Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong

Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong

  • five
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  • one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven
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  • eight
    Years of practice
  • two Within minutes
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  • 151092016****3976 Practicing certification
  • Sichuan Yingzheng Hongshen Law Firm | Senior Partner
  • Construction project disputes, contract affairs, creditor's rights and debts, criminal defense, traffic accidents
  • Suining, Sichuan

Profile of Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong

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Zheng Xiaolong, member of the Communist Party of China, deputy chief lawyer and senior partner of Sichuan Yingzheng Hongshen Law Firm. Areas of expertise: construction engineering and real estate, corporate legal counsel, creditor's rights and debt disputes, contract disputes. Practice philosophy: to highlight the professional value with ultimate service. Social position: 1. Member of the Management and Development Committee of Law Offices of Sichuan Lawyers Association 2. Member of Construction Engineering and Real Estate Special Committee of Sichuan Lawyers Association 3. Member of the Company Law Committee of Suining Lawyers Association, Sichuan Province 4. Member of Suining New Social Stratum Fellowship 5. Member of Shehong New Social Stratum Fellowship Honors: 1. In June 2020, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Communist Party Member" by the Suining Lawyer Industry Committee of the Communist Party of China. 2. In February 2022, he was awarded the "Excellent Lawyer" of 2021 by Suining Municipal Bureau of Justice and Suining Lawyers Association. 3. In July 2022, he was awarded as the Outstanding Communist Party Member of 2002 by the member of the Suining Lawyer Industry of the Communist Party of China 4. In July 2023, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Party Worker" by the Sichuan Lawyer Industry Committee of the Communist Party of China 5. In August 2023, he was invited to participate in the "Spark Start a prairie fire Program" Youth Lawyer Leading Talent Training Camp (Phase VII) held by the Jiangsu Lawyers Association and successfully completed the course

Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong
Sichuan Yingzheng Hongshen Law Firm
Construction project disputes Contract affairs Creditor's rights and debts
 Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong
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  • Is the guarantee fee legal
    Lawyer's analysis: generally, the guarantee fee is legal, but the specific one needs to be determined according to the agreement of both parties in the loan contract. As long as it does not exceed the terms stipulated by the law, it can generally protect the interests of creditors. When the debtor and creditor write the loan contract, they need to clearly indicate the borrower, the time of borrowing, the amount of borrowing, as well as the time of borrowing, the time of repayment, and the interest payable at the time of repayment. If there is a breach of contract, a penalty should also be paid. As long as it is clearly indicated, disputes between both parties can be avoided.
  • How to cancel a guarantee contract
    Lawyer's interpretation: 1. Agreement termination: the parties to the guarantee contract can reach an agreement and sign an agreement to terminate the guarantee contract. After registration, the guarantee contract is terminated. 2. Termination due to force majeure: When the purpose of the guarantee contract cannot be achieved due to force majeure and other reasons, the guarantor can request to terminate the guarantee contract. 3. Cancellation due to the invalidity or cancellation of the main contract: if the main contract is invalid or cancelled, the guarantee contract is correspondingly invalid. Except as otherwise provided by law.
  • Notes on settlement of arrears
    Lawyer's analysis: 1. Prepare relevant evidence: before resolving the debt dispute, you need to prepare relevant evidence, such as written documents, emails, SMS records, contracts, etc., to prove your rights and obligations and increase the chances of success. 2. Understand relevant laws and regulations: you need to understand relevant laws and regulations, such as the Civil Procedure Law, before resolving debt disputes to ensure that your behavior is legal. 3. Rational negotiation: In the process of negotiation, you need to consider your repayment ability rationally to avoid making commitments that cannot be fulfilled because of impulse.
  • How to define usury
    Lawyer's analysis: usury is usually defined based on the interest rate level of the loan. In law, usury refers to the loan behavior where the loan interest rate is far higher than the normal level of the market. Different countries and regions may have different criteria for the definition of usury, but they generally set a ceiling of interest rates, and loan interest rates beyond this ceiling are considered as usury.
  • What is joint liability
    Lawyer's analysis: Joint and several liability refers to the legal system that when the debtor is unable to repay the debt or cannot fully repay the debt, other responsible persons bear the responsibility for repayment. In joint and several liability, the creditor can require any joint and several person to bear all or part of the debt, and the liability between the joint and several persons is mutual, that is, each joint and several person has the obligation to repay all the debt, and at the same time, it can also recover its share from other joint and several persons.
  • What is a payment order
    Lawyer's analysis: The payment order is a legal document in China's civil litigation. It is an order issued by the creditor to urge the debtor to perform the debt after the application is submitted to the court and reviewed by the court. The payment order is mainly used to collect money debts and securities debts, which is characterized by simple procedures and high efficiency. The payment order is a fast and effective way of debt collection, but its scope of application and conditions are limited. It is mainly applicable to monetary debt and securities debt, and the relationship between creditor's rights and debt should be clear and uncontroversial.
  • Will Overdue Online Loans Affect Children's Going to College
    Lawyer's analysis: If the party's online loan is overdue, it will not affect the child's college education, because the online loan is the borrower's personal debt, which should be borne by him/her, and his/her children do not need to replace the repayment, and will not be affected. However, if the borrower is able to refuse to repay, is sued to the court, or even eventually listed in the list of dishonest persons to be enforced, it will result in his children not being able to attend private schools with high fees.
  • What should I do if I have to delay paying the loan
    Lawyer's analysis: If the person who owes the money has been dragging his feet, the creditor can first negotiate with him amicably. If the negotiation fails, he can apply for mediation. If mediation fails, he can also file a lawsuit. If both parties have signed an arbitration agreement, he can also apply for arbitration. If the creditor decides to apply for arbitration, it needs to submit the arbitration agreement, arbitration application and copies to the Arbitration Commission.
  • What to do after signing a blank IOU
    Lawyer's analysis: if a party signs a blank IOU, it is generally considered that he authorizes others to fill in other contents on the IOU, that is, after others fill in other contents, the signed party needs to perform its obligations according to the contents. However, if the content filled in by others goes beyond the scope prescribed by law or violates public order and good customs, it will not be protected by law and the parties may refuse to perform.
  • What to do after receiving the letter from the loan lawyer
    Lawyer's analysis: since the loan received a lawyer's letter, the party should pay off the loan as soon as possible and fulfill its obligations. If it is unable to repay, it can take the initiative to contact the institution providing the loan for installment or postponement of repayment, otherwise the other party may file a lawsuit. If the party receives the lawyer's letter and ignores it, the other party has filed a civil action, and the party still fails to perform its obligations according to the effective legal judgment, the court will enforce it.
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  • What is the bidding process of property management
    1. Preparation stage 1: select the bidding method. Whether it is open bidding or invitation and negotiation. 2. Establish a bidding leading group. 3. Determine the bidding project, bidding guidelines and principles. 4. Prepare the bidding document. 2. Bidding stage. 3. At the bid opening stage, according to the time and place specified in the bid, under the joint participation and supervision of the notary of the legal notary office, the staff of the relevant bidding management department, and the representative of the bidder, the bid is opened publicly and registered.
  • What are the contents of judicial interpretation of project arrears hearing
    In project disputes, the most common problem is project arrears. The project arrears mainly damage the interests of migrant workers, and the society and the media are widely concerned about this issue. So, in law, what are the judicial interpretations on the trial of project arrears? Today, the law chart editor has sorted out the following rules for you.
  • What are the liabilities for breach of contract
    1. Responsibility of the Contractor 1. If the project quality does not conform to the provisions of the contract, it shall be responsible for free repair or rework. If the overdue delivery is caused by repair or rework, the overdue liquidated damages shall be paid. 2. Liability of the Employer 1. If the acceptance is beyond the date specified in the contract, the Employer shall pay liquidated damages for delay in accordance with the provisions of the liability for breach of contract.
  • What are the forms of bid bond
