Real case Since the beginning of April 2013, a total of 15 Zhang people have been Wang

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 1.8w people
    After the customer returns the goods, should the salesperson return the corresponding performance pay?
    Latest revision: 2021-07-31

    Basic Facts On March 5, 2015, Mr. Guo joined W Company as a salesperson. The monthly salary standard is the base salary of 3500 yuan plus commission. In December 2015, Guo sold the company's wealth management products of 4 million yuan, which was 110000 yuan more than the commission of Guo. Later, the company also paid performance pay on time. However, in April 2016, the manager of W Company was purchased

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 1w people
    The latest case: the declaration of voluntarily giving up social security is invalid, and the employer cannot be exempted from industrial injury liability
    Latest revision: 2021-07-31

    Basic Facts On May 10, 2016, Mr. Wang joined Company O as a security guard. Sign a labor contract with a term from May 10, 2016 to May 9, 2017; The salary is 3500 yuan. During Mr. Wang's tenure, Company O asked Mr. Wang to issue a statement of voluntary waiver of social insurance, and has not paid social insurance premiums for him since then. March 14, 2017

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 8.2k people
    If the company refuses to sign an open-ended labor contract after ten years of continuous work, it will pay twice the salary
    Latest revision: 2021-07-31

    Basic Fact On April 3, 2001, Liu joined M Company as an assembler in the production department. After the labor contract signed by both parties expired on December 31, 2014, M Company did not sign a labor contract with Liu, but Liu still works in M Company. On April 21, 2017, Liu failed to pay the labor remuneration of March 2017 in time, and was in arrears for that month without reason

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 9.7k people
    The termination of the labor contract, both sides stick to their own words, who is right in the end?
    Latest revision: 2021-07-31

    Basic Facts On July 18, 2016, Mr. Han joined J Company as a product manager, and the two parties signed a labor contract with a term from July 18, 2016 to July 17, 2019. The agreed probation period is 3 months, and the salary standard during the probation period is 17600 yuan per month, and 22000 yuan per month after becoming a regular employee. Company J makes bank transfer on the 15th day of each month

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 5.6w people
    How can I determine my salary when I get injured on the first day of work?
    Latest revision: 2021-07-30

    [Basic facts] On March 9, 2012, Mr. Li joined Company B and was registered as a non urban resident. At about 18:00 in the afternoon of the same day, during the construction of the small pilot tunnel at the lower level of Daguanying Station of Lot 01 of Beijing Metro Line 7 subcontracted by Company B, Mr. Li was injured by guniting. On April 24, 2012, Company B applied for identification of work-related injury for Mr. Li. 2012

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Yang Fangjuan
    Helped 3.1w people
    The employer's failure to sign a written labor contract with migrant workers does not affect the recognition of labor relations
    Latest revision: 2021-07-30

    1、 Basic Facts On January 1, 2017, Mr. Zhang joined Company A, and the two parties did not sign a written labor contract. The type of work was communication base station maintenance worker, specifically engaged in the daily maintenance and power generation of communication base stations. At 13:00 on January 22, 2019, Zhang was injured by electric shock due to the leakage of the communication machine room when he was stationed in the power generation process. They were sent to the hospital in time, and the medical expenses were 100

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Recommended by lawyer Yang Fangjuan

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  • What is the definition of illegal fund-raising and private lending?
    1. Private lending is legal, and illegal fund-raising is illegal; 2. Private lending refers to lending between citizens, between citizens and legal persons, and between citizens and other organizations. As long as the intention of both parties is true, it can be recognized as valid; Illegal fund-raising is an act that violates the provisions of laws and regulations, and raises funds from unspecified groups and is promised high returns.
  • What is the judicial interpretation of the right of uneasy defense?
    The right of uneasy defense is one of the rights of defense in civil law. According to the provisions of the Contract Law of China, it refers to the right to suspend performance temporarily in a bilateral contract when both parties bear debts to each other, have a sequence of performance, and the party performing first has exact evidence to prove that the party performing later has lost or may lose the ability to perform.
  • What is the difference between the temporary right of defense and the permanent right of defense?
    The prescription is different. The right of temporary defense means that only "temporary" defense can be used. Once the legal cause is eliminated, the debtor can no longer exercise the right of defense. The permanent right of defense means that the debtor can defend forever. For example, if the creditor does not claim rights within the limitation period, the creditor loses the right to win the lawsuit. Then the debtor can refuse to perform his obligation. This right of defense is permanent. No matter how long it takes, the debtor can refuse to perform.
  • What is the reason for the exercise of the right of uneasy defense?
    Due to the same bilateral contract, the two debts bear each other's debts, and there is a consideration relationship between the two debts. The party claiming the right of unease defense shall first perform its debts, and its debts have reached the repayment period. The purpose of stipulating the right of unease defense is to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, prevent fraud through the contract, and urge the other party to perform its obligations.
  • How long is the limitation period of the mortgagor's right of defense?
    If the mortgagor exercises the right of defense within the prescribed time limit, the time limit of the mortgagor's right of defense is two years, that is, it can be exercised within two years after the debt dispute occurs.
  • Is illegal fund-raising a joint debt of husband and wife?
    One of the husband and wife participated in private lending and was later sentenced to the crime of illegal fund-raising. Whether the debt owed is the joint debt of the husband and wife depends on whether it is used for family life. Both husband and wife shall provide evidence. For family life, both wife and husband enjoy the money raised, which should be regarded as the joint debt of husband and wife. Otherwise, it should be regarded as the personal debt of the party participating in illegal fund-raising.
  • What are the procedures for exercising the right of uneasy defense?
    The other party shall be notified in a timely manner. When the other party provides an appropriate guarantee, it shall resume performance. After the suspension of performance, if the other party fails to restore its ability to perform and provide appropriate security within a reasonable period of time, the party whose performance is suspended may terminate the contract.
  • What are the three defenses? What is the specific role?
    The right of defense in a bilateral contract includes the right of defense of simultaneous performance, the right of defense of prior performance and the right of defense of uneasiness. The three major defences are the defences that the parties to the bilateral contract can exercise, which can better protect their legitimate rights and interests when legal facts occur. If the three major defences need to be applied, they must be applied in the bilateral contract, which is also to promote the transaction between both parties and safeguard the interests of all parties.
  • What are the examples of the three defences
    There are three kinds of defense rights of performance, specifically: defense rights of simultaneous performance, defense rights of prior performance, and defense rights of insecurity.
  • What is the right of defense stipulated in the Contract Law?
    1. At the same time, perform the right of defense. If the parties owe each other due debts and there is no order of performance, they shall perform at the same time. 2. First perform the right of defense. The parties owe each other debts, and there is a sequence of performance. If the party performing first shows performance, the party performing later has the right to refuse its request for performance. 3. Right to plead unease. The exercise of the right of uneasy defense can be divided into two stages: the first stage is the suspension of performance.

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Professional image four
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    The lawyer's service attitude is very good, worth recommending
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