Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying

Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying

  • five
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  • two thousand six hundred and eighteen
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  • nine
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
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  • 111012015****4185 Practicing certification
  • Beijing Zhongjin Law Firm | Lead Lawyer
  • Criminal defense, contract affairs, property disputes
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing

Profile of Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying

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It is mainly engaged in legal services for civil and commercial dispute litigation and arbitration, and is committed to providing professional civil and commercial legal services for each party with legal needs. All lawyers in the team have been active in the front line of civil and commercial litigation, and have accumulated rich litigation experience. He is good at skillfully using the comprehensive means of negotiation, mediation and litigation to seek the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. The team is particularly good at legal services in marriage and family affairs, commercial contracts, enterprise economic disputes and other business fields. [Practice philosophy]: efficient and honest, and spare no effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the client

Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying
Beijing Zhongjin Law Firm
criminal defense Contract affairs Property disputes
 Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying
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Collected Works of Lawyers Zhang Xiaoying

Professional law popularization
  • Other Collected Works · Interpretation of Legal Hotspots
    Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying
    Helped 6.1w people
    Can the people's court support the lessee's claim for rent reduction or exemption when the "epidemic" broke out?
    Latest revision: 2020-02-07

    1. Shanghai Paipu Entertainment Co., Ltd. and Shanghai New Huangpu (Group) Co., Ltd. Housing Lease Contract Dispute Case Second Instance Civil Judgment Case Information First Instance Court: Shanghai Huangpu District People's Court (2003) Huang Minyi (Min) Chu Zi No. 2878 Civil Judgment Second Instance Court: Shanghai Second Intermediate People's Court (2004)

  • Other Collected Works · Interpretation of Legal Hotspots
    Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying
    Helped 10w+ people
    [Supreme law ruling] Your home base may be recovered for free -- the subject and procedure of recovering the right to use the home site
    Latest revision: September 19, 2019

    [Supreme law ruling] Your house base may be recovered for free -- the subject and procedure of recovering the right to use house site I, the judgment idea is as the house site of construction land. After the obligee has obtained the right to use collective land, it does not use the land according to the approved land use, which causes the house site to be idle for more than two years, which is discussed by the villagers' meeting and approved by more than half, Reported to people at county level

  • Legal knowledge · professional answers
    Lawyer Zhang Xiaoying
    Helped 3.8w people
    Some Specific Opinions on the People's Court's Handling of Child Support in the Trial of Divorce Cases
    Latest revision: April 29, 2019

    [Time of promulgation] 1993-11-3 [Title] Some specific opinions on the people's courts' handling of child rearing in divorce cases [Issue No.] [Time of expiry] [Issuing unit] The Supreme People's Court [Source of regulations] [Full text of regulations] Some issues on the people's courts' handling of child rearing in divorce cases