    The essence of bid bond is the bond. Natural cash is the most direct way, but when the amount is too large, cash may not be very convenient. Then the paper documents that can represent cash transfer in the public sense are also acceptable, such as cheques, bank drafts, and bank promissory notes.
  • What department should be referred to for project arrears
    1. The project payment in arrears is an ordinary civil dispute, which can only be settled in the people's court. If the defaulting party still fails to pay after the court wins the judgment, it shall apply to the court for compulsory execution. 2. The government departments can mediate the payment of project funds, but have no jurisdiction or enforcement power over the problem of arrears of project funds. However, if it is a government project, it can be paid or handled by the government that built the project
  • What is the interest calculation standard of project arrears
    1. Interest belongs to legal fruits. When the Employer owes the project payment, it shall not only bear the responsibility of continuing to pay the project payment to the creditor, but also pay the interest of the project payment in arrears. 2. As for the standard for recording and paying the interest on the arrears of project funds, the judicial interpretation takes into account the principle of respecting the autonomy and fairness of the parties, and stipulates that if the parties have agreed on the standard for calculating the interest, they shall deal with it in accordance with the agreement. In case of no agreement between the parties, the interest shall be calculated according to the interest rate of the same kind of loan for the same period issued by the People's Bank of China.
  • What are the precautions for signing the project contract
    About the Employer and the Contractor: 1. The Employer should mainly understand two aspects: ① the qualification of the main body, that is, whether the relevant construction procedures are complete. Example: Has the construction land been approved? Is it included in the investment plan? Is the planning and design approved? Whether the bidding has been conducted. ② The ability to perform the contract is the problem of funds. Whether the funds required for construction have been or may be implemented, etc
  • How to calculate the contract duration?
    It refers to the contracting days agreed by the Employer and the Contractor in the Agreement, calculated according to the total calendar days (including legal holidays), including the commencement date and completion date. The commencement date refers to the absolute or relative date when the Contractor starts construction as agreed by the Employer and the Contractor in the Agreement; The completion date refers to the absolute or relative date agreed by the Employer and the Contractor in the agreement for the Contractor to complete the project within the scope of the contract
  • What is the calculation method of claim for construction delay?
    1. Calculate the project claim cost based on the quota pricing according to the contract or the claim content agreed in the documents. 2. The engineering claim cost of the engineering project shall be calculated and priced according to the bill of quantities, and the price shall be based on the price of the blocking bid of the reference project. 3. For the project funds that are not paid as agreed, the Employer shall also pay the overdue project interest according to the same kind of interest of the bank in the same period in case of an accident that the Employer has to pay a certain amount of project funds.
  • What items must be entrusted for supervision?
    Construction projects with a total investment of more than 3 million yuan; Construction projects involving public safety such as bridges, underpasses, gas pipelines, boilers, pressure vessels and pressure pipelines with a total investment of less than 3 million yuan; Other construction projects that must be supervised according to state regulations.
  • What are the consequences of credit card overdraft
    Zheng Xiaolong, a lawyer, said that bad credit records were generated; Interest: 5/10000 per day; late fee; Malicious overdraft of credit card may also face criminal punishment; If it is blacklisted by the bank, it cannot have credit relationship with the bank within 5 years from the date of paying off the debt.
  • Can private loans be prosecuted
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said that private loans can be sued in the people's court. A lawsuit must meet the following conditions: the plaintiff is a citizen, legal person or other organization that has a direct interest in the case; There are definite defendants; There are specific claims, facts and reasons; It falls within the scope of civil litigation accepted by the people's court and under the jurisdiction of the people's court to which the lawsuit is filed.
  • What information is needed for civil loan dispute prosecution
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said: 1. Complaint. One copy shall be provided according to the number of defendants. The bill of complaint includes the basic information of the parties, the cause of action, the claims, the reasons for the facts and the signature of the prosecutor. 2. Identification certificate and entrustment procedures of the parties. 3. A copy of relevant evidentiary materials shall be provided according to the number of defendants.
  • How to write the debt dispute indictment
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said: the name, gender, age, nationality, occupation, unit, address, contact information and legal person of the plaintiff and defendant; The claim and the facts and reasons on which it is based; The general form of the claim is to request the court to order the defendant to return the amount owed; How much is the defendant ordered to pay interest; Order the defendant to bear the litigation costs of the case.
  • What are the consequences of the defendant's failure to appear in court
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said that if the defendant in the civil loan dispute does not appear in court after being legally summoned by the court, it does not affect the progress of the case. The court will try the case in absentia and make a judgment. In this process, the defendant's failure to appear in court is tantamount to giving up his right to defend and adduce evidence.
  • Is borrowing money for gambling fraud
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said: It may constitute a crime of fraud or a crime of gambling, which needs to be judged according to the specific circumstances. Because money is a kind of thing, its use is difficult to match one by one through transaction records and behavior. It does not constitute a crime of fraud, that is, borrowing money is really in the name of borrowing, and gambling is not the original purpose.
  • What to do if the defendant does not pay back the money after court mediation
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said: Generally, if the court has issued a mediation statement and still does not pay back the money at this time, you can apply for enforcement, or you can litigate in the court. If the mediation statement issued by the court has been signed by both parties, it will be protected by law at this time.
  • How long is the debtor's objection processing time
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said: If an outsider raises a written objection to the subject matter of execution during the execution process, the people's court should review it within 15 days from the date of receiving the written objection, and if the reason is tenable, rule to suspend the execution of the subject matter; If the reason is untenable, the ruling shall be rejected.
  • What are the characteristics of debt restructuring
    Lawyer Zheng Xiaolong said: The characteristics of debt restructuring are: 1. There are many companies with relatively poor financial operations and relatively concentrated industries. 2. Most of them involve related parties, even government intervention, and the non book restructuring gains and losses are huge. 3. Inadequate and non-standard information disclosure.
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