Lawyer Wang Yanzhao

Lawyer Wang Yanzhao

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  • seven
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  • 111012018****2567 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Anqing Jiaxiang Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Contractual affairs, creditor's rights and debts, marriage and family
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

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He is good at handling contract disputes, creditor's rights and debts, private lending, marriage and family affairs and other cases.

Lawyer Wang Yanzhao
Beijing Anqing Jiaxiang Law Firm
Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts marriage and family
 Lawyer Wang Yanzhao
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  • What are the criteria for determining the joint property of husband and wife
    The common property of husband and wife can be divided into the agreed common property and the statutory common property, which means that this piece of property is not completely stipulated in the law. The provisions on the legal common property can be used as the standard for determining the common property between husband and wife, including wages and bonuses; Income from production and operation; Income from intellectual property; Inherited or donated property, except for the property expressly owned by the husband or wife in the bequest or gift contract and other property that should be jointly owned.
  • How to apply for an ID card if you lose your driver's license in other places?
    If you lose your driver's license in other places, you can apply for a replacement ID card. You need to provide some information that can prove your identity, including the account book. And according to our national laws, it can also be stipulated that a driver's license can be reissued in another place.
  • How to replace a lost bank card and ID card?
    To replace a lost bank card or ID card, you need to call the bank to report the loss orally, and then freeze the card number. To do this, you need to go to the police station near your unit or residence to explain the situation, and then apply for a temporary identity certificate. Then I went to the bank for processing.
  • How can I replace a lost bank card with a non local ID card?
    If the bank card of the non local ID card is lost, the public security organ and the banking institution should first report the loss, and submit the individual's account book, residence certificate, and other supporting materials to reissue the ID card. The public security organ should reissue the card after review, and then reissue the bank card at the bank later.
  • How to replace an ID card lost in another place
    If a non local ID card is lost, it is not necessary to go to the place where your household registration is located to make up the lost one. You can directly report the loss and make up the lost one at your permanent residence. You should take your hukou book. If you don't have a hukou book, you should take your driver's license, passport or residence permit. If the conditions are met, the police station will arrange electronic collection of fingerprints and card photos.
  • How to replace the lost driver's license and ID card?
    If you lose your driver's license and ID card, you need to apply for a new ID card before you apply for a driver's license; The temporary ID card can be used to apply for a driving license, and the local police station that needs to obtain a residence permit and a residence booklet when applying for a driving license can apply for a replacement; So we can get the ID card and apply for a new driver's license at the vehicle management office of our residence.
  • Can I still perform outside prison if I have been pregnant during the period of execution outside prison
    During the period of execution outside prison, a pregnant woman or a breast-feeding woman can also apply for execution outside prison. However, if there is a new crime during the period of execution outside prison, the public security organ will immediately cancel the execution outside prison, and then put him back into prison, so the offender of execution outside prison should not commit another crime.
  • How to write the agreement on giving up custody of children?
    The agreement on giving up the custody of a child should clearly write the basic information of the guardian and the reason for giving up custody. And our country needs to have specific circumstances about giving up the custody of children, such as losing the ability of guardianship.
  • What about divorce after parents die and children inherit property?
    Divorce after parents' death and children's inheritance of property can be divided as common property. If it is inherited by will, and the decedent clearly indicates that his or her estate is only donated to one of them, then it cannot be divided as the joint property of husband and wife.
  • How to write the certificate of custody relationship change of the foster?
    The change certificate of guardianship relationship of the caregiver needs to prove the situation of a person's birth mother, or some specific conditions of the original legal guardian, so why do you need to change the legal guardian now. At this time, it is necessary to clearly write some basic information of the dependant, so that it is a complete certificate.

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