Lawyer Wu Zhong

Lawyer Wu Zhong

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  • two Within minutes
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  • 111012019****7927 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm | Partner
  • Labor disputes, marriage and family, criminal defense
  • Dongcheng District, Beijing

Profile of Wu Zhong Lawyer

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Lawyer Wu Zhong, a member of the All China Lawyers Association and the Beijing Lawyers Association, has rich litigation experience. Focusing on the field of marriage inheritance, labor, medical beauty and corporate legal counsel, he has handled a large number of different types of cases in practice, and has rich experience in handling cases.

Lawyer Wu Zhong
Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm
Labor disputes marriage and family criminal defense
 Lawyer Wu Zhong
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Case of Wu Zhong

  • Labor injury Appellee
    Wu Zhong's value: reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment.
  • Labor injury Appellee
    Wu Zhong's value: reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment.
  • Damages Appellee
    Wu Zhong's value: reject the appeal and uphold the original judgment.
  • Labor injury appellant
    The value of lawyer Wu Zhong: acting as the appellant, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law, and the case was changed
  • Property disputes Appellee
    The value of Wu Zhong's lawyer: acting as an agent for the respondent and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the parties according to law. The case finally rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment
  • Creditor's rights and debts appellant
    The value of lawyer Wu Zhong: acting as the appellant, the appeal was supported by the court, and the case was revised

Wu Zhong Lawyer Collection

Professional law popularization
  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.1w people
    If the parties fail to appear in court after applying for arbitration, the arbitration shall be handled as withdrawal of the application, and how to handle litigation?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-19

    In the process of handling labor disputes, arbitration, as a pre procedure, is of great importance. However, in practice, the parties often refuse to appear in court without proper reasons or withdraw halfway without the consent of the arbitration tribunal after applying for arbitration. Faced with this situation, the labor dispute arbitration institution will regard this kind of behavior as withdrawing the arbitration application according to relevant laws and regulations, and make a decision accordingly

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.5w people
    How to deal with the case that the party applies to the labor arbitration institution for arbitration and then withdraws the application to the court?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-14

    In the process of labor dispute settlement, the parties often choose to conduct preliminary settlement through arbitration institutions, but in some cases, they may choose to withdraw the arbitration application and turn to the court for litigation. Faced with this situation, the law has clear provisions and handling procedures to ensure the fairness and efficiency of dispute resolution. 1、 The issue of connection and acceptance of arbitration and litigation is based on the "China

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.1w people
    How to understand the beginning of the period referred to in Articles 48 and 49 of the Mediation and Arbitration Law?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-13

    In the process of handling labor disputes, the Mediation and Arbitration Law, as an important legal basis, plays a vital role in protecting the rights and interests of workers and employers. Among them, the provisions on the beginning of the period in Articles 48 and 49 are directly related to the time node and procedural efficiency of the parties' exercise of their rights. 1、 Article 48 The beginning of the period Article 4 of the Mediation and Arbitration Law

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 2w people
    Can the people's court consult the case file with the labor dispute arbitration institution?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-12

    In the process of labor dispute settlement, labor arbitration and court litigation are two important links. When a labor dispute passes through the labor arbitration procedure and the parties concerned are not satisfied with the arbitration award, they may bring a lawsuit to the people's court. In this process, it is worth discussing whether the people's court has the right to consult the case files with the labor dispute arbitration institution. 1、 Legal basis for investigation and marking

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.2w people
    Is the dispute between the labor dispatch unit and the employing company due to the dispatch agreement a labor dispute?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-11

    With the increasingly complex labor relations, labor dispatch, as a flexible way of employment, is widely used in all walks of life. However, the labor dispatch relationship involves workers, labor dispatch units and employers, and the legal relationship between them is complex. In particular, the nature of disputes between labor dispatch units and employers based on the Labor Dispatch Agreement

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.7w people
    How to determine the standard for applying the final adjudication of labor dispute cases?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-10

    In labor relations, the settlement of labor disputes is of great significance for safeguarding the rights and interests of workers and promoting the harmonious and stable development of enterprises. In order to deal with labor disputes efficiently and impartially, China's Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law has introduced the system of "one final award", that is, under specific circumstances, once a labor arbitration award is made, it will have final effect and no longer need to be resolved through litigation procedures. however

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.6w people
    Are disputes between employees and the company over the payment of housing provident fund and the handling of retirement procedures within the scope of labor dispute cases?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-09

    In the labor legal relationship, there are various disputes between employees and the company, among which the payment of housing provident fund and the handling of retirement procedures are two common problems. However, there are some discussions and clear definitions in the legal circle and practical operation on whether these two types of disputes belong to the scope of accepting labor dispute cases. 1、 Disputes over the payment of housing provident fund

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.7w people
    Are disputes between employees and the company over the payment of housing provident fund and the handling of retirement procedures within the scope of labor dispute cases?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-09

    In the labor legal relationship, there are various disputes between employees and the company, among which the payment of housing provident fund and the handling of retirement procedures are two common problems. However, there are some discussions and clear definitions in the legal circle and practical operation on whether these two types of disputes belong to the scope of accepting labor dispute cases. 1、 Disputes over the payment of housing provident fund

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 1.9w people
    Is it a labor dispute case that the laborer requests to transfer the household registration, return the household registration page, and terminate the household registration keeping contract between the employer and the talent center?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-06

    When analyzing whether the dispute over the laborer's request to transfer the registered permanent residence, return the registered permanent residence page, and terminate the registered permanent residence custody contract between the employer and the talent center is a labor dispute case, we first need to clarify the definition of the labor dispute case and its acceptance scope. Labor dispute cases mainly refer to disputes between employers and workers on labor remuneration, labor rights, labor security and other aspects.

