Lawyer Wang Fang

Lawyer Wang Fang

  • five
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  • four point one 10000 yuan+
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  • 999+
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  • two Within minutes
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  • 142012023****1015 Practicing certification
  • Hubei Zun Er Guang Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Criminal defense, marriage and family, labor disputes
  • Wuhan, Hubei

Introduction to Lawyer Wang Fang

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Lawyer Wang Fang, female, 38 years old, joined Zun Erguang Law Firm after graduating from a British master's degree in 2015, focusing on four major areas: marriage and family affairs, divorce, property custody disputes, property demolition, family inheritance disputes, corporate law partnership investment equity disputes, and criminal defense. In the four major fields, the number of cases involved in or solved in each field is up to 500+. He has rich practical experience, understands the case situation of each party, and helps each party to specify legal service solutions to solve problems. Lawyer Wang Fang's practice philosophy is "refuse to follow the legal process mechanically and solve the problems of the parties practically"! From the perspective of the party concerned, fully consider legal, psychological, family and other comprehensive factors to help the party to solve various problems. He has accumulated rich practical experience in marriage, family affairs, divorce, property custody disputes, house demolition, family inheritance disputes, company law partnership investment equity disputes, or criminal defense, has keen legal insight, broad and flexible thinking, quick thinking, rigorous work, competent, always finds a breakthrough in difficult cases, and has a unique case handling style and wisdom, He is good at using case handling skills skillfully, has strong coordination and communication ability, and has high case handling efficiency, forming his own distinctive practice style. Lawyer Wang Fang works conscientiously and responsibly, does not float in the idea of form, does the utmost to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the client, and has a good reputation and credibility. [Classic case] ● Disputes over property custody rights in marriage and family affairs and divorce Case 1: Two children, one for each divorce? Wang Lv helped the twin mother win custody of two children Case 2: marital infidelity transferred assets, and Wang Lv successfully helped the female party divorce and obtain compensation for mental loss Case 3: Chinese couple, divorce bigamy? Wang Lv helped the female party win huge compensation ● Family inheritance disputes caused by house demolition Case 1: Father has made a notarial will and an oral will. Who has the right to inherit the compensation rights for house demolition? Case 2: In the fight for property rights, Wang Lv helped the defendant to keep the compensation for housing demolition and rejected the plaintiff's claim Case 3: stepparents and stepchildren, inheritance dispute case, Wang Lv helped stepchildren successfully obtain the right to inherit houses ● Equity dispute of partnership investment in company law Case 1: The defendant's opinion in the first instance did not support the company's equity transfer dispute, and Wang Lv successfully defended the defendant's transfer behavior in the second instance Case 2: Disclosure obligation of equity transfer and concealment of debt, Wang Lv helped the parties successfully cancel the equity transfer agreement and returned the equity transfer payment of 4 million yuan Case 3: dormant shareholders? In the case of disputes over the holding of shares on behalf of the plaintiff, Wang Lv helped the plaintiff to identify its shareholder qualification and owned the shares under the defendant's name to the plaintiff. Case 4: The contract dispute secretly transferred property, and the first trial decided to refuse to execute. Wang Lv helped the plaintiff to recover the payment for goods, and sentenced the defendant to 8 months' imprisonment ● Criminal defense Case 1: A traffic accident involving over standard electric vehicles, suspected of causing a traffic accident? Wang Lv Finds Relevant Evidence to Help Defendant Not Convicted Case 2: Traffic accident, tire falling off and causing death, Wang Lv helped the defendant to be innocent subjectively without negligence Case 3: Illegal operation? In the first instance, he was sentenced to one year's imprisonment. In the retrial, Wang Lv successfully changed the innocent verdict of the party

Lawyer Wang Fang
Hubei Zun Er Guang Law Firm
criminal defense marriage and family Labor disputes
 Lawyer Wang Fang
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Collected Works of Lawyers Wang Fang

Professional law popularization
  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.2w people
    What to do if an unfixed term labor contract is dismissed/not renewed
    Latest revision: 2024-09-05

    1、 The dismissal (I) requires continued performance of the contract: if the dismissal is not due to the employee's own gross negligence or physical condition, but the enterprise unilaterally terminates the labor contract, the employee can ask the enterprise to restore the original job and position. (2) Negotiate compensation: If the enterprise insists on dismissal, workers can negotiate compensation with the enterprise. according to

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 6.9k people
    How to safeguard the rights of female employees who are dismissed without reason during pregnancy
    Latest revision: 2024-09-03