Diversified legal popularization content, easy to understand

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  • How long can the contract be terminated after breach of contract? Is there any legal basis
    Lawyer's analysis: The termination of the contract after breach of contract is not conditional on the time of breach of contract. If the breach of contract has led to the impossibility of realizing the purpose of the contract or the breach of contract meets the conditions for termination as agreed in the contract, the parties to the contract may terminate the contract. Article 562 of the Civil Code stipulates that the parties may terminate the contract if they reach consensus through consultation. The parties may agree on the reasons why one party terminates the contract. When the cause for terminating the contract occurs, the person with the right to terminate the contract may terminate the contract.
  • How to write a gift contract
    Lawyer's analysis: The gift contract should specify: 1. Party A (the donor, indicating the name, address and ID card number) and Party B (the recipient, indicating the name, address and ID card number); 2. Explain the reason; 3. Effective date: 4. Contract text; 5. Signature: signed and sealed by both parties, indicating the signing date of the contract.
  • How to deal with credit card with penalty
    Lawyer's analysis: some people do not understand the concept of liquidated damages for overdue payment and interest on arrears clearly, and do not notice the difference between the two, which leads to their claims often being rejected by the court in practice. Liquidated damages for overdue payment and interest on arrears are two different concepts. The two are not the same thing. The so-called "liquidated damages", as the name implies, refers to a certain amount that one party to the contract should pay to the other party in violation of the contract. The premise of its existence is that the contract has an agreement on it. The liquidated damages for overdue payment is the liquidated damages that should be paid to the other party when one party fails to perform its payment obligations on time.
  • How to protect rights when Party B breaches the contract signed in 2024
    Lawyer's analysis: if the other party breaches the contract after the contract is signed, the observant party can require the breaching party to bear the liability for breach of contract according to the contract or legal provisions. If the parties have agreed on liquidated damages, they can require the other party to pay liquidated damages. If there is no agreement, they can require the other party to compensate for your losses. The amount of damages should be equal to the losses caused by the breach of contract, including the benefits that can be obtained after the performance of the contract, but should not exceed the possible losses caused by the breach of contract that the breaching party foresaw or should have foreseen when concluding the contract.
  • How to deal with breach of copyright licensing contract and what is the legal basis
    Lawyer's analysis: If a copyright license contract is breached, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract, such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses. Where a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or performs its contractual obligations in a manner inconsistent with the contract, thereby causing losses to the other party, the amount of compensation for losses shall be equal to the losses caused by the breach of contract, including the benefits that can be obtained after the performance of the contract; However, it shall not exceed the possible losses caused by the breach of contract that the breaching party foresaw or should have foreseen when concluding the contract.
  • Is there any legal basis for the process and consequences of contract conclusion
    Lawyer's analysis: the process of contract conclusion: 1. There must be two or more parties; 2. There must be interaction between the parties to express their intention; 3. The declaration of intention shall be made for the purpose of contracting between specific parties. Consequences of contract conclusion: the contract is formed when the parties reach an agreement. A contract cannot be formed if no agreement can be reached. Article 480 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China stipulates that commitments shall be made by notification; However, the exception is that an acceptance may be made by conduct according to the trade practices or the offer.
  • How to deal with deduction of penalty for credit card
    Lawyer's analysis: some people do not understand the concept of liquidated damages for late payment and interest on arrears clearly, and do not notice the difference between the two, which leads to their claims often being rejected by the court in practice. Liquidated damages for overdue payment and interest on arrears are two different concepts. The two are not the same thing. The so-called "liquidated damages", as the name implies, refers to a certain amount that one party to the contract should pay to the other party in violation of the contract. The premise of its existence is that the contract has an agreement on it. The liquidated damages for overdue payment is the liquidated damages that should be paid to the other party when one party fails to perform its payment obligations on time.
  • How to determine the liability for breach of lease contract and what is the legal basis
    Lawyer's analysis: the way to determine the liability for breach of contract of the lease contract is to determine the relationship between the rights and obligations of both parties according to the contents of the lease contract. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, breach of contract obligations is a breach of contract. A contract is an agreement between civil subjects to establish, change or terminate civil legal relations. A lawfully formed contract shall be protected by law. According to Article 577 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, if a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or performs its contractual obligations in a manner inconsistent with the agreement, it shall be liable for breach of contract by continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses.
  • Is oral agreement an agreement
    Lawyer's analysis: If both parties have the subject qualification to conclude a contract and the contract content is a true declaration of intention, an oral contract is legally effective. An oral contract is an informal contract, which refers to the form of a contract in which the parties express their intention in language rather than in words. If the law does not stipulate that written form must be used, oral form can be used as long as the parties negotiate.
  • What is the subject amount of the main contract and what is the legal basis
    Lawyer's analysis: the lawyer's answer to the subject matter of the main contract is the object that the rights and obligations of both parties of the contract jointly point to. It is a necessary condition for the formation of a contract and a necessary clause of all contracts. According to Article 470 of the Civil Code, the contents of a contract shall be agreed by the parties and generally include the following clauses: (1) the name and domicile of the parties; (2) Subject matter; (3) Quantity; (4) Quality; (5) Price or remuneration; (6) Time limit, place and method of performance; (7) Liability for breach of contract; (8) Methods of dispute resolution. The parties may enter into a contract by reference to model versions of various contracts.
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Higher than the whole country ninety-nine % 's lawyer
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Treat people sincerely sixty-six
Experienced sixty-five
have a large stock of information sixty-two
Professional image fifty-five
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