  • Attorneys' Essays · Popularizing the Knowledge of the Chief Justice
    Lawyer Wu Zhong
    Helped 5k people
    The company lost my file, can you claim compensation?
    Latest revision: 2024-09-05

    Employee files are documents that record important information such as personal work experience, educational background, professional title evaluation, etc., which are of great significance to the career development of employees. If the company accidentally loses employee files, do employees have the right to claim compensation? 1、 Importance of employee files Employee files are not only related to seniority calculation, professional title review, social insurance, etc., but also may affect employees

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  • Can the place of supervision be changed after obtaining a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: When certain conditions (such as work and life needs) are met and the new location has the necessary supervision facilities, the execution location of the guarantor pending trial can be adjusted. The change shall be based on justified reasons and subject to strict approval procedures, aiming to ensure that the supervision is secure and the insured can be effectively monitored and managed.
  • What are the procedures for executing bail pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: when the public security, procuratorial and judicial organs decide to bail, they require the suspect/defendant to provide guarantee or security deposit. The executive organ shall clearly define the provisions and obligations to the bail, and the bail must comply with the regulations. If the bail is not allowed to leave the designated area without permission, the change information must be reported within 24 hours. The executive organ shall closely supervise their compliance.
  • Can I get a guarantor pending trial for criminal detention for theft
    Lawyer's analysis: The criminal detention for theft can apply for bail pending trial if certain conditions are met. The conditions usually include that the case is minor, the expected penalty is not heavy and there is no major harm to society. However, whether it is approved or not requires a comprehensive consideration of various factors and will be decided by the regulatory authority. The approval of the bail pending trial is based on the details of the case and legal evaluation.
  • How to handle bail pending trial before criminal detention
    Lawyer's analysis: before obtaining a guarantor pending trial, it is necessary to confirm whether the criminal suspect meets the conditions, such as possible to be sentenced to control, detention, independent supplementary punishment, or more than fixed-term imprisonment, but obtaining a guarantor will not cause social harm. If the conditions are met, an application may be submitted to the public security, accompanied by a guarantor pending trial certificate, supporting documents, and a guarantor or security deposit. The public security will make a decision within the specified time limit.
  • Drunken driving, guaranteed and awaiting trial 156
    Lawyer's analysis: Drunken drivers often face detention and fine penalties when their blood alcohol concentration reaches 156mg/100ml. The sentence is determined by the circumstances such as giving up voluntarily and performing meritorious service. If there is no additional aggravation, the term of detention may be one to three months. It should be made clear that obtaining a guarantor pending trial is only a legal procedure measure, not a prediction of the judgment result.
  • Do you need any steps to obtain a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: criminal suspects, defendants and their legal representatives, close relatives and defenders can apply for bail pending trial, which will be strictly reviewed by the judicial authorities. After approval, guarantee or security deposit shall be provided. During the period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial, the person to whom the application is made shall abide by the law and shall not leave his place of residence without approval in order to cooperate with the judicial process.
  • How to return the money after being released on bail
    Lawyer's analysis: If you are put in prison after obtaining a guarantor pending trial, you can claim to return the deposit according to law if there is no violation. The criminal suspect, the defendant or their legal representatives, close relatives and lawyers are required to submit a written application to the public security organ for the bail decision. The public security organ will notify the financial institution in writing to return the deposit in full without interest after the examination and verification.
  • Is the person on bail still in custody
    Lawyer's analysis: Those who successfully apply for bail are usually free from detention. This measure allows the suspect or defendant involved in the crime to be temporarily free after providing qualified guarantee or paying security deposit to avoid being detained until trial. However, it is required to strictly abide by supervision, and shall not leave the country without approval until the case is finally heard.
  • How long can the case be ended after the release of bail pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: after the release of bail pending trial, there is no fixed time limit for case termination, which is affected by multiple factors such as case complexity, evidence integrity and judicial efficiency. If the facts are clear and the evidence is sufficient, the case may be settled quickly; On the contrary, if the case is complicated or needs in-depth investigation and additional evidence, the time may be prolonged.
  • Is it detained after obtaining a guarantor pending trial
    Lawyer's analysis: During the period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial, there is usually no need to detain again, but if there are violations of regulations, such as unauthorized departure without approval, interference with witnesses, etc., they may be detained again. In addition, if new criminal evidence or facts are found during the period, there is also a risk of re detention for review. Therefore, during the period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial, the relevant provisions should be strictly observed to avoid being in prison again in violation of the law.
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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
Response speed 5.0 Professional ability 5.0 Satisfaction 5.0
High quality service twenty-eight
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Worthy of recommendation nineteen
Very quick reply nineteen
be ready to help others seventeen
Treat people sincerely sixteen
have a large stock of information thirteen
Professional image thirteen
  • ask****936
    Fujian Quanzhou
    It is worth recommending, simple and rude,
    Before January
  • ask****183
    Beijing Dongcheng District
    It is clear and reasonable. Professionals are good, excellent 😊
    Before January
  • ask****360
    Guangdong Guangzhou
    Solved the problem of personal headache
    Before January
  • ask****552
    Beijing Xicheng District
    The communication was smooth, and my doubts were answered in detail
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