Lawyer Liu Tang

  • Guangdong Guohui (Beijing) Law Firm
  • Labor injury, contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

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Lawyer Liu Tang graduated from Peking University Law School with a bachelor's degree in law. Over the past ten years, he has handled a large number of contract disputes, civil tort and criminal cases, and accumulated rich experience in handling cases. It has strict logic and stable style. In the process of handling cases, it can fully consider the interests of the parties, customize dispute solutions for the parties, and strive for the legitimate interests of the parties to the maximum extent. His rigorous work style and professional legal level have won the full recognition of the parties and served as legal counsel for many enterprises. Specializing in: contract disputes, civil tort disputes, criminal defense, labor disputes, contract disputes, creditor's rights and debts, intellectual property, and case enforcement. Honest and open-minded, with strong communication, coordination and negotiation skills. In the course of many years of practice, he has formed a unique handling style, and is good at comprehensively analyzing various complicated difficult cases. He can predict and grasp the cases from a macro perspective, and propose specific targeted countermeasures and strategies from a micro perspective, which can better safeguard the maximization of the legitimate interests of the parties. Lawyer Liu Tang has always adhered to the purpose of "going with the law, win-win with you" of Guohui Law Firm, and always pursued the practice philosophy of "professional, diligent, efficient, and conscientious", and regarded the maximum protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties as his goal. Classic case handling: The outsider Zhang executed the objection Lu applied to Li to implement the settlement case Chen Mou v. Zeng Mou Private Loan Dispute Case A company sued Chen for a dispute over a sales contract A company in Beijing applied for an objection to the court's execution Yang applied to add a decoration company legal person as the person to be executed A product processing company in Beijing and a compensation case of industrial injury accident of Chen Zhao sued a chain supermarket in Beijing for payment of wage arrears and economic compensation
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