    According to the provisions of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China on the protection of the rights and interests of female employees, the employer shall not terminate the labor contract at will during the pregnancy, maternity and lactation period of female employees. If an employer terminates a labor contract in violation of the law, it shall pay compensation to the worker at twice the economic compensation standard. If a female employee is dismissed without reason during pregnancy, she can take the following steps to protect herself

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.6w people
    What is the process of foreign-related divorce
    Latest revision: 2024-09-02

    The specific process of foreign-related divorce varies with the divorce method (divorce by agreement or divorce by litigation) and the specific situation of both parties. The specific procedures of the two divorce methods are introduced as follows: 1. foreign-related divorce agreement process (1) application: both parties must jointly go to the marriage registration authority (usually the Civil Affairs Bureau) in the place where the permanent residence of the mainland residents is located to handle divorce registration. Even if the law of entrustment

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.6w people
    Is it a hit and run if you drive into the isolation belt and leave without knowing it
    Latest revision: 2024-09-01

    In the process of driving, if the person accidentally bumps into the isolation belt and leaves the scene without knowing it, whether it constitutes hit and run needs to be determined according to the specific situation. Hit and run refers to the behavior that the party intentionally leaves the scene of the accident in order to avoid legal liability after a traffic accident. This definition contains two key elements: ① traffic accidents have occurred; ②

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 6.3w people
    Can we get back the money we spent on each other after breaking up?
    Latest revision: 2024-08-30

    After the breakup, whether the money spent on the other party can be recovered depends on the specific nature of the money, the amount and the specific agreement between the two parties. The following are some analysis and suggestions: 1. Donative money (1) Small gifts: During love, small gifts or funds, such as holiday red envelopes and daily consumption, are considered as general gifts.

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.3w people
    What should I do if I find the other party's hidden property after divorce?
    Latest revision: 2024-08-29

    According to Article 1092 of the Civil Code, if one of the spouses conceals, transfers, sells, destroys or squanders the joint property of the husband and wife, or forges the joint debt of the husband and wife in an attempt to occupy the property of the other party, when the joint property of the husband and wife is divided through divorce, the party may be given less or no share. After divorce, if the other party finds that it has committed any of the above acts, it may file a lawsuit with the people's court to request another division

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.5w people
    What are the ways of divorce property division?
    Latest revision: 2024-08-27

    When the house property is distributed after divorce, it needs to be strictly identified. If it belongs to personal property before marriage, it will not participate in the distribution; If it is purchased jointly by both parties, it will be distributed according to a certain proportion. Usually, one party will get the house property and the other party will get economic compensation. The following division methods can be referred to: 1. Obtaining the property right certificate before marriage ① The house purchased by one of the spouses before marriage

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 10w+ people
    What are the evidences for prosecuting the mistress to repay the money
    Latest revision: 2024-08-26

    If you want to sue the waiter to pay back the money, the evidence you need to provide mainly includes the following aspects: First, ID card and other valid documents to prove your identity. You also need to provide the waiter's ID card number to ensure the litigation qualifications of both parties. 2、 Proof of the existence and nature of the debt Transfer record or bank statement: you need to provide the statement of the transfer from your spouse to the junior, including

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.3w people
    Relevant provisions of guarantee contract
    Latest revision: 2023-02-08

    1、 The definition of a suretyship contract A suretyship contract is a contract whereby the surety and the creditor agree that when the debtor fails to perform its due debts or the circumstances agreed upon by the parties occur, the surety shall perform its debts or assume its liabilities in order to guarantee the realization of the creditor's rights. 2、 Conclusion of the suretyship contract 1. The subject of the surety can guarantee in the suretyship contract. The subject of the witness is a general subject, including a natural person

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wang Fang
    Helped 1.6w people
    Order and distribution ratio of statutory succession
    Latest revision: 2023-02-07

    1、 Definition of statutory succession Statutory succession refers to a form of inheritance in which the law directly stipulates the scope of the successor, the order of succession, and the principle of inheritance distribution when the decedent has not made a will to deal with his estate. Article 1126 of the Civil Code stipulates that men and women are equal in the right to inheritance. 2、 The scope and order of statutory succession have the right of statutory succession

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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
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have a large stock of information thirteen
Experienced twelve
Very quick reply eleven
Treat people sincerely seven
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Worthy of recommendation five
High quality service five
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    Hubei Shiyan
    Thank lawyer Li for his warm, detailed and professional reply. I will contact you if necessary.